Greetings and Salutations;
Outside of the sceaming and hollaring going on out here, this week was quite full of consistent and straight forward movement. Each day, at a precise time, locking in the next thing to be done in the readiness for the culmination of these years of hard toil. Unfortunately, if one is on the fringe, then like a cat with a furry ball hanging on a string above it's head, then distraction gets the attention. Names of programs have no bearing in the big picture, only transaction numbers do. It's the old, 'no tickee, no washee' thing. I see again, recent statements out here, have people in angst on the culmination of these matters. None of us were at the tables putting any of these things together, therefore, one does needs not do anymore than sign a simple signature for the prescribed gift, at the door. Everytime more complicated stuff is dropped on the web, remember something, if a 3rd grader couldn't understand it, it isn't consistent with the instructions contained which are written for a 9 yr old. No lawyereze. Even the non disclosure is simplistic; 'tell no one anything'. You will only be using compliant banks and they certainly have no need to ask you questions, they know why you are there. They will have letters of introduction before you even arrive.
Any country that pulled themselves out of compliancy, had their money put in escrow and I suppose they can try to get more money thru the world court. I don't see them having much success tho not with agreed upon docs signed on the amounts they are to receive. I understand ms merkel invited herself over here, with the european finance ministers, she wanted her cake and eat it too, but no one gave her a plate or a fork. There will be no funding of the 4th reich! The world is much more in alignment with itself, then the daily blah would have you believe. You know how that works, the squeaky wheel gets the oil of attention. This can only tell you, as things reach the culmination of this vast shift, the screamers will only get louder, until the fat lady's voice drowns them out and we walk away leaving them like little children, flopping on the floor, like fish out of water. The point to this was always to drain the swamps. I see, they accomplished much in that regard this past week, as they went behind a significant dog as he found his bones and tried to feed on them. You know who I'm talking about, the guy that said, 'over my dead body'. He saved the dragon a lot of work just thu his frustration, swearing to god no one was going to stop him from getting his life's work accomplished. He messed around and even exposed the curruption in the carribean, us banks were involved in, trying to hide the derivitives in hedge funds down there. It would really be funny if, all the sudden 'kenny boy' came tumbling out of hiding down there. Jeeze, lucy you got some 'splainin' to do. Never could understand why junior didn't attend his good friend's funeral.
Much as certain folks want to add satanic influences to everything out here, it just isn't true. The head trustee just doesn't trust all these folks out here and he hasn't been working with 12, because he doesn't trust anymore than a light crew of the most trusted. He refused to hire anymore people because everytime he did, the greed factor would kick in and they'd try to steal something. The infamous connecticut trustee was one of them. He had been watched for a long time, then he finally exposed himself and so was old man bush' eye and ears. So the 'coven' concept isn't working on people that are real and trustworthy. Much humilty would go a long way, in finally getting to the facts of what's really happening. There's a real one and and a pretender, the real one was appointed by reagan. Just like some other folks thru the years who had been appointed by presidents to accomplish things for this countries who later got stuck in prison for one reason or another by old man bush. I suggest some of you guys that know it all, to go check on who all was involved in the prosecution of the electrician in illinois, you might find the same fingerprints that have been involved in a mass of improper imprisonment, under us corporate law...nevermind the deaths, they are resposible for. Funny how so many people end up with a dose of alzheimers, and can't remember anything.
Ok, things have been brought to our doorsteps, as in delivery time. Countries can see their funds, heavy hitters have hot debit cards in their hands, and the thousands of trustees around the world have what they need. All this while obama and the chinese were blocking the story goes. I'm not going into the tech the chinese already have, which they displayed while bush was still pres, they don't need a thing from us. I'm just saying, people get a grip, the east is NOT backwards, matter of fact, they are far past what the media over here lets be known. That's why neither junior or gates were going to have any impact on their decisions. The bloodlines have reconnected and old mark twain's remark has no further relevency in this world, the world coming from behind the curtains. What's the saying, 'blood's thicker than water'? The magic moment of the drops isn't being told. I've taken you to the gate and that's the best I can do, I can see beyond it but it is not in my power to open it for you. There are people significantly more involved in getting things done, who are sitting where they are, waiting just the same. They will return to this country and be no longer worried about getting arrested under the us corp law just for doing their job. I'll be passing them at the airport, going the other way, and so will some of you.
Just remember 11/11/11 is a very important equation to some folks on this planet, whether we pay attention to such things or not. Consultations have been handle and continue to be by emailing this address, donations needed and accepted at account
Love and Kisses, and be well in your futures,
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