Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Sananda: Join in Opening Earth's Holographic Heart 8/5 - 8/7 To Reach The Infinity Gate on 8/8

The Ascended Masters are holding Earth's ascension pathway: three powerful cosmic rays that are moving into our field at different angles, from different parts of cosmic consciousness, which is the mind of master form. The Earth experienced these rays before at the end of the age of the dinosaurs.

Sananda explains that these three cosmic rays are intersecting in the Earth. I am being shown a triangle, the points of which intersect in different places on the planet. Two rays intersect and go through the planet and a third intersects the two on the other side of the planet, forming a triangle. The cosmic force of these rays is unprecedented with a vibration that has already begun to affect our ionic balance. I am told that through the ray of the Seventh Ray of Sananda, we are able to support the Earth through what is about to occur.

"All of the energy grids, that have been empowered through the work of light-workers, serve to create a mantle of negative ions, crystal light, healing light and now the Ninth Octave is viable. I, Lord Sananda, speak to you now through my messenger. It is the love that you generate through your hearts, the faith that you have, that creates a new potential for Earth at this time. It is the capacity to move beyond the impact of the hologram when the cosmic rays intersect the planet. You are capable now of moving beyond cataclysm. This refers to the possible end of much of the Earth's ecosystem, a time of complete change in the atmosphere of the planet. This is your understanding of the end of the age of the dinosaurs when the planet lost its ability to be viable and most of the bio-systems were devastated.

The formation of consciousness, through Sananda and the Ascended Masters, is now sufficient enough to activate a mantle of energy from the heart matrix and create a holographic heart. The point of intersection is through England. The first two rays intersect in England. Then if you draw an imaginary line, at an angle through the planet, the intersection points, for the second two rays, can easily be located and when the third ray comes through the core of the planet, through the mantle of the planet. The third ray has the potential of tearing the earth's mantle. It's the third ray that can have such an impact. The intersection points can trigger the tectonic plates into massive Earth changes. This is avoidable but we, the Ascended Masters, must work with all humans who can connect to us. There are many off-planet, extra-terrestrial intelligences that will assist you in creating a time gap. Earth must be moved beyond space and time for a short duration. The recent intensities over this past week that have been observed are ionic, affected by the ionic changes as these first two cosmic rays enter Earth's planes. They have not yet intersected, but are expected to do so on the planet on August 7th.

The harmony of the dove, the harmony of peace, is viable now. The Ninth Octave is essential so that the community of light-workers may focus on the Grandmothers so as to establish a heart matrix, a mantle. This is to stabilize the Earth's dynamic energy, to prepare to transcend space and time so as to avoid the place, in the space-time continuum, where the rift would tear the mantle of the Earth. The 13 Grandmothers have prepared a time for global peace prayer. We, the Ascended Masters and your benevolent cosmic family, will connect to you at that time. It is essential that everyone form a heart, holographic heart. This holographic heart will sustain the impact of the August 7th intersection in England and ultimately the Earth will be moved beyond space-time on August 7th and be returned into this timeline after the cataclysm.

Some of you may have seen this occur in car accidents where time is spliced and passengers are moved beyond the damage of that accident. We must now do this for Earth. We must move Earth beyond the time frame of cataclysm when the cosmic rays enter the mantle of the planet. This can be done through the opening of a holographic heart on August 5th and we continue to focus on peace. Those days of August 5th, 6th and 7th are the final days for the manifestation of new consciousness, harmonic polarities and interactions between your mind and the Mind of God, the Heart of Creation.

It is essential that you maintain your own personal balance, staying in the peaceful centre so as not to allow extreme energies of unresolved fears or any chaos factor to create dysfunction or disharmony. It is essential, after the 5-7 August, that you pray for peace during your daily movements and activities. The community of faith on this planet is a powerful force of creation now.

You who receive this message will be the transducers for the collective and as you work with this field, try to visualise, through the Ray of Sananda, that the Earth becomes the holographic heart.

The heart chakra on the planet will be supported by the cosmic spiral and by all other chakra systems. All other chakra systems support the heart chakra and the Earth will be absorbed in the energy of the heart chakra. This is a time which calls upon your compassion, when your love is to be the force of creation that will transcend physical potential reality and create a different reality through the holographic heart, the Ray of Sananda. This will, in turn, trigger the heart response over these three days that will be felt by all humans, on one level or another. You are asked to feel love, and to feel it powerfully. These three days are essential to the experience of loving communication, loving exchange from the heart source of your God Self. This will trigger waves of the vibration of Sananda throughout the global collective experience.

We are not asking you to meditate for three days. You are being asked, instead, to be conscious of your actions, thoughts, words and deeds over these three days with a total focus on the heart and on positive thought. Your energy fields generate powerful ionic forces. When you think positively it sustains the Earth through its changes and challenges. When you allow your minds to become occupied with old-paradigm thinking, the ionic field of the planet is actually affected. You are the Bringers of the Dawn. You have stepped forward to be agents of harmony for the polar opposites that create discord through dense vibrations. You must now hold every mind, every human on this planet in thoughts of compassion and support.

Lift up your fellow humans, lift them up into the light, lift them up into the heart of Sananda, lift them up into the Ray of Sananda. The whole planet's vibration, through the Ray of the Dove, through the ray of peace, through the Ninth Octave must sustain a harmony you will have accomplished during your world peace prayers.

This harmony must be sustained through the 5th, 6th and 7th of August. This is to be accomplished, not just by your prayers and meditations, but by the way you live, for that is the greatest prayer and meditation. Your daily compassion are the greatest prayer and meditation: your daily focus on peaceful communication, on conflict resolution, on dreaming. This will be a powerful time to dream of things which bring harmony to the Earth - the plans that you have for global-renovation projects. This is the time to focus on the manifestation aspect of peace projects, education projects, healing projects. Focus! If you are a healer, focus on your healing during those days. Use your gifts, use your skills. If you are an artist, focus on art. If you are a mother focus on your child. Whatever your vocation and activity, bring your every energy to fruition, through your ability to manifest peace, create beauty and sustain the harmony for these three days. This is the assistance that we, the Ascended Masters, need.. A total focus for three days.

The ionic dissonance has already begun. This transmission advises you of the essential field that you may participate in, together with us and with your cosmic brothers, the cosmic Christ Council, the Brethren of Light, through your cosmic light family, the Cosmic Christ.

This message is to be sent into the world web from Lord Sananda. When you receive this message, know with confidence that you have already transcended this challenge. You have nothing to fear. This cataclysm will not be, but your participation is an absolutely essential element of the pattern that will carry you in the transformative sense. This pattern, once the cosmic rays enter Gaia's Trinity Gate, will open to the cosmic force. But this entrance will have a great impact and you will be able to help avoid any catastrophic effects on the Earth's mantle and the Earth's changes.

We bring this message to your heart and you, the family of light, who are the tools for the Ascension energies. Many of you are already living in ascension patterns, you are living on new timelines. You are to think of yourselves as if in a boat, the Ascension ship, the lightship similar to those which served in the ascension of the Anasazi (or Anastasi) Native American people. You are on that ascension plane now and you can form a life raft for the Earth with the holographic heart of Sananda, the Ray of Sananda. We, the Ascended Masters, will be with you. Your Cosmic Christ Light family supports you and works through you; your masters and guides will work through you. All is in order, all is in Divine and perfect harmony. Your awareness that you truly have the opportunity to transcend this massive cataclysm, creates a pattern for the transformation of your hologram of the planet.

Once the Gaia gate and the trinity rays are in place in the Earth heart matrix, it will be a powerful cosmic force to facilitate the transformation of the old hologram. It will facilitate into manifest form the new hologram. The Eagle Count Calendar is the time calendar, the rhythm for you to transcend and go beyond all physical potential and no longer be limited by the perception of physical challenges. This has been shown to you, for example, by miraculous cures from cancer. You are no longer limited by the physical body and the Earth which is no longer limited by her historical physical limitations that created Earth changes in the past and during great cycles of change.

But this is an absolute and ultimate moment for co-operation among the groups of light-beings despite apparent differences. Now is the time for unity, for Sananda's holographic heart, to sustain the planet and transcend any physical limitations.

I, Sananda, bring you this message in full confidence, that you have already prepared yourselves. You have surrendered to peace, you have surrendered to faith, and you have prepared yourselves. But these three days will be the ones that open the greatest potential and the greatest opportunity for you. And on August 8, you will reach the Infinity Gate.

Nancy Tate,

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Comment by jose v on September 6, 2009 at 2:55am

Comment by sally kniffen on August 9, 2009 at 8:14am
hmmm??? I wonder if any of this is related to the New Zealand Tribes prophesy Re: Aug 15, 2009 being the date the people on EARTH dream a new dream??? There's a video on the list by Druanna spell?) and she discusses Drunvalo Melchizidek's book where the prophesy was written (Serpent of Light) Maybe others could post the vid?
Comment by CHRISTINA on August 6, 2009 at 8:12am


Kodoish Kodoish Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth
Comment by Besimi on August 6, 2009 at 12:53am
Dots falling in place:):) ...
Comment by jose v on August 6, 2009 at 12:53am
now sananda call from you and me to send love to all to change time , you and me know that he only need one member of s o e to change the universe ..
Comment by jose v on August 6, 2009 at 12:43am
and all this take on london on 7 friday
Comment by jose v on August 6, 2009 at 12:41am

remember this post : BenjaminFulford
There will be some crucial meetings over the coming days to decide Obama’s fate

Since the United States Corporation is bankrupt, there will be some serious meetings over the coming days to determine the fate of Obama and the entire gang of crooks in Washington D.C. Obama is suffering from severe megalomania and may have to be removed from the scene before he becomes dangerous. If the crooks try to cling to power any longer the United States will disintegrate into anarchy and they will eventually find themselves at the mercy of a lynch mob. The Skull and Bones consists of only 600 people and their names have become public knowledge. We offer an amnesty and protection to all Skull and Bones members who wish to defect before it is too late.
Comment by CHRISTINA on August 5, 2009 at 9:48am

Comment by Cyboriell on August 5, 2009 at 4:11am
Thank you very much .
Comment by Tetragrammaton on August 5, 2009 at 4:04am
You can count me in! i will assist in this great time of need and opportunity for the better of the ALL.

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