Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

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David Wilcock - Where have you been? Oh, there you ARE . . . .On Coast to Coast - Tues 10 August - Thanks bro.

David on Coast with George Noory, August 10th!

Written by David Wilcock Monday, 09 August 2010 15:04

Get ready for a mega-download of exciting new information when David appears on Coast Tuesday, August 10th! Read a brief summary of what we've been up to...

Much more at

Added by jose v on August 10, 2010 at 3:22am — 1 Comment

Message from Benjamin Fulford :Japanese under-world teams up with Pentagon white hats in war against the dark cabal

August 9, 2010

Last week the Japanese yakuza, at a secret meeting with the White Dragon Society, agreed to form an alliance with the white hats in the Pentagon and the world’s intelligence agencies. The aim is to find a new legal structure for the Yakuza to operate as a quasi-governmental organization by the time the head of the 50,000 man Yamaguchi Gumi syndicate comes out of prison next April. This means the Japanese military/police/yakuza/right-wing…


Added by jose v on August 10, 2010 at 3:17am — 1 Comment

Poofness Aug 8th ---- Just One Victory

Poofness Aug 8th ---- Just One Victory

-------- Original Message --------


Added by jose v on August 9, 2010 at 2:30am — 3 Comments


When we fall in love with someone or make a new friend, we sometimes see that person in a glowing light. Their good qualities dominate the foreground of our perception and their negative qualities. They just don’t seem to have any. This temporary state of grace is commonly known as putting someone on a pedestal. Often times we put spiritual leaders and our gurus on pedestals. We have all done this to someone at one time or another, and as long… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 8, 2010 at 12:24pm — 1 Comment


Keeping Our Minds Supple

A lot of people feel threatened if they feel they are being asked to question their cherished beliefs or their perception of reality. Yet questioning is what keeps our minds supple and strong. Simply settling on one way of seeing things and refusing to be open to other possibilities makes the mind rigid and generally creates a restrictive and uncomfortable atmosphere. We all know someone who refuses to budge on one or more issues, and we may have our own… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 8, 2010 at 12:21pm — 10 Comments


Common Courtesy

We often feel that we don’t have the time or energy to extend ourselves to others with the small gestures that compose what we call common courtesy. It sometimes seems that this kind of social awareness belongs to the past, to smaller towns and slower times. Yet, when someone extends this kind of courtesy to us, we always feel touched. Someone who lends a helping hand when we are struggling with our groceries makes an impression because many people just walk right by.… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 8, 2010 at 12:21pm — 2 Comments


Being Happy for Others

We all want to be the kind of people who are happy for others when they

experience success or a cause for celebration in their lives, but it

isn’t always easy. Sometimes powerful, dark feelings come up at times

when decorum dictates that we should be feeling the opposite. Instead of

reaching out and celebrating for our loved one, we may feel the rising

up of our own pain. This pain may… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 8, 2010 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Are you ready to Awaken into Full Consciousness?

Hello Grand Beings of Love and Light!

We now have full internet connection and we are going to resume the Awakening Sessions for those ready to connect in fully with the Light. These sessions are offered in Unconditional Love, and Love Donations

are requested, but not required. We would like you to know that we are here,

and in complete service…


Added by MotherGod on August 7, 2010 at 7:51pm — No Comments


Distinguished professor from University of Sarajevo dr. Midhat Ridjanovic visited the archaeological locations in the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids in mid July. After the tour he wrote this words in the book of impressions:

„When this project is completed it will be the most important discovery in the history and the biggest miracle on the Planet“!…


Added by jose v on August 7, 2010 at 2:48am — No Comments

“Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun” Foundation made another discovery in pre-historical underground labyrinth “Ravne” at the end of July 2010.

“Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun” Foundation made another discovery in pre-historical underground labyrinth “Ravne” at the end of July 2010.

Foundation’s team discovered first 'little lake' in one of the side tunnels. Entrance to the side tunnel was blocked with the drywall and fill up material which was carefully removed.

Water is of a beautiful dark blue color. Surface is 10 sq. meters. Lake is 250 meters away from the main entrance to the…


Added by jose v on August 7, 2010 at 2:29am — 2 Comments

Did Churchill Order a UFO Cover-Up?

There's no doubt that Winston Churchill had his share of secrets. When you're leading a world power during wartime, classified information come with the territory. But did one of his closely held secrets have to do with "little green men"? A new report contends that the English Bulldog may have played a part in a UFO cover-up.

It's a conspiracy theory worthy of the "X-Files," and it goes like this: Churchill, then the prime minister, apparently ordered a cover-up of an encounter… Continue

Added by peace frog on August 6, 2010 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

Massive UFO Fleet Said Headed Towards Earth…

Please take it with a grain of salt because I don't like posting these damn things.. :-)


…If True Would You Ever Be Told?

“At our meeting in Geneva, the U.S. President said that if the earth faced an invasion by extraterrestrials, the United States and the Soviet Union would join forces to repel…


Added by jose v on August 6, 2010 at 2:32am — 2 Comments

EarthKeeper Tyberonn message:ACTION ALERT 6th +7th August

ACTION ALERT 6th +7th August * The Fulcrum of the Cardinal Grand Cross * Be Centrered and Shine the Light and JOY to All * EarthKeeper Tyberonn message

Added by jose v on August 6, 2010 at 2:27am — No Comments

Interview with Rayelan Allan on "channeled voices" originating from a more earthly source . . . namely the Office of Naval Intelligence ~

The following is an exclusive interview conducted with Rayelan Allan, Founder/ Editor of The Rumor Mill News Agency, a web-based news magazine that was started by and for government whistle-blowers. (

At one point in her life, Rayelan was part of the New Age community and believed she had been chosen to receive channeled messages from the star system Sirius. After a strange set of circumstances, she found herself… Continue

Added by CHRISTINA on August 5, 2010 at 4:36pm — 1 Comment

The Interaction between U.S. Government and Extra Terrestrials ~

Maurice Osborn is an independent crop circle and UFO researcher. His work was instrumental in bringing about the creation of The Sagan Continuation Project (SCP) by Marshall Masters of The mission of the all-volunteer SCP is to continue the outbound contact efforts of astronomer Carl E. Sagan by using the Internet to repetitively beam a reply message into space via our immense network of communication satellites. THE SAGAN CONTINUATION…


Added by CHRISTINA on August 5, 2010 at 3:30pm — 1 Comment


"Knowing others is Wisdom; Knowing the Self is Enlightenment"

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 5, 2010 at 11:56am — 2 Comments

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