Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

*Taken from a preview of the book "The Convoluted Universe Book Two" by Dolores Cannon


This session was a perfect example that "they" were continuing to come through many of my clients, often under unusual and unexpected circumstances. This case was certainly unexpected. I had returned from England only a few weeks before. There while doing a session with Robert at Glatonbury, "they" said that I had met one of the special people that had volunteered or were sent to help with the changes going on in the world today. They said there were seven of these special people or disciples, and I had met one of the when I worked with Robert. And that I would meet another one soon. But I was warned not to put them in touch with each other. They were to continue on their own paths, even if they were physically located a world apart. Little did I know that I would discover the second one only a few weeks later under far from normal circumstances.

"They" had been warning me throughout 2002, that I was traveling too much doing lectures at conferences and Expos. At the height of my work during 2001 and 2002, I was on an airplane every week speaking in all parts of the world. It was not unusual for me to go to two or three different cities in a week before returning home only to start out again. I was beginning to feel the stress, so I knew they were correct. They said I did not need to travel as much as I had been in the past. That my books could stand on their own now. The energy was out there and it would escalate. They wanted me to write more, and to teach my hypnosis technique more. They said it was to become the therapy of the future. I said I would still have to travel in order to teach, but they said, "Let them come to you." And amazingly, that is what happened. I began holding my classes in the neighboring city of Fayetteville, Arkansas, and people have been coming from all over the world to learn the technique.

The middle of August 2002, I was conducting another of my hypnosis training classes in the nearby city. I keep my classes small so there will be more interaction and personal involvement, to make it easier to understand my technique. I had not done many classes, so I was still working out the procedure of how to conduct them. In the earlier classes, I had the students (who were already qualified hypnotists) practice on each other on the last day. At this class, I decided to try something different, because even though I had taught my technique, they had not had enough time to study it. They would need to do this when they returned to their own practices. In the past, the effects were stilted because it was unfamiliar to them. So at the end of the second day of training, I discussed this with the class. They all decided they would rather see me do a demonstration on one of the students, so they could observe. They thought this would be more effective. Of course, that always puts the teacher on the spot. Although I have a great deal of success with my technique, this would be under different circumstances, a goldfish bowl type of atmosphere. What if, because of the environment of everyone watching, the subject became nervous and self-conscious and resisted going into trance? I would have to work harder if that happened, so I was worried about weather it would work. Several people wanted to volunteer to be the guinea pig. The solution was to have them all put their names into a box, and I would pick the one to do the demonstration on the next morning. I rummaged through the names, and one piece of paper seemed to fly up and stick to my hand. It was Estelle.

She was a last minute student. I will not tell where she came from for reasons that will become evident. I was giving a lecture at a conference, and two people wanted to take my class the next week. I already had the set number that I wanted for the class, so I didn't know if there would be room. When I called my office I found that two people had cancelled at the last minute, so I told Estelle there was room if she was interested. Because she had decided to come at the last minute, she had to pay more for her airplane ticket. At first, she was hesitant about coming, but decided the opportunity had been presented for a reason, and it was worth the expense. She was also surprised at how easily her boss agreed to give her a few days off from work. She said later that she had wanted a session very badly, so she was not surprised that her name was chosen.

One of the students had a room in the hotel that was more like a suite, so we decided the next morning we would meet first at the classroom, and then go to her room. Some of the men carried extra chairs, and the room was very crowded. There were students, my assistant and myself, which meant twelve people gathered in the small hotel room. During the night, I had extra worries because Estelle had an accent, and I sometimes have trouble understanding accents when the client is in trance. When they are n a deep state, their voice becomes soft and slurred. I really had problems when I conducted sessions in Hong Kong and Singapore, but I eventually grew accustomed to the different accent. All these things went through my mind as we got ready to start. I needn't have worried, because "they" were way ahead of me and were going to handle everything.

The room was very crowded with students sitting on the sofa, on all available chairs and on the floor. Estelle was on the double bed, and I told everyone to be as quiet as possible as I began. I was not aware that strange things were already happening until the session was over, but "they" had already taken over. Since I normally do not tape the induction, the microphone was lying on the bedside table next to the recorder. I use a hand mike, because I hold it right next to the client's mouth. Their voice can become very soft during deep trance, and this way I am sure of catching the words on the tape recorder. Other people use lapel mikes, but this is the way I have recorded my sessions. This type of mike can be controlled by pushing a button on it, so the recorder would not start until I pick up the mike and turn it on. More about this later.

I began the induction and she went down immediately. So my first fear was unjustified. She paid no attention to the number of people in the room. They did not cause any distraction. In my technique, I usually have the subject picture a place that I call a beautiful place, a place where there is no worry or problems. I let them pick the place they consider to be the most beautiful, peaceful place. From there the rest of the technique takes them into a past life, which was the objective of the demonstration. But Estelle did not wait for me to complete the entire induction. This sometimes happens, and I am so used to doing this that I recognize it because of their description of the beautiful place. It did not sound like the normal perfect place. In fact, it did not even sound Earthly.

E: It's a place where there are many exotic flowers and different colors. The wind blows. I feel the breeze. There are many crystals there. Many generators. Birds flying, I can see their different colors.

This was when I realized she was not talking about Earth. She had jumped ahead of me, and was already experiencing something, somewhere. I grabbed the microphone from the table and switched the tape recorder on. The atmosphere in the crowded room was tense. No one made a sound, but everyone instinctively knew that something unusual was already occurring. Especially since I was not even allowed to complete the entire induction that I had been teaching them. It was unnecessary.

D: What do you mean by crystals and generators?

E: Large crystals coming from the ground. And they're tall, like three or four feet tall. They have a point at the top.

D: Why did you call them generators?

E: They generate energy.

D: Is there anything else around?

E: The coloring on the floor. The coloring's green, but it's not grass as we know grass. It's something similar to grass. Yet it's green and it covers the ground.

D: And these crystals come out of that?

E: Yes, and they're placed strategically to generate the energy in that area.

D: What area is this?

E: It's a place far away. I want to say... another galaxy?

D: Are there any buildings?

E: No. It's like a set area specifically to go there to energize and at the same time relax and feel at peace.

D: So it's a place that people don't live all the time, you mean?

E: Right.

D: It's like going to a vacation spot? You go there to specifically be energized and relax.

E: That is correct.

D: Who are the ones that go there to be energized?

E: You have all different types of beings going there.

This was apparently why she unconsciously chose this spot as her beautiful place. Some people see places where they remember spending a vacation, that was very special to them.

E: As soon as they become aware of it they can project themselves there.

D: Oh, they project without going in a craft?

E: That is correct. Anyone can project themselves there if they connect with the place or they become aware of it. You stay for awhile, not too long. Enough to feel the energy, and get the sense of peace and tranquility, so that you can come back to wherever you were. And continue with whatever it was you were doing.

D: Do you go there in a physical body?

E: You can go there in a physical body or you can project your energy there.

D: When you're there, do you appear in your physical... like a form of some kind?

E: Some beings do. They can appear in their form. It's a place where everyone is welcome.

D: And you go there often?

E: Yes. I enjoy the place very much. It gives me a sense of tranquility and awareness.

D: And then you must go back where you do your work?

E: That is correct.

D: When you return from this beautiful place, and project back to where you do your work, what is that place like?

E: The work is done simultaneously on the Earth plane. And the work is also done in a far away place, on what you would call a base. It is done in many galaxies, many dimensions. But the home base right now is Earth.

D: So you're doing both at the same time, you mean?

E: That is correct.

D: When you're doing it on the Earth plane, what does that place look like?

E: It's a place where you interact with many beings also as you do in that sacred space. You recognize many others by looking at their eyes. You recognize them by connecting with their energies. And in spite of all the masks that they wear, you become aware of who they are. You look deep within them and you recognize their energies.

D: Is this something that the average person wouldn't know?

E: Many know of this. And many others are aware of it, but not on a conscious level.

D: When you're working on the Earth plane, what does your body look like?

E: When I work on the earth plane my body looks like most people. It takes on a human form. But it is like a mask that I wear. I project it out so the others will see what they're used to seeing.

D: The regular physical form.

E: That is correct.

D: Is this the mask of Estelle?

E: That is correct.

It was interesting to me to find the definition of person/personality is mask. Taken from the Latin: persona. Literally: an actor's mask, hence a person.

D: That is the mask you wear at the present time on Earth doing your work. (Yes.) It's a very good mask, it's a nice one. And this is what other people see.

E: That is what they see.

Robert also said that what people perceived as his physical form was only an illusion. Although both of these people certainly appeared solid and human to me.

D: What do you look like without the mask?

E: Without the mask, I also have a physical form surrounded with a light. It is physical form that has shape, that has substance. But within that physical form, on the outer edges, there is also energy and light.

D: I've been told that the basic form of everyone is light.

E: That is correct. That's how others would see it. But if they look a little bit deeper within, they will see that it has another form physically, as you would call physically. For it has the form of where it came from. And the place that it came from, there was form, but was different.

D: What was that form like?

E: It would be called on Earth "reptilian" form. I must say that there are many degrees of reptilian form.

D: This is where you are existing simultaneously, you mean?

E: That is correct.

D: So you have a reptilian form on another place? And the Earth form on this place? Am I understanding correctly?

E: There is a part of the energy that is there in that other place, but the present experience is being experienced now in this physical Earth plane.

I have heard so many unusual things in my work that this statement did not bother me. I always just continue to ask questions, because anything is possible in this type of work. But I looked around the room to see how this statement was affecting my students. They were absolutely still, and their attention was glued upon the woman lying motionless on the bed. Here a pretty middle-aged dark-haired woman was saying she was also living a simultaneous life as a reptilian on another planet. And it was not upsetting or startling them at all. Maybe they had read enough of my books to know that anything is possible with this type of hypnosis, but it was unusual for me to have others observe this. After it was over and we were going to lunch, one of the men students told me it was the most remarkable thing he had ever seen. In this case, actions really did speak louder than words. The demonstration taught them more than the class. It is one thing to tell them how it is done, and quite another to show them. Book learning versus hands-on.

I continued, "What is it like in the other place?"

E: In the other place, we observe the other galaxies to make sure everything is in order, that no one is doing and causing harm to others. And there we observe and keep track of all that is going on.

D: That sounds like a very big job. To observe everything.

E: It is big, but we are trained for it. And it is something that once you are trained, it becomes second nature. The way everything becomes when you are trained, no matter where you are.

D: It would be a big job to observe everything. Do you use machines to do this?

E: You do it with your mind.

D: That would mean you have a great mind capacity, wouldn't you?

E: Yes, we do, we project the mind to places. Everyone has certain areas that they are specifically connected to, but at any given time they can project themselves to other places. Humans have not developed that capability yet.

D: Did you say this is like a home base?

E: Yes, you would call it a home base.

D: Like a headquarters?

E: Like a station.

D: Is it a craft or is it a planet?

E: It is not a craft, and it is not a planet as you would perceive a planet. It is more of ... a place, a station.

D: I'm thinking of a physical place of some kind.

E: It's like... an enclosure... in an open... If you could imagine the sky, let's say for instance. And in this sky, there is this enclosure, within itself, that monitors the different places around it. That's what this would be.

D: I'm thinking of the spirit world where we go after we leave the physical body. Is it like that or different?

E: This is different, for this is not a spiritual world. This is a physical place. This is a place where there is what you would call physical form. Not physical as humans take, but a form beings from other places within would take in order to be able to survive and live.

D: Is it like another dimension?

E: It would be more like a different galaxy.

D: Where you all are creating this place just in space, so to speak?

E: Yes, it's as if the place was created because it serves a particular function. And that is where we exist.

D: So does it take the combined mind power of everyone to keep it in existence?

E: No. Once it is brought into being, it stays in being. For it has a specific purpose and it's a continuous purpose.

D: So it exists whether you or the others are there or not.

E: That is correct.

This sounded similar to the case where the caveman-like being existed on the world with the purple sun. His subconscious said it was on a planet, but a galaxy operating a different set of rules that we could not understand. Those beings also created everything they needed with their minds.

D: And it's more like the headquarters, the main base, so to speak, the station where the monitoring is done of all the worlds.

E: That is correct.

D: It seems like a very powerful place. How is this information stored if you gather it with your own mind?

E: It is not stored as you would store in a computer, for that is obsolete. But yet it is stored as you would think of storing it on a disk. But it is more of a miniature, tiny little disk that stores millions and millions of pieces of information.

D: Hmm, that would make our computers obsolete. And how is this information read if it is just a tiny disk.

E: It is read with the mind. When you hold it in your hand, you receive all the information.

D: That you're looking for? (Yes.) Otherwise, it would be a bombardment of information wouldn't it?

E: That is correct, you do not want to keep excess information in the mind, for that is not necessary.

Another unusual phenomenon that occurred shortly after the session began, was that Estelle lost her accent once we entered this other world. The being that was speaking through her had a very precise, exact way of speaking and pronouncing the words. Of course, this made it easier for me. I didn't have to listen so closely. It was obvious to everyone in the room that this was not Estelle Speaking.

D: I don't want to insult you, I don't want to offend you, but in our time period some people have the impression that the reptilian race is negative.

E: That is because there are many who still are negative. You must understand, that in everything, there is a balance. There is that balance here on this place. There is that balance everywhere. And particularly on the Earth plane, when others come to exist, you will find that duality more than in those other places. So therefore, as far as the reptilians, there are many here on the Earth who carry that energy. And because they carry that negative energy -- to give it that word, it is more of a misguided forgotten energy of the true self. They will do things that, yes, will be seen as negative.

D: But this is not the true nature of your people.

E: Not in the future, as you would -- for lack of a better word -- call the future.

D: Is that where you're speaking from?

E: That is correct.

D: You know you're speaking through a vehicle, the one you said lived in the Earth plane. One of the questions she wondered about was: is she existing simultaneously in the future?

E: I speak from the future. But I also speak from what you would call the present. I speak simultaneously from both places. For I am one.

D: So, in this future life, you are on this station accessing and compiling information. Why then did you decide to also exist in our time period in the 21st century?

E: Because of what was happening here, and what is happening here with the reptilian race. There are many who are in a place of power and position who are misusing that power to control and manipulate. And I was asked to come here to assist, to enlighten and to let others know what is going on. For a few cannot control the whole. And because the whole is not aware, they are allowing a few to control and manipulate.

D: So you chose to come back simultaneously as you're existing there to have part of your energy, or whatever, enter a physical body?

E: (Sigh) I did not enter a physical body. I shape-shifted into a physical body. But in order to have my energies here to resonate with the planet's energy, which is dense, to be able to survive in this dense energy, I needed to be born through a physical being. But the people that I chose to come through, one, the father is also reptilian. He has always been reptilian. In all his existence, he has chosen not to experience anything but that. And for this Earth experience, he chose to become a vehicle to allow my energy to come through. The one who is my physical mother only carried me for nine months, as time is perceived. Much work and preparation was done so she could hold my energy, for she was not able to. So she had to be prepared in order that I could stay in that space and then be born and be, more or less, grounded.

D: But the body was genetically formed from the DNA from the mother and father wasn't it?

E: (Heavy sigh) It is a different process that is not totally understood by humans. That is why it looks human. But if work were to be done to find out the true make up, the genetic make up, they would find that there are things that are different.

D: If someone were to examine the DNA or the genes of the one known as Estelle?

E: That is correct. That is why the physical body does not get ill. For the physical body cannot be subjected to probes and tests.

D: That's why you don't want doctors to examine the body?

E: That is correct. They will find something different and then they will want to explore. And that will not be allowed. So she is not allowed to get sick. As far as she and I -I say she and I to distinguish when she is communicating, and when I am communicating, even though we are the same. She sometimes does not allow the information to come through.

D: Why is that?

E: She has not make total peace with her whole experience on the Earth plane.

D: But you know it is difficult for a human to understand this.

E: It has been difficult for me to see myself on this planet Earth.

D: (Laugh) It is very different, isn't it?

E: It's very different.

D: Because you've evolved beyond that.

E: That is correct. I have had many lifetimes, or should say, my spirit has had many lifetimes on the Earth plane. It was a surprise to me when I was chosen to come back and have an experience again here.

D: You thought you were finished, didn't you?

E: That is correct.

D: (Laugh) It was time to move on somewhere else.

E: That is correct.

D: Then they said you had to go back. It's almost like going back to kindergarten, isn't it?

E: That is correct, and I felt a great responsibility in having to come back knowing the circumstances of what was to be. I felt alone.

E: Is it because there are not many of your own kind here?

D: That is correct. And I knew the many I would be encountering, would be the type that was working with their energies to cause harm and to cause control. That was the reason why, as a three year old, I had the experience that I had. Because that was necessary to help the physical body forget who it was, and where it was coming from and what it needed to do. For, if it had started at that early age to say the things that would be necessary to say, it would have been eliminated.

That statement was an unexpected surprise.

D: Do you think so? Or would they think it was just a strange child?

E: That is correct. There were many who were trying to find the energy, but the energy was camouflaged in a child.

D: So they wouldn't just think it was childish talking. They might recognize you?

E: That is correct. For we are not talking just of physical beings. We are also working with the different energies, whether they are perceived as physical or not.

D: So it was a safeguard?

E: That is correct. It was a safeguard to protect the being from speaking. It was not the time.

D: What happened when she was three years old, because that was one of the questions she wanted to know about?

E: When she was three years old, she was taken aboard a craft. Her memory of that is correct. As she looked around and saw where she was, she knew she was not in harm. But it was a surprise to her physical being to find herself there and not know it. Through all existences, we have been aware when we communicate and in what form. At the time, there was a veil that was put so no memories would come of what was to come. As a three year old, the experience is that of how you react.

D: So up until she was three years old, she had the memory of who she was and where she came from?

E: That is correct.

D: But she was not able to express it yet?

E: There were no words to express.

D: She didn't have the vocabulary. That would make sense.

E: That is correct. So therefore she felt isolated. And yet, she was able to communicate with us and with many others. At the time of being three years old, the veil was lifted and she saw a little bit more, but she could not express then, so the memory had to be put into a place until it was appropriate. The connection was still done, but now it was done more on a psychic level than on a physical level.

D: And for her own safety, you put the veil around her when she was on the craft to ... what? Deaden or soften those memories?

E: To more or less... deaden the memories, that would be a good word.

D: So she could function as a child without causing undue attention.

E: Yes. And yet as a child she felt isolated, because she could not relate to anything that was going on around her.

D: I've found many people who feel they have come from other places. They're very lonely here. But how was the veil placed when she was on board the craft? What happened at that time?

E: She was so caught up in feeling the betrayal of not knowing that this was going on, that it created at the time, a period of indifference of not wanting to communicate anymore.

D: But, did the people on the craft do something physically to her to create this blinder, this veil?

E: Energetically, a box was placed within her being, that allowed constant communication. And exchange of information, but not on a conscious level. Where before, it was done on a conscious level.

D: What do you mean by a box?

E: It was more of, I do not want to use the word "implant" per se, for that has a negative connotation, but actually it was like... what would you call... (She had difficulty.)

D: Well, to me an implant is not negative, because I understand them.

E: It was more, let's say... like a panel.

I had heard about implants many times and I understood their purposes. This is explained in The Custodians. But I had never heard about a panel being put into anyone.

E: A panel with depth inside of it. Inside where... the so called "box" had little chips. The same as the ones at the control stations.

D: Oh, little electronic parts.

E: Yes. Which, by the way, is also part of her physical make up. Within her physical make up there are -- what would I call it -- the only word that comes to mind would be like wires.

D: These wires are inside her physical body. (Yes.) Why are they there?

E: Because she is always connected to everything out there. It is also part of her genetic make up as a reptilian. And therefore, in shape shifting, to look human, she retained all of that within the appearance of the physical body.

D: Then if a doctor were to examine her, would he find these strange things?

E: He would find different things going on inside. He would find that the energy would flow in different ways than he was used to and that's where the desire to investigate more would come in.

D: Hmm, so we can't have that, can we.

E: No, we cannot.

D: Because they wouldn't understand. The same way you thought she would be in danger at age three if they knew what was going on. (yes.) But, is it all right for us to know this?

E: It is all right for you to know, for you were collectively as a group. There are many things that you will be doing together collectively to assist the all.

D: So you know that she is not in danger from us.

E: No, she trusts everyone here. Or, I should say, we trust everyone here. They are connected.

D: You would not have allowed the information to come through if you didn't trust us, would you?

E: That is correct.

D: Because I would never place the vehicle in any kind of danger.

E: That is correct.

D: So the ones that are here, are the ones that were chosen to know this information.

E: That is why we waited until the last moment to be part of the group. For as you are aware, there wasn't space at the beginning.

D: That's true, she was the last one to come in.

E: We had to be sure that the energies that were going to be present, would be compatible to revealing these things.

D: And it was no accident that I chose her name then.

E: Yes, she knew when she put her name in the box that she was going to be picked, and her friend that was sitting next to her also knew it. So it was confirmation for the both of them when it happened.

D: So, this information would not have been allowed to come through at all if you had not trusted everyone in the room to protect her. Because we do not want this to become public knowledge. It would harm her, wouldn't it?

E: That is correct.

D: So I think everyone here will keep it confidential.

I looked around the room at the students as I said that, and they all nodded affirmation. I knew they understood the gravity of protecting her identity and the special thing that had just occurred when they were all allowed to be privy to this strange information. I also had the feeling if they did not honor this commitment of privacy and protection for Estelle, that "they" would know. I don't know what would happen if this promise was violated, but I have worked with them long enough to know that I have to listen to them and do as they say. If I did not follow their instructions, the interchange of information would be stopped. I don't know what would happen to the others, but I think they realized the seriousness of the situation. Later they might question what really occurred on this morning, but when it was happening, it was all too real. I was accustomed to communicating with these type of entities over many years, and I knew it was very unusual for them to allow this type of information to come forth in front of so many witnesses. Maybe this was also intended to show the students graphically, what could happen when using my technique of hypnosis, so they would not be startled if it happened during their sessions. A demonstration is worth a thousand words.

E: We will be watching. If they wish to share some of the experience, it is allowed, but just do not use the name or the location where the information can be found.

D: That's true. I work with many people like this and I'm always told to protect them.

This is the reason why her real name, location, and ethnic background are not revealed here.

I was curious about the panel that she said was located in her body, because this sounded different from the implants that I was very familiar with. "Where is that located in her head?"

E: It is located in the back of her head.

D: As I understand, it would be very, very tiny, wouldn't it?

E: Actually, no. This particular one covers the whole back of her head, the bottom part. There was too much information that needed to be received and transferred from one place to the other. So that's why it was designed in that way.

D: Hmm, so it's larger than the ones I'm familiar with. Is it of a physical substance, or is it an etheric type thing?

E:It was both. First it was etheric and then it became of a physical thing so that others could feel it and become aware of it. And therefore, in becoming aware of it, they became more aware of who she is, who we are and share that knowledge.

D: Could this be picked up by X-ray if someone were to examine her?

E: That's where it was protected by a shield of energy that would only be picked up by those who were allowed to pick it up.

D: That's another reason why she can't get sick. You don't want examinations.

E: That is correct.

D: You are also protecting her against having any type of accidents?

E: Yes. The only time that she had to be examined -- and it wasn't so much -- was when she had her children. Unfortunately for the physical body, because of the way that it is, it could not have children in a natural way. So, what was called a Cesarean had to be done to take the child out.

D: So the body was not designed in a way that could have children normally.

E: That is correct, the body never went through what you would call "labor."

D: But the doctors wouldn't have noticed anything unusual in the body?

E: That is correct, for when she went in for the surgery, it was over and done with, and there was no reason to check anything else.

D: What about before she had a child? They usually run many tests while you're pregnant.

E: No tests were done, for she was healthy. They just made sure that her diet was properly kept and that was all. As far as the diet, she usually does not eat or need much of the food that is eaten on this physical plane. Her tastes in food are very simple. She will not take in much of the foods are eaten, especially too highly processed foods. For it will make the appearance of the physical body more dense, and she and us will not feel well at all.

D: Then by eating some of the heavier foods, the body becomes denser. And this would make it harder for the other part to come in and maintain control.

E: That is correct.

D: Why is she being allowed to know these things now?

E: Because it is time to awaken and educate. Because the more you know the more you can share with others. What we are facing now on the physical Earth plane is a battle, but it is not a battle as other would perceive. It does not have to do with battle in the physical form. Even though battles are fought, the battles that are going on now are about the dark with the light. And the light will need to come together to be spread so that these who are controlling can be stopped.

D: This is part of her work?

E: That is correct.

D: Are there many of you that have come back into the physical on Earth?

E: As far as my kind, there are just a few, but there are also many different kinds who are here to assist in the same way.

D: Because I've been told of many different types of beings that are coming back. And some of them are souls that have just existed on other planets that have volunteered to come into a physical body on Earth to help at this time.

E: That is correct. You have many now at this time that have taken a physical existence, but yet their spirit of who they truly are is connected to many other things. And the information has been given to them so they can fully awaken to all that they are. To become aware that this is an experience, yes, but there is much work to do.

D: Some of the ones I work with have difficulty sometimes adjusting to the Earth plane.

E: That is correct, because the more aware you are of where you come from, the more difficult it is to exist in a planet that is so dense, because of the negativity that is found here. Even though the negativity that is found here serves well to assist others to move forward.

D: That's what they've told me, that the world is so violent and there is so much negativity, they don't want to be here. Because it's not like where they came from.

E: But yet, they will stay here, for that is what they chose to do.

D: But some of them have so much difficulty they're trying to commit suicide and leave.

E: As we are aware, this is a planet of free will.

D: That's true. And the cases I've worked with were miraculously kept from doing this.

E: The help is always received when it is needed, if it is asked for.

D: And now that thy realize what they're here for, they've said they'll stay even though they don't like this world.

E: That is correct.

D: But let me ask you, I have noticed different waves of people coming in. The ones from Estelle's generation seem to have had more difficult adjusting than the new ones that are coming in now.

E: That is because the ones that are coming in now have more awareness of who they truly are. The children need to be nurtured. The children need to be understood that just because they are in a small little child's body, they are not ignorant. They are more advanced than most humans who are now here.

D: That's why I'm going to many groups and speaking, because they're trying to educate the educators. They don't understand these new children.

E: That is correct.

D: The children seem to be more advanced, but the teachers don't know how to deal with them.

E: The little children need to be taught how to work with energies also, for they will assist in this transformation. The more people that are awakened, the stronger the energy will become.

D: Then it's all right if the new ones are aware of where they come from?

E: They chose to come back as children, because children are very open. So they have more awareness and because they are aware of it, they can do more. Usually, in the past when children were aware, most adults would tell them they were making it up and did not encourage it.

D: You think now the adults will be able to understand it better?

E: More will understand and the children can educate the adults into awareness.

D: But the problem right now is that some of the teachers and doctors are putting these children on medications.

E: It is up to the parents to take a stand, and say, no. That's where the awareness of who these children are comes into play. There are those who are writing books about these children. It is up to everyone to share the knowledge and make these parents aware of who they're dealing with.

D: I'm told they're the hope of the world.

E: That is correct. In spirit form much can be done, but many have chosen to do it in physical form.

D: But the medications they are giving them are very powerful, and this is not a good thing.

E: Any medication that is being used is not the natural way of being. And be aware that many more medications will be tried to numb the mind and to make the physical body ill. That would be a way of eliminating many.

D: Do you mean that some of the medication would be deliberate to eliminate these children?

E: Not only the children, but the adults. That is the reality of those who try to control and manipulate.

D: I have thought maybe this is a way of elimination, because they're talking about giving everyone vaccinations we don't need.

E: That is correct. Many people are very ignorant of what is going on, but that is not their fault, for that is where they are being kept with what they are being told. That is where awareness of who you are and what you're doing here comes into play. For you become aware that things are not what they really seem to be. There is more that is going on the is not obvious.

D: But they use fear to make people agree to have medications and vaccinations.

E: That is correct, and the vaccinations are going to be used to try and stop many. People need to remember that where there is fear, there is control by outside forces.

D: So the main thing we have to do is keep healthy so we won't need medications?

E: That is correct, be aware of what you're doing to yourself. Look for other avenues before just going and getting medication. There will be times when the medication will be needed to assist the physical body, but once you do some research, unless it is a life lesson that was chosen deliberately to learn from, anything else can be worked on.

D: Is it all right to use natural substances like herbs and minerals?

E: That is all right to do, but what is really needed is to allow the physical body to heal itself. For it has that capacity to do so.

D: But how do we keep the government from giving us vaccinations and shots we don't need?

E: It's a matter of taking a stand. If a stand is not taken, then the government will continue to do what it is doing now. There comes a time when choices have to be made. And if you remember this is a spiritual war, the what is there to fear?

D: So there are many beings that have come into our world to help with all of this. And many of them are living in physical bodies like this.

E: That is correct.

D: And they're not aware consciously that they are actually from other places.

E: Some are aware, some are wakening even more. But, yes, there are many who are still not aware at all.

D: The way I understand it, the reptilian race just developed in another direction. That was why you appear differently, is that correct?

E: That is correct. It was a matter of where one developed as far as the conditions of the place. For that is what determines how one looks or one is. The environment of the place where one exists, determines how one would look. What shape one would take to survive in that place.

D: Yes, that makes sense. That's what I was told, some developed in the reptilian line, some developed in the insect line, and we developed in the mammal line.

E: That is correct. And part of that is because of the conditions in the planet.

D: Yes, The conditions in the planet and the environment and the "primeval soup", as it is called, as to which way they developed.

E: That is correct.

D: But the spirit, the soul, can enter any type of body it wants to.

E: That is correct. That is what needs to be remembered. No matter what physical form the body is, what you truly are is your spirit form. And that is always energy and light.

D: We just enter different bodies to have different experiences and lessons.

E: That is correct.

D: Estelle wanted to know about her purpose. Why she's here, what is she supposed to be doing? She feels she has many obstacles in her way as a human, and she wants to go forward in her work. What can you tell her about that?

E: She will be doing more of her work now that she has done this, for she has more clarity and awareness of who we are. I say "we" even though we are one. And now that she has this awareness and is making peace with it, she will move forward. For she will allow that guidance to come in and follow it.

D: She'll have more confidence now.

E: That is correct.

D: But, it will be difficult, because she can't tell people these things, can she?

E: There will come a time when she will do so. She is supposed to be educating people and helping them remember who they are and where they come from.

D: Do you mean from the Source?

E: Yes, from the Source, but helping them remember on an individual basis their soul's experience and why they chose to be here now. She's also here to educate them about these different beings in other dimensions and other galaxies, and why they are here and how they function. There is much misconception and fear about beings from other places. It have been difficult for humans. They sometimes do not like fellow humans. How could they be expected to open and receive others from other places? It is very important now because things are accelerating. Those who are in charge are becoming aware that there is an awakening, and they will try to do things to prevent that or at least slow it down.

D: But things are changing. I know they're speeding up. Would it be advisable if Estelle can remember the information she's been given today? Because usually the person doesn't remember.

E: It would be advisable for it will help her to know and connect and make peace with all of it.

D: Would it be all right if I use some of this information in my work?

E: It is not coincidence that this happened. She knows it and so do you.

D: But I always ask permission.

E: Yes, you have permission to use all of it as you wish.

D: Because I get it from many different sources and I put it all together like a puzzle. And I will not divulge her identity. I always keep everyone anonymous that I write about.

E: She's not concerned with that, for you and she have a connection that comes from a long time ago. There was a time in Atlantis where you worked side by side. (This was a surprise.) You worked with crystals. You were very connected to the energy of utilizing the crystals.

D: Was it a laboratory?

E: There were no laboratories. It was more of open spaces using crystals to heal. It was more temples than laboratories. In more of a temple setting in how temples would be perceived in this time. The two of you were doing healings with crystals. Miraculous work can be done with crystals by those who know how to connect with the energy. There are many here in this room who were there in different times working with the crystals. It is a gift that the crystals gave, and it is a gift that can be utilized now in these times to gather information and to be able to go deeper in work to assist others in healing.

D: I've been told Atlantis existed for thousands of years. So many in this room were alive during those times?

E: Most of the ones here had many lifetimes there. If they question it they can use this mode to recover the knowledge.

D: Yes, and they're training to be able to use this method to regain the information.

E: That is correct. That is one of the connections that we all have here. Our lifetimes in Atlantis. They can use these methods to regain the information, and then they could recover and work with crystals, for crystals store a lot of knowledge. And crystals also can work in healing many different things that people are not aware of yet. It is time now to get the information back. It is time now for many things. It is time now to become more aware and be empowered. If there are any blocks that needs to be cleared, because the physical beliefs, then that needs to be worked on so your spirit can communicate more with you and you can perform what you came to do. This is not a time of fear. This is a time of awakening and rejoicing and discovering that you are a spiritual being with many reasons for being here at this time.

D: This is one of the reasons they've all come together here?

E: That is correct. They all feel it was no accident that they communicated. And they're communicating on a deeper level many things that will come forward in the near future.

D: And they're supposed to take this knowledge back and use it, and recover more knowledge as they work with different people.

E: That it correct.

It was getting to the point to stop the session, so I asked (as I always do) if there was any message or advice for Estelle before we left.

E: She will find that, in the coming days ahead, more things will flow naturally the way they have been flowing for the last few weeks. She will find that mentally, all she has to do is think on things and she will see results. That is part of the energy that we carry.

D: And she is being protected and taken care of.

E: She has never feared or questioned that she will not be. It was more of a thing to keep others out than to keep her in.

D: Because she didn't know these things consciously, did she?

E: That is correct. She can know them now, because she has been asking for it for awhile. For she understands that she does much work and she understands there are many things going on, but she needed to be more confident on a conscious level.

D: Because we don't want to do anything that will cause her any harm or any problems. She's only being given what she can handle at this time.

E: That is correct.

D: All right. I want to thank you for coming and giving us this information. It's very wonderful for you to allow everyone in the room to hear it.

E: It is an honor and a pleasure to be here among you. And remember, we will be watching each of you. And you, Dolores, will find more who carry this special energy so you can gain more information.'

I then asked the entity to leave, gave integration instructions and brought Estelle back to consciousness. She remembered very little when she awakened to a roomful of stunned observers.

This session had been a surprise in more ways than one. It really impressed the students, because I believe it showed them what they would be capable of doing when they explore the subconscious in this manner. I had begun the session with reservations because of the environment I would be working in, so many people crowded into a small motel room. And the feeling that the atmosphere would not be conducive to Estelle going under. No one likes to be put on display. In the back of my mind was the possibility that nothing would happen at all. But "they" knew better. They had orchestrated it from the beginning when Estelle chose to come to the class at the last moment, and a surprise cancellation allowed space for another student. There were a few others who also canceled at the last minute, but ""they" said that was no accident. The ones who were there were the ones who were supposed to witness this amazing session. It was also apparently no accident that I picked Estelle's name from the box. This was further proof that nothing could have been arranged in advance, because no one know which class member would be chosen. Yes, this session contained many surprises for both myself and the students. But another one was yet to come, and I wouldn't find out about it until I returned home.

I told the students that I would make copies of the demonstration tape and send it to everyone along with their certificates. That night after everyone had left the motel and began their journeys home, I thought about something that I should have done and had forgotten about in the suddenness of setting up the session. I regretted that I had not recorded the entire induction, because it would be valuable for the students to have a record of it. During the class, I gave each of them sample induction tapes to study later, but I thought it would have been valuable for them to hear the entire procedure. This oversight was natural because every time I do a session I never record the induction. I think it is a waste of tape, and I also do not want the client to hear it later when they play the tape. My voice has a tendency to put them under again, and I don't want anything like that to happen if I am not there with them. So I always start the tape when they come off the cloud and are entering the past life. In Estelle's case, she did not even allow me to complete the induction before she was already in the appropriate scene that was intended for her and the class to experience. The microphone was lying on the small table next to the bed, and I grabbed it suddenly and turned it on when I realized what was happening. Later I was angry at myself for not starting the tape recorder at the beginning of the session. But I did not know until the next day that "they" had also taken a hand in that. Another paranormal event was yet to occur that I would have no explanation for.

The next day in my office, I decided to play the beginning of the tape before I started making copies. I wanted to see where it began, and if my sudden action had cut off very much of the beginning of the session. My daughter, Nancy, was working on her accounting at the computer. As I started the tape she heard me gasp, and asked what was the matter. I said, "You're not going to believe this! The entire induction is on the tape! It starts at the very beginning! But that's impossible!"

I immediately called my friend, Gladys McCoy, who with her husband, Harold, is the head of the Ozark Research Institute in Fayetteville. She is a long-time friend and was a student at this class. She had been sitting directly across from me on the other side of the bed during the session. She had a clear view of everything that happened. I told her that the induction was on the tape.

She remarked, "That's impossible! I was watching you very closely to see how you do your inductions. The microphone was lying on the table, and you didn't pick it up and turn it on until she was under." She had no explanation for it either, because she knew what she saw, and I knew what I had done. When I sent the tapes and certificates to the students, I included a short letter telling them what had happened. This way they would know they had witnessed an even stranger event than they thought they had. I still have no explanation for any of this, especially for the induction being recorded. The only answer can be that "they" were controlling everything. They intended for the students to have the recording of the procedure, as well as the session. A session that they all agreed they would keep private and confidential. And they promised they would not divulge Estelle's identity or location. I believe they had the feeling that if they violated this trust, something might happen. We were all aware that we were dealing with something much higher and much more informed and in control than we merer mortals. This was an experience I would never forget, and I am positive it made an indelible impression on all those present.

But little did I know that it would be repeated at my next class. They were definitely monitoring my actions and my classes.

I believe Estelle could be the second of the seven disciples or special people that I was told I would meet while doing the session with Robert in England. I was told I would meet some of them, but not all. And that I was not to put them in touch with each other, because their work had to be done separately at this time. If she is one of this special and unique group of entities who have returned to help Earth through these turbulent times, then we know one is located in England, and one in America. I was told that they would be living on separate continents, and would be of different cultural backgrounds. Out of the billions of people in the world, what are the odds of finding two of these unique people half a world apart within two weeks? I just continue to do my work into the unknown, never knowing what they have in store for me next.

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Comment by Juan on November 8, 2009 at 7:32pm
Thanks Nightfable for the info...
Interestingly enough, in that book, while I was checking it out in the link that you post it, I found out an info that I was looking for...
I´m so gonna read that book!!!.
So, thanks again...
Comment by Trudy on November 8, 2009 at 5:30am
Indeed very very interesting, quite WOW ...
Comment by Nightfable on November 7, 2009 at 11:55pm
Sure thing Juan! :) I got it from

I ordered the 3 books from the bookstore, I can't wait to reed them!! :D
Comment by Juan on November 7, 2009 at 3:50pm
Indeed, an extremely interesting reading...
Thanks Nightfable, may I ask where did you get this info from?
Comment by RL on November 7, 2009 at 1:06am
wow an interesting read.
i didnt know she came to singapore?

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