Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

2009 Feb. 19 MarkH on KOE, Diana and Dodi, ZPMs

[Mark wrote this letter to a friend and has permitted it to be shared more
generally. Some personal passages have been deleted.]


As you may already know, I am part of a triad [i.e., Rama, Tara, and Mark]
that obtains and posts information from Faction 3 which includes the Ashtar
Command which is protecting and offering counsel to Obama.

The "King of Swords" has planetary responsibility for getting NESARA
announced, along with St Germain and Lady Master Nada. He is assisted by the
"King of Egypt" who is the owner of Harrod's [i.e., Mohammed Al Fayed] and
so is well informed about the operation to 'neutralize Diana and Dodi'
[Fayed]. The galactics advised them of the intention to take them out and
they agreed to allow clones to be substituted for them.

They have been in a 'witness protection plan' and were relocated to a safe
area before the 'neutralization' operation. They have two children, 8 & 10
yrs of age and will be back after our announcement of NESARA to testify and
complete their mission.

There are many positive indications that whistleblowers are very close to
revealing the 911 conspirators and that will allow all their arrests and
trials for War Crimes in the Hague. Accountability will be satisfied.

Lady Master Nada is in charge of all such matters and will be ably assisted
by Patrick Fitzgerald who is holding indictments for 10-12 Thousand of these
folks, which are close to being unsealed and executed in the coming days.

The Gulf of Aden StarGate and the ZPMs {quantum effects generators in the
base of the Ziggurats in theMideast} are about to combine their effects to
raise a shield around the planet and horizontally outwards that will render
all weapons non-functional and lead to a 'declaration of Peace', and the
return of all troops to their homes.

That will also fulfill the requirements for NESARA to be announced and
implemented. Captain Ashtar and Admiral Sananda will determine the exact
timing of those 'events'.

Ashtar through Susan Leland, told us that this month of February came in
like a Lion but will end as a Lamb. He then stated that in March the Lion
and the Lamb will lay down together.

So it appears that we will see some important events announced during that
time period.

Mark Huber

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