Benjamin Fulford, 46, is a Tokyo based journalist who appeared on the Jeff Rense Program, July 5th 2007, making some very radical claims. According to Fulford, a Chinese secret society with 6 million members, including 1.8 million Asian gangsters and 100,000 professional assassins, have targeted Illuminati members if they proceed with world depopulation plans.
They contacted Fulford, a Canadian ex pat, after he warned that the Illuminati plan to… Continue
President Clinton is being pressured to reopen supersecret government files on the world's most baffling UFO incident. The man who wants the secrecy ended is billionaire philanthropist Laurance S. Rockefeller, a personal friend of the president. UFO experts believe the government covered up a UFO crash in 1947 near Roswell, N.M., from which alien bodies were recovered.
Dr Alan Boss of the Carnegie Institution of Science said many of these worlds could be inhabited by simple lifeforms.
He was speaking at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Chicago.
So far, telescopes have been able to detect just over 300 planets outside our Solar System.
Very few of these would be capable of supporting life, however. Most are gas giants like our Jupiter; and many orbit so close to their parent stars… Continue
USA had to bring Russia to her knees economically. In Aug. 1982 another cosmosphere was shot down over NY city, but said to be an asteroid. The Carter admin had to strike cosmosphere bases, so dumped Taiwan and announced full diplomatic relations with Peking, China. The revenge of shooting down both US and Russian planes continued. The Rockefeller cartel operatives within the CIA fed updates about the Pentagon war plans to the… Continue
Added by jose v on February 16, 2009 at 2:44am —
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Americans also had made ready ground based high power lasers to shoot down the cosmospheres. The Russians had Psychoenergetic Range Finding, which detected the atomic signature of the target, so aimed accurately and a new anti-ballistic missile system. Russian physicists involved in magnetic and plasma physics were also said to have been able to develop a ground based proton beam weapon, between 1980 and… Continue
Added by jose v on February 16, 2009 at 2:32am —
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In the spring 1935, the Vril firm "Antriebstechnische Werkstätten" (Technical Propulsion Workshops)" was looking for a cheap, inconspicuous trial area. They found it in a… Continue
Added by jose v on February 16, 2009 at 2:20am —
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In light of "the greatest financial crisis the world has ever seen"
and in an effort to educate the public as to its very nature has gone dark untill 9:00 A.M. Monday February 16 2009.
I think it's time we all got on the same page...
Do you want to see the future?
Then understand the past!!!
I know this video is 3.5 hours long but please spend the time to watch it… Continue
Added by jose v on February 16, 2009 at 2:12am —
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I have been doing the heart space mediation and found my way into my creation space. The special little place in the heart. I found one of my spirit guides there and there was a huge lake. This is where I receive all of my energy from. I felt so at peace while I was there.
After I left and went back to my heart space. I noticed there was a pattern on the floor, so I started to brush it away so I could see it. As I started to I saw the infinity symbol, a sideways 8, with a line coming… Continue
Added by Alcyone on February 15, 2009 at 5:14pm —
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I wanted to share a technique that I have tried when I was doing some energy healing. I was doing Reiki on my wife, trying to heal her back and I was struck with a message. Use my breathe to heal.
I was to told to tell my wife when she feels my breathe moving over her back she was to envision all of the hurt and injured cells to be blown away from her body. I did this for about 15 minutes. We then went to bed and when she awoke the next morning, after about 6 hours of sleep, all of… Continue
Added by Alcyone on February 15, 2009 at 5:09pm —
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Remember *Sputnik?* I first saw it one day as I was out in the field
choppin' cotten (it pains me to realize that some of my readers will not
even know what choppin' cotten is). *Sputnik I* was a 184 pound ball
launched by an SS-6 ICBM by Russia at 9:36 P.M. on October 4, 1957. It was
highly polished to make it easier to see, and carried a radio transmitting
at a frequency that made it easy for ham radio operators to track. Our
government made fun of the rocket,… Continue
I stated last year at that it was a Russian particle beam weapon that destroyed the last two American Space Shuttles Columbia and info is coming out on Russian Space dominance. While our military and government were absorbing and saturating themselves in Operation Paperclip and creating mind control black operations into the billions of dollars, the Russians dominated space.
Russian Cosmosphere
Operational Star Wars Defense… Continue
Added by jose v on February 15, 2009 at 4:30pm —
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Robert B. wrote to ask me about the Russian Cosmospheres. I had never heard of them and asked him to expand a bit on the topic. Following is his email.
But first, I have to tell you that this was the beginning of a journey I did not expect. I leave it for you to take your own trip down this very, very deep rabbit hole... You might want to take a bottle of oxygen. It is positively dizzying in its magnitude and convolution: But here are 'the space ships', the moon bases, moon laser,… Continue
Added by jose v on February 15, 2009 at 4:30pm —
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Arizona: UFO over Tucson spotted
Michael Cohen
A number of witnesses have come forward to describe remarkable sighting of a UFO in the vicinity of the city of Tucson, Arizona. The UFO is being described as classic saucer shaped with red glowing lights. The craft was spotted on the evening of 11 February 2009.
One witness was sitting and watching television with her husband, a former Airman,… Continue
Added by jose v on February 15, 2009 at 3:43pm —
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Twenty years have passed since the end of communism in Poland and there are signs that the institution that led the struggle against the regime, the Catholic Church, is under threat in the modern democratic consumerist society.
Under communism, becoming a priest was a step up the social ladder.
But now the number of young men entering seminaries is falling, and a survey suggests that more than half of the country's serving priests would like to do away with celibacy to… Continue
Added by jose v on February 15, 2009 at 3:41pm —
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Russian Tesla-enabled cosmospheres now control the Earth's airspace
The Russian cosmospheres are sphere-shaped spacecraft built by the Russians that can move at the speed of magnetic force and can suspend at any elevation by magnetic force. They are equipped with the latest particle beam, laser, scalar and surveillance technologies, far superior to the rest of the world. The Putin-Medvedev Russian government is the first and only national government to be actively working with the… Continue
Added by jose v on February 15, 2009 at 3:30pm —
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Control Dramas, we all know the scenario, we meet someone, ask how they are and Boy, do they tell us! End of the conversation, we stand drained and they walk off uplifted by the Energy they just sucked from us! Just one example of an infinite number of situations where we lose Energy to others.
James Redfield in his Celestine Prophecy… Continue
Added by Blisseon on February 15, 2009 at 9:30am —
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The Physics and Metaphysics of the Ascended Triunal Star Family
These exciting images provide clear viewing of the relationship of Sirius A & B, two of the three stars that comprise the Sirian star system. The third star, Sirius C, is so infinitesimal in comparison that it is invisible to the photographic lens, dwarfed by its too greater siblings. Indeed, scientists are… Continue
Added by Martin on February 14, 2009 at 10:20pm —
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I am rerely vulgar but i am glad i did get rid of this piece of shit that is cable that made me had 100 channel i didnt even watched! and i did unpluged this garbadge 2 weeks ago . The only time i watched tv is when i watched a movie from my dvd collection..