Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Humans to live for 120 years and communicate with aliens in 2012

Humans will eat artificial meat, drink desalted water and live up to 120 years in the near future. Science fiction novelist Vladimir Streletsky made the list of the future achievements of mankind. The writer selected predictions of most renowned futurologists, prophets and scientists’ plans for his work. Streletsky’s future looks quite probable, although a bit frightening.

Humans to live for 120 years and communicate with aliens in 2114


Barack Obama - the new Abraham Lincoln?

Ukraine stands on the brink of default

Obama can hardly be described as Russia's friend

Breath-taking images of skydiving experience

2009-2025: Android robots will be used in industrial production;

2010: Scientists will finally prove that the human soul exists after death;

2010 – 2012: Countries of Europe , America and the Pacific region will unite into large regional blocks. A Russian-Chinese space rover will perform a successful landing on the Moon;

2011: Vaccine against AIDS will be invented;

2011-2023: The Middle East will put a strong demographic pressure on Europe; the number of immigrants will grow considerably. Democracy will run into deep crisis in Europe and the United States – their leaders will switch to authoritarian methods of ruling;

2012: Intellect-enhancing pills will be synthesized.

2013: Man will build the first plantation to grow artificial meat;

2015-2025: Radioactive wastes will be removed from Earth and launched into space;

2016: The world will begin to run out of oil reserves;

2022: Man will land on Mars;

2025: The beginning of the global water crisis. About two-thirds of the planet’s population will suffer from a strong lack of drinking water. Many sea-bordering countries will build special works to desalt sea water. Scientists will learn to extend human life to 120 years.

2026: Artificial intelligence will be created;

2027: Radio signals from extraterrestrial civilizations will be received;

2029: Cyborgs will see the light;

2030: A complex of measures will be developed to stop the process of human ageing;

2030-2080: The industrial development of the Arctic and the Antarctic territories;

2035: The world economy will suffer yet another crisis due to the shortage of drinking water;

2039: Artificial uterus will be created; first human incubators will appear;

2047: Holographic television will become an inseparable part of everyday life;

2060: Man will build the first colony on Mars;

2069: A military conflict between Russia and China for Siberian territories will occur;

2075: Euthanasia will be legalized in all countries;

2090: Underwater cities will be built;

2110: Transsexuals will make five percent of the Earth’s population;

2114: Mankind will establish first contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations.

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Comment by Vaddix on February 20, 2009 at 4:13am
cant wait! apart form the crisis's
Comment by Kihanyaking on February 20, 2009 at 3:49am
I believe all these will be achieved satisfactorily by the year 2012.

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