Although friend and colleague "Kenny Young" is no longer with us, his work lives on as an epitaph, acknowledging his many contributions he bestowed upon Ufology; here is a fine example:
On Tuesday, August 5, 1997, Capt. Drew Sullins, of the Maryland Air National Guard was interviewed by Kenny Young of T.A.S.K. regarding the March 13th Arizona UFO reports.
YOUNG: Thanks for taking time from your busy schedule to talk this afternoon about Project Snowbird and the flare… Continue
*Taken from a preview of the book "The Convoluted Universe Book Two" by Dolores Cannon
This session was a perfect example that "they" were continuing to come through many of my clients, often under unusual and unexpected circumstances. This case was certainly unexpected. I had returned from England only a few weeks before. There while doing a session with Robert at Glatonbury, "they" said that I had met one of the special people that had volunteered or were… Continue
China is proposing to replace the US dollar with the Hong Kong dollar
At a top secret high-finance meeting scheduled for this weekend, China will propose that the US dollar be replaced by the Hong Kong dollar, according to a senior MI6 source. The proposal is under serious consideration by the backers of the new financial system.
As we have previously reported most US dollars ever created are now backed by gold at the rate of 1/28th of a gram per dollar. The fraudulent… Continue
Baby Bush is in Japan, blackmailing and threatening all he can but to no avail
George Bush Junior is in Japan this week trying to blackmail and bully the Japanese into handing a big fat check to Obama when he comes to Japan next week. He is blackmailing former Prime Minister Koizumi by threatening to expose Koizumi’s sadistic murder of the Shimbashi Geisha who went by the name of Kohan, a Geisha in Asakusa and an American prostitute, According to senior Black Dragon Society sources… Continue
Added by jose v on November 5, 2009 at 8:38pm —
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The Federal Reserve note will fall to 0.03 cents by January
It can now be stated that all the US dollars connected to legitimate commerce are backed by gold at the rate of 1/28th of a gram per dollar. The remaining Federal Reserve Board debt notes will soon fall in value to 0.03 cents, according to extremely high level financial sources. This means all legitimate businessmen and workers paid in US dollars have nothing to worry about. However, high level con-artists selling financial… Continue
Last Tuesday I got the opportunity to film this video, which unfortunately just last 10 min. since Youtube doesn’t allow more than that.
The very first thing that called my attention it was the intensity of the flashing light, by the time when I realized it didn’t move from the same position in the sky, it had past at least 15 min. at that moment I started to shot, after 4 min. of filming I ran out of space in memory so I when back for a memory stick; it was… Continue
For your information only.
I found this to be interesting, as many expect first contact with our space family, to be imminent.
With so much information springing up from so many different sources, it would not surprise me at all!
Here is a snip;
"This particular crop circle symbol depicts the upcoming mass decloaking of all the Lightships in our vector of space that will make themselves visible at the same time. This will be easily observed by every human… Continue
WOW what a show they were really direct in it For being ABC, they sure dropped a lot of bombs too. It's like they are telling us, that when the ships reveal themselves we should not trust them and run away. LOL but really did you pay attention to that part when they guy in the underground meeting was talking about "oh you haven't heard how long they have been here!!! "Being so direct it's like the dark cabal was speaking directly to the public, it's like they were saying "were here so what,… Continue
I just recently watched the pilot episode of V on abc and i gotta say it was a very good beginning... i cant wait to watch the next one that airs next week but i cant make up my mind on if this is a tactic to scare us for when the "good" ets come, or if its just for ratings, since aliens have been all the hype this past year, especially with district 9. id like to hear some thoughts on this
The Opening of the Rose Stargate 11:11:11
The Energies for November 2009
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn
Meditation by Mary Magdalene
"The Sacred Rose Mandala" created by a group of Lightworkers in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 1st November 2009.
Beloved Lightworkers, you enter into a sacred moment as the Light intensifies. This is the moment when the Sacred Rose Stargate begins to open and you begin to align your Consciousness with the Cosmic… Continue
Added by Lydia on November 3, 2009 at 2:26pm —
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As for the Russians, Germans, French and Italians, sure they will suffer in Europe too, but not nearly as much, as they are already on a much more solid foundation than the New Orleans financial foundation of the Anglos. Sinking and sinking and nothing else.
Now for the Yanks. The Americans, more so than any others are about to find out the shocking truth of their paper debt economy. Most prosperous nation on earth indeed. Biggest mooch and beggar and debtor to every… Continue
Added by jose v on November 3, 2009 at 12:34am —
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BenjaminFulford :The Bush Nazis and their spies try to entrap the Black Dragon Society
In a sign of desperation, the Papa Bush Thule society Nazis sent a self-described KGB, Serbian Secret Police, MI6 (probably Mossad too) triple or quadruple agent on a mission to try to tempt the Black Dragon Society into criminal activity. However, the BDS is a political organization and, although we are allowed to and are very capable of defending ourselves, we do not do crime.
I meant to post this up weeks ago- As with anything, please read it with your hearts, looking behind the words for the energetic intent, taking from it only that which resonates with the wisdom of your own heart and ignoring anything which does not.
The final Mayan Calendar steps to 2012: November 8, 2009 the beginning of the Sixth Night
Before going into the specifics of the upcoming sixth night, November 8, 2009 November 2, 2010, of the Galactic Wave Movement (or Underworld) I feel I should clarify some of my basic points of departure for understanding the Mayan calendar, since the various ideas that are currently…
Thinking negatively can boost your memory, study finds
SYDNEY (Reuters Life!) – Bad moods can actually be good for you, with an Australian study finding that being sad makes people less gullible, improves their ability to judge others and also boosts memory.
The study, authored by psychology professor Joseph Forgas at the University of New South Wales, showed that people in a negative mood were more critical of, and paid more attention to, their surroundings than happier… Continue