Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Earth Healing Day ~Sunday August 15 from 12 noon to 1.00 pm ~

Greetings from Galactic Heart...

This Sunday, August 15th is important - it's Earth Healing Day. People from all over the world are setting aside one hour (from 12:00 noon to 1:00 PM) to join together to create a massive healing wave for the planet. Organizers are calling for 500,000 people to participate. Everyone who Loves our planet is invited to join in.

Sheldan's webinar on Sunday, August 15 from 12 noon to 1:30 pm coincides with the Earth Healing Day event. So for all of you that will be participating in Sheldan's webinar~~Road to Full Consciousness, we will add our collective energies and intentions to Healing our Earth. Share this invitation with everyone you know! Truly, Together we are Victorious!

Our Goal:

To facilitate a global experience of unity dedicated to the cleansing and healing of Earth.

How it Will Work:

We have designated August 15, 2010 as Earth Healing Day, and we invite all concerned planetary citizens to join together, in their respective time zones, for a power-packed hour of:

* Dedicated focus for Earth healing and cleansing
* Prayer, meditation and chanting
* Sharing of love for the planet

Joining the Wave:

From noon to 1:00 in successive time zones around the world, participants from all over the planet will dedicate this hour to offering the activities listed above. This will create a wave of spiritual healing energy that encompasses the globe over a 24-hour time period.

Who will take part?

To everyone who feels called to offer an open heart and an hour of their time for planetary healing, please join this movement. Concerned people all over the world will come together in a massive, collective offering for Earth. Sign on, and spread the word.

Become Part of the Solution:

We, as the collective family of Earth, have become complacent in our planetary stewardship. Now, it is time for us to respond to the wake-up call Earth is sounding. This is the time, and we are the ones to bring about a new way of stewarding our planet.

For more information or to download meditation suggestions for Earth Healing Day

Road to Full Consciousness

Sheldan's webinar is Sunday, August 15 from 12-1:30 pm PDT and/or Thursday, August 19 from 6-7:30 pm PDT

Sheldan will discuss...

• Collapsing the Dark Cabal's Agenda
• Manifesting Our Earth Allies' Plans
• What Secret Technology is Available?
• What Can We Do?


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Comment by Lydia on August 14, 2010 at 10:50am
Thank You Dear CHRISTINA for Posting This Info ~ I Will BE There :0)
May OUR Dear Planet Earth HEAL And MAY We ALL HEAL With Her ~ Namaste ~ En Lak'ech ~ As ONE !

SoE Visitors



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