Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

November 11th, 2009- How will the media spin the Alien, UFO & E.T. Propaganda on 11/11/09?

Yes, I know that I’m the only one in the world who sees a forecast for aliens, ufo’s and extraterrestrial contact on 11/11/09. And I also know that if nothing happens that day, I could become known as…. “that crazy 11/11 nutball”. So let me make it clear again that I’m not predicting or prophesying anything for any specific date; but that I see a high-probability indicating November 11th, 2009; could be that day. And because I do see signs of this potentiality, I must shout it out from the rooftops -look at these signs!! If nothing of the sort transpires on that particular day, I do believe it is coming soon nonetheless, and I will continue on the watch UNABASHEDLY. I hope that I would recieve your support if this is the case. Many including myself also believe 11/11/11 holds something as well, but that’s a long way off, and a lot can(and will) happen between now and then.

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Comment by patrick on November 10, 2009 at 8:43pm
In my prison camp we have a t.v, the internet, and I can even leave the house when I want, how lucky am I to live in the 'west' !
Comment by Trudy on November 10, 2009 at 6:24pm
Yes it is ironic, you talk about the free West, as I now know that the West is not so free ...
Comment by Trudy on November 10, 2009 at 12:58pm
It will happen as it already established what should happen. Extraterrestrial life is already established on earth. Go out with the required information is applicable. There are too many who stay in discord. Governments are also not easy.
But those who have awakened do their utmost, to reach them who have not awakened. Stay in the light when new movies or television shows appear you must not weaken.
Keep believing in the good fights then you automatically destroying the bad.
Stay in believe of yourself : )))

The journey is yours... SoE
Comment by Aaron on November 10, 2009 at 12:41am
They will show sooner or later, and by the way it wasn't the actual October 14th, on our calender Oct 14th was October 24th on the Gregorian Calender. There was a Ufo that showed up and it got caught on Cnn the Stevenville Ufo Sighting. So who is to say they didn't show.

We all know they will show up sooner or later, i personally for worldwide Exposure was going to happen in 2011 , then again they could do multiple sightings again in 2009. I'm not saying wait for them to show up, so we can tell off the non believers.

Showing up or not isn't going to make hardly any difference, except for an Acknowledgement of they're Existence. People are still suffering on a constant basis, People are losing they're homes, we still have 2 wars and a possible 3 war happening, we have people starving on the streets, Big banks stealing money, Governments throwing money for wall street, big pharma, and drug companies, we still have a Federal Reserve who keeps Printing more money and causing more Inflation.

We still have Crime on the rise, and Huge cover ups not getting exposed, we still have Economic Hitmen out there pounding on Small Businesses, and we still are having our freedoms taking away.

I feel we as a whole have too much on our plate to fix to even care if there is Et's or not.

Maybe once we get our planet back, and get our freedoms back we can finally begin to even think of the presence of Et's.

I for one have not Seen One very wonderful Positive thing happen, it is quite the opposite that is happening.

We Need to really rid of this Entire system first and i do see it collapsing, because of the debt.

So Show or no Show, we got alot of work to do TOGETHER
Comment by nonya on November 9, 2009 at 7:58pm
Dont hold your breath but a lot of this is starting to be a repeat of the blossom goodchild "wait and see" debacle. Soo many people after that were convinced that they will come "someday". I am starting to think we are all living some pipe dream that will not come to fruition.
Comment by Aaron on November 9, 2009 at 3:18pm
I've been getting alot of signs of 11/11 more often now, i've seen it on a constant basis. I usually just shrug it off, but it is happening much more than usual so maybe that is a sign that something is going to happen on that date, Not that it could be a fleet of ufo's showing up around the world, but maybe an Announcement from all governments saying et's exists maybe.

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