For your information only.
I found this to be interesting, as many expect first contact with our space family, to be imminent.
With so much information springing up from so many different sources, it would not surprise me at all!
Here is a snip;
"This particular crop circle symbol depicts the upcoming mass decloaking of all the Lightships in our vector of space that will make themselves visible at the same time. This will be easily observed by every human being upon the face of the Planet and those that might be flying through the air. This event is scheduled to begin in November 2009. This event is ready to occur at any moment. Humanity will Awaken in the masses upon seeing these Lightships floating majestically and beautifully all around them in the skies and in the Earth’s atmosphere. No matter where on Earth you as a Human might be, you WILL see this event."
The whole article
The Earth is Wonder Full.
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