Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

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Underground Bases - Gray Bases


Added by 陳思如 Luz on August 15, 2010 at 5:00pm — 4 Comments

LFA Vol 3 No.1 The Grey Agenda


Added by 陳思如 Luz on August 15, 2010 at 4:00pm — No Comments

A Sign of Our New Reality


Added by CHRISTINA on August 15, 2010 at 7:30am — 2 Comments

EmPowering Feminine Energy

Empowering Feminine Energy

A woman’s sense of compassion and inner voice demonstrates the depth of her strength.


So often in our world we tend to think of strength as…


Added by Lydia on August 13, 2010 at 9:24pm — No Comments

Ben Fulford: "The dark cabal’s desperate last minute efforts to stop their collapse will fail"

The dark cabal’s desperate last minute efforts to stop their collapse will fail

There seems to be a frantic, almost hysterical attempt by the secret financial cabal to stop the coming revolution in the West. They should cease and desist before they dig their own graves even deeper.

Let me summarize my own involvement in the revolution. It started when, as a mainstream financial journalist (working for Forbes and other publications) I…


Added by jose v on August 13, 2010 at 8:24pm — 1 Comment

From The Trustee, link: "Introduction to The Trustee"

Sovereign citizens — a 21st Century counter culture
Study estimates up to 300,000 Americans defy federal, state laws


Added by jose v on August 12, 2010 at 9:20pm — No Comments

Brazil air force to record UFO sightings

Brazil's government has ordered its air force to officially record any sighting of unidentified flying objects.

A government decree said all military and civilian pilots as well as air traffic controllers should register any UFO sightings with the national aerospace defence command.

The information will be stored in the national archives in Rio de Janeiro.

It will be made available to researchers, including those seeking evidence of extraterrestrial… Continue

Added by peace frog on August 12, 2010 at 7:37pm — 1 Comment

A Picture of the Road Ahead:

A Picture of the Road Ahead:

From his understanding of the Mayan tradition and the calendars, Mr. Barrios offered a picture of where we are at and what may lie on the road ahead. The date specified in the calendar Winter Solstice in the year 2012 does not mark the end of the world. Many outside people writing about the Mayan…


Added by Alex of New Human New Earth on August 12, 2010 at 4:24pm — 1 Comment


Taking Another Look

When we meet someone for the first time, we often create a defining image in our minds of who that person is. We may also determine whether or not that someone is worth getting to know. Sometimes when an initial interaction is particularly uncomfortable or challenging, we can decide to close our hearts to this new acquaintance entirely. But being too quick to judge can cause us to lose out on a potentially wonderful, enriching relationship. First impressions don’t… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 12, 2010 at 2:00pm — No Comments


Disapproving Faces

It is not necessarily a pleasant experience, but there will be times in our lives when we come across people who do not like us. As we know, like attracts like, so usually when they don’t like us it is because they are not like us. Rather than taking it personally, we can let them be who they are, accepting that each of us is allowed to have different perspectives and opinions. When we give others that… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 12, 2010 at 2:00pm — 2 Comments


Interesting People Everywhere

It’s easy to forget sometimes that everyone has a story to tell if we take the time to listen. We are so accustomed to hearing the stories of people in the news that we sometimes lose track of the fact that the random stranger on the bus also has a fascinating story about where they came from and how they got to be where they are. The sheer variety of paths taken in this world, from farmers to CEOs to homeless people to world travelers, is indicative of… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 12, 2010 at 1:44pm — 5 Comments

The Trustee: "We shall stand as a Beacon of light leading the people of this earth into a new world of peace and ..."

E-mail from the Trustee:


On the website on a page titled “Message from Tim Turner,” Tim further exposes himself and his T.R.A.P when he asks, “Isn’t it time to apply the same principles…” of secrecy, deceit and backroom politics…”to salvag[e] the law from wickedness?”

The spiritual being knows that two wrongs do not make a right, and that…


Added by jose v on August 12, 2010 at 3:06am — No Comments

The Trustee: "I would like to address the concerns of the military in America’s transition back to the republic."

I would like to address the concerns of the military in America’s transition back to the republic.

It is my understanding that the military believes that we must revert back to the constitution so as to preserve their existence. I believe they have a misunderstanding as to whom or what they serve.

The first and priority necessary for recognition as a sovereign state is the requirement for a post. The post office, or postal zone, is the only way that a legal…


Added by jose v on August 11, 2010 at 1:57pm — No Comments

The Trustee: Food for Thought

Food for thought from The Trustee

Why would the War College created and funded by the de-facto government for the purpose of designing ever more effective methods for waging war against the people and nations of the world suddenly do an about face and create a plan to restore the republic that ensures their demise and the demise of their creator, the de-facto government?

Or, is this yet another illusion to trick and deceive the American people?

The secrecy and deceit of…


Added by jose v on August 11, 2010 at 1:55pm — No Comments

Disclosure??!!!?!? SKYLINE MOVIE TRAILER

Another movie trying to trick us all. boooo the dark side. interested in this movie and I cant wait for the super 8 movie to come out.


In the sci-fi thriller Skyline, strange lights descend on the city of Los Angeles, drawing people outside like moths to a flame where an extraterrestrial force threatens to swallow the entire human population off the face of the Earth.…


Added by peace frog on August 11, 2010 at 12:30am — 6 Comments

BenjaminFulford :United Nations, Alan Greenspan now implicated in $134.5 billion bond scandal

An international investigation of what is certain to be the largest financial fraud in history (involving at least $1 trillion) is now implicating former US Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan and UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, according to CIA, MI6, Opus Dei and Interpol sources.

This scandal at the heart of the secret world of global high finance made a brief entry into the public conscious in June, 2009 when two Japanese carrying $134.5 billion worth of government…


Added by jose v on August 10, 2010 at 10:42pm — No Comments

E-mail from The Trustee: TO THE VATICAN



From all humanity, thank you.

The Universe rejoices.

Love and Gratitude

A servant of…


Added by jose v on August 10, 2010 at 3:30am — 1 Comment

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