Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I read the welcome message from Brad Johnson and I noted something. He said "oppose" the darkness and yet I have had the understanding from a personal view point that it is not about opposing, in some battle-like setting that we are doing, but we are actively creating something new regardless of what the darkness has plans for. The influx of light will do it's own work in making their job harder so we need not "oppose", or fight, or resist them at all just actively nurture the building of the new paradigm within ourselves.

Maybe this is what was meant, it just seems it could be better phased so that there is subconscious cooperation.

Any thoughts?

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Comment by James on February 20, 2009 at 1:02pm
I agree on all of this and shall meditate on it more. None the less the wording seems off to me. Maybe new clarity shall be mine soon. Thanks for all the feedback folks!
Comment by James on February 20, 2009 at 11:35am
In essence what you are saying is that this opposition was meaning opposition of intent. They feed more fear while we counteract, or balance it with love and light. Indeed, I still think better wording might be able to be found. Like "Healing" the darkness on Earth. ??
Comment by Harriter88 on February 20, 2009 at 11:31am
Responsive (not reactive) nonparticipation-noncooperation.I think Ghandi called it "passive" resistance.Mother Theresa called it Pro Peace vs. anti war.Like Clinton said Active Resistance and anti war emotions stir up & feed Negative energies.Fighting Fire with water rather then fire is more effective.Whenever possible Ignore(allow) "them" and their plans for us,and instead focus on what you want and are going to do.

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