Humans will eat artificial meat, drink desalted water and live up to 120 years in the near future. Science fiction novelist Vladimir Streletsky made the list of the future achievements of mankind. The writer selected predictions of most renowned futurologists, prophets and scientists’ plans for his work. Streletsky’s future looks quite probable, although a bit frightening.
Humans to live for 120 years and communicate with aliens in… Continue
[Mark wrote this letter to a friend and has permitted it to be shared more
generally. Some personal passages have been deleted.]
As you may already know, I am part of a triad [i.e., Rama, Tara, and Mark]
that obtains and posts information from Faction 3 which includes the Ashtar
Command which is protecting and offering counsel to Obama.
The "King of Swords" has planetary responsibility for getting NESARA
announced, along with St… Continue
Added by Kihanyaking on February 20, 2009 at 12:28am —
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While we can not say exactly what will happen next, we can say that Mother
Sekhmet tonight said that it is possible that the StockMarket may take 'a
break' tomorrow around 1 PM.
She did not go any further.
That is a very awesome possibility of which she gave us a heads-up hint.
Dow Jones-Lowest Close Today in 6 years - Question for Mark
Dow closed at 7565.95 or thereabouts today. Lowest close in 6 years.… Continue
A gent Daniel salter is a retired former counterintelligence agent for the Scientific and technical unit of interplanetary
phenomena in washington D.C he was a member of the pilot air force NRO (national Reconnaissance office and DCCCD(develoment of Conscious contact citizenry deparment) whit the united states military . he was a CON-RAD courier for president Eisenhower, whit a clearence for above top secret (COSMOS) and a member of the Original project blue boor. His… Continue
Just finished reading this, thought you would all like to read it too, Excellent info..
What if we can remember that we are indeed not that different from each other, that we all originate from the same source... What if we can suddenly realize that there is a much greater world, that currently is blind to our immediate senses but infinitely… Continue
Added by torz on February 18, 2009 at 11:42am —
Found a cracking site you guys, was a link from George Kavassilas... which is the first blog post..
WHo's latest info is below... as usual take what resonates.. which is pretty much all of it for me..
Messages From The Heart – July 2008
I George Kavassilas feel the need to clear the air in regards to statements I made in my DVD of the lecture at the Eternal Spirit in July… Continue
Added by torz on February 18, 2009 at 11:40am —
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Nancy Tate is a beloved friend of many years. This composite channelling
celebrates what unifies us and speaks of some of the underpinnings of what is
already well-structured below the surface.
I believe that this is a fair, but not complete, picture of the Universal agents
of change of which the Sirian and Mushaba aspects represent only two.
You would have to include the 200 Million species that are on this planet and
that… Continue
Added by Kihanyaking on February 18, 2009 at 6:57am —
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About the competing plans for a new financial system
A member of the “family” that controls the US, England, Canada, Australia, France and Israel has explained to me the competing plans for a new financial system now being discussed in secret.
One of the plans is the long rumored Amero. The idea is to unite Canadian resources and Mexican cheap labour with the US. This plan has many fatal flaws. First of all it would unilaterally take away Canadian sovereignty without… Continue
Today we received some more info on the Gulf of Aden StarGate Activities over the last 7 days, from the King of Egypt.
Spirals/Superstrings of energy have been emerging through StarGate Aden for the last 7 days. They are coming from 30,000 light years away in ‘Delta Quadrant’. The world’s Naval vessels are still surrounding that ‘anomoly’, and can do nothing and do not want you to know the magnitude of this phenomena or what it portends, which is your upliftment and their departure,… Continue
Thank you for your response. The "trap" is ignorance, believing the Lie that Jupiter has exploded into a star/sun. Our planet is not to have two suns until she has gone through her cleansing cycle and has been positioned near Pleiades and is in fifth dimension frequencies. One of the stars of Pleiades shall be Earth Shan's second sun.
The U.S. Government uses various means to measure the general public's responses and abilities Polls are used to measure effectiveness of advertising… Continue
CHANGE has been your Motto. NOW is the TIME and "Your Time" to GUIDE and LEAD the United States of America in the "Right Direction" for Global Peace, Balance and Harmony in the World. NOW is the TIME for VISIBLE ACTION, "not" just words. The following items are ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL to become "IMMEDIATELY VISIBLE by the GLOBAL" in order for AMERICA to enjoy a BRIGHT TOMORROW again. Time is truly running… Continue
Added by jose v on February 17, 2009 at 2:00pm —
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SANTA FE, N.M. — Former astronaut Harrison Schmitt, who walked on the moon and once served New Mexico in the U.S. Senate, doesn't believe that humans are causing global warming.
"I don't think the human effect is significant compared to the natural effect," said Schmitt, who is among 70 skeptics scheduled to speak next month at the International Conference on Climate Change in New York.
Schmitt contends that scientists "are being intimidated" if they disagree with the idea… Continue
Added by Tina W on February 17, 2009 at 10:43am —
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Yes, I was excited to see Nasa's video of the Jupiter ignition. The satellite "Stereo" sent back good evidence that this was true. I was happy to finally get some real evidence...imagine, a new sun in the could anyone deny the truth? Channellings from the past are accurate! But again, I am overwhelmed by disappointment. Nasa's videos from Stereo satellite had the same results last year when Jupiter was behind the sun. It must be some kind of lense star burst effect.
by Capt. Gomez
from http://www.
According to Sheldon Nidel, our first civilization here was etheric intelligence and were designated to be the guardians of Earth but this etherical intelligence also needed the help of physical guardians of Earth.
Dinoids from the Bellatrix system in the Constellation of Orion and Reptoid colonies from the Constellation of Sagittarius arrived later to inhabit the Earth. The Reptoid and Dinoids allowed a mammalian… Continue
Added by Capt. Gomez on February 17, 2009 at 6:37am —
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