Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

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JOIN Ashtar's Trinity! Begin Your Mission -- Ascension NOW to the Fifth Dimension and Beyond!

JOIN Ashtar's Trinity! Begin Your Mission -- Ascension NOW to the Fifth Dimension and Beyond!

If you are dedicated to the LIGHT, we need YOU to apply to join our International Inter-Galactic ASCENSION Team.

For all questions answered, go to these web pages:…


Added by J'Tariah EnRa El on August 24, 2010 at 11:54am — 2 Comments

Leading Edge Interview with Drunvalo Melchizedek (1995) ~



Val: There are people out there who have never heard of you or the Flower of Life workshops. Could you explain your origins and how you got your last name?

Drunvalo: Well, the origins and where I got my last name are kind of interrelated. First of all, the whole Universe is conscious and alive - completely alive, and has been forever. Everything is not inanimate as it seems - it is just made up of…


Added by CHRISTINA on August 24, 2010 at 6:30am — No Comments

The Vatic Project

Vatic: (adj.) of or related to a prophecy.

Project: (noun) an undertaking requiring concerted effort; (verb) to throw forward.

"Governments need armies to protect them against their enslaved and oppressed subjects."

~ Leo Tolstoi…


Added by jose v on August 24, 2010 at 2:08am — 2 Comments

Deep Relaxation Meditation MP3 Files Available to Download for Free in a Newly Launched Web Page

A revolutionary training technique, for people to improve their mental awareness, creativity, intelligence, and even to spark happiness has been revealed through a web page recently set in motion.

A web page has been created to provide people the path to acquire a brain training technique to achieve higher level of intelligence, creativity, provide relief from stress, and acquire more peace of mind. This website is all about the Free 40 Minute Meditation MP3,…

Added by Lightworker on August 24, 2010 at 12:30am — 4 Comments

The Hidden Power of Relaxation - Manifesting Meditations; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: white; background-position: 100% 0%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; ">

Along the road of life, you have probably experienced glimpses of success from intense amounts of efforting. Most likely there is a deeply conditioned…


Added by Lightworker on August 24, 2010 at 12:17am — No Comments



Added by 陳思如 Luz on August 23, 2010 at 6:36pm — No Comments

Arch Angel Uriel - Tomorrow’s Promise

By Arch Angel Uriel - Hazel…

Added by 陳思如 Luz on August 23, 2010 at 6:00pm — 1 Comment

POOF for AUG 22nd: "Crossing Jordan"

Received via e-mail:


-------- Original Message --------



Subject: Crossing Jordan

Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2010 18:09:01 -0400

At The Crossing Of The Jordan

Words and Music by Mosie Lister

There’s a…


Added by jose v on August 23, 2010 at 1:45am — 1 Comment

Alpha & Omega: The Dimension of Truth


Added by 陳思如 Luz on August 22, 2010 at 9:30pm — 2 Comments

UFO soundclip ( and the Keys of Enoch (

"The sound is coming from a very large UFO under the direction of the Orion Council of Light. There are many misunderstandings and much disinformation about Orion. In the Keys of Enoch, J.J. Hurtak says Orion is where Gnosis-the true power and wisdom of God emanates from. It is where the pure light bodies which were encoded by the Pleiadian DNA originated. This ship has been seen and…


Added by CHRISTINA on August 22, 2010 at 5:00pm — 4 Comments

Yoda 103 - LOVE...the reclassification...Theory of the cup...

Namaste...and we love you all...

We begin this discussion by telling you that maybe we have been looking at this the wrong way. We label everything around us and even just use old inferior classifications as our own. And this as everything else we have come to see, is wrong. We seem to just see things as either right or wrong, black or white, up or down. Maybe we need to totally take a step back and revisit an old thought. Abundance, and lack of…

Added by Shin Neo aka The Young Yoda on August 21, 2010 at 11:20pm — No Comments


Listening To The Void

All sounds, from a whisper to a classical symphony, arise out of silence and disappear into silence. But silence is always there beneath sound and is the space where sound can exist. We tend to think of silence as the absence of sound, but silence has its own weight and quality. When you listen to silence, you can perceive its intense depth and power. Taking the time to experience silence calms the mind and… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 21, 2010 at 9:00pm — No Comments


Let It Begin With You

No matter where you work, chances are there's room for improvement. Let change begin with you. No matter what your position is, you can be the catalyst for positive change in your workplace.

Let your employer or supervisor know that you'd be interested in organizing teams to enhance the work environment. Most employers will be open to this because it doesn't cost them anything. Talk about what changes… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 21, 2010 at 9:00pm — 1 Comment


Outlining Your Intentions

The universe is aware of both the concrete goals we actively pursue and the nebulous dreams we have not yet begun to refine. Neither our struggles nor the daydreams that inspire us are beyond the range of universal perception. Yet to manifest our aspirations, we not only need to know what it is we generally wish to achieve; we also need to clearly articulate these aims to ourselves and the universe. When we… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 21, 2010 at 9:00pm — No Comments


The Passenger

It’s easy to go through this fast-paced world feeling as if you are

being dragged through your weeks on the back of a wild horse. Many of us

go from one thing to another until we end up back at home in the

evening with just enough time to wind down and go to sleep, waking up

the next morning to begin the wild ride once more. While this can be

exhilarating for certain periods of time, a…

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 21, 2010 at 9:00pm — 1 Comment

UFO Wormhole Spiral Brand New Footage Norfolk UK 20th Aug 2010.

Hopefully, someone else filmed this as well showing more footage.


Added by jose v on August 21, 2010 at 6:30am — 3 Comments

E-mail from The TRUSTEE: "Who is the Trustee? Before Abraham was, I AM."

E-mail from the Trustee:


I AM the Trustee of the original strawman trust wherein a trust was created at birth as a transmitting utility to facilitate the flow of our credit to the civil administration, corporate U.S. In that trust I AM the trustor as 100% of the value comes from the sovereign man. I AM the Trustee of that trust charged with the duty of settling all charges against said trust via acceptance and return for discharge against the pre-paid account. The civil…


Added by jose v on August 21, 2010 at 4:44am — No Comments

International Heroes Day

Today we have lots of special days that we celebrate, Christmas, thanksgiving (for our American cousins), new year, birthdays. And some entirely invented by greetings card companies: mothers day, fathers day, St Valentines day.

Well I propose a new day to celebrate, International heroes day or all heroes day. This would be for people who risk there lives every day or have done in the past to keep us safe, like…


Added by Kal'Narred on August 20, 2010 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Things to Consider in Choosing Products for Brainwave Entrainment

Stress is a major part of our lives. It is something that we encounter in our day to day activities. Some kinds of stress are actually beneficial to us, especially those that will keep us motivated. However, there are also forms of stress that will bring about negative effects in our lives. Such kinds of stress when neglected could lead to certain ailments or even depression. Therefore, it is always best to know certain techniques to counter the effects of…

Added by Lightworker on August 20, 2010 at 12:17pm — 2 Comments

Tips to Achieve Deep Relaxation Meditation

More and more people are looking for ways to learn deep relaxation meditation.
This is because there are a lot of effects one can
derive from such an activity. The main purpose of this kind of activity is to
reach a certain state in which it will provide you with deep relaxation,
relieving you of the stress that you feel. Stress is the one of the main
reasons why people find ways to relax. Stress comes in many forms; some…

Added by Lightworker on August 20, 2010 at 12:15pm — No Comments

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