Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

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this strange shift....

I have feel a strange shift in the energies lately...and felt a shock in my heart chakra last alerted me a great deal and I started meditating at WORK!!! I felt much concern for my friends and felt many were under attack...if anyone has felt any of these attacks please add your experiences here so we can share and start healing eachother...this sudden shift in the forces needs to be examined quickly for us to learn how and why these happen...and we need to see who is more susceptable… Continue

Added by Shin Neo aka The Young Yoda on December 19, 2008 at 1:00pm — 4 Comments

A Christmas Wish To You From Me

There is something about Christmas's past that have left me feeling unfulfilled and sad, and quite honestly if I could have just bypassed Christmas, I'd have not been the worse for it.

But things have been culminating for me rather quickly the last several months and I found what I was missing :) as I think many of us have of late.

I wrote this poem to share with you what Christmas is becoming for me and I wish for you all to be blessed with copious amounts of… Continue

Added by Dana on December 19, 2008 at 4:10am — 4 Comments

weed ... peace? aliens?

can that be helpful for the love spreading? also... some scientist said its an "alien plant" because its characteristics.. and also we have no idea why the gov bans the use of it... any explanation or discussion? (sorry if its out of topic)

Added by Eduardo Lee on December 19, 2008 at 2:12am — 3 Comments

Losing friends on facebook

Hey guys, just thought I'd write something that came up recently ever since I've began voicing my opinion on facebook.

Ever since October, when I wrote some detailed posts on Chemical Trails and Morgellons -- I've received hatemail and have been removed from a few friends list. Just today I've posted information about the dangers of the flu shot and again seem to have turned some people against me.

I know it's information a lot of people don't want to hear, but I'm tired… Continue

Added by Nightfable on December 19, 2008 at 1:09am — 4 Comments

Feeling much better

Well, it looks like I'm fighting off the flu everyone seem to be catching recently. After taking colloidal silver, I feel so much better and by coincidence my etheric is back to normal. Yay!

Don't get the flu shot, peeps -- there are a lot safer alternatives that I will list for you below. :)

Natural Alternatives

There are many very effective, natural products available to help boost your immune system and… Continue

Added by Nightfable on December 18, 2008 at 2:50pm — 1 Comment

Use your C 7 always for protection

When you have a chance to Meditate always use your Chakra 7 and call on Divine Golden Rays of Love or Gods aura into your C 7 ...I myself do that 3 times. The Best Love You Can Receive.

Added by healingnow4u on December 18, 2008 at 2:30pm — 2 Comments

My channelling quest!!!

Today I took my first steps into receiving information from my higher self. I felt a sort of immense energy throughout my body which made it tingle, and feel warm all over. I also observed a weird purple energy looking substance which made different shapes, and seemed to flow smooth as water.

I asked a few questions, and received some answers, but was unable to determine if it was just my imagination putting thoughts into my head, or rather it was my higher conscious answering my… Continue

Added by Arostal on December 17, 2008 at 8:26pm — 3 Comments

INTERGALACTIC ORBs. Evidence that We Are Being Observed and Visited Here by Distant Beings with Advanced Space Flight Capability

Originally discovered by Ancient Sumerians 25,000 years ago, their existence hidden by Sikh’s, Muslims, ancient Hebrews, early Christians and Hindus; they were often mistaken for Gods by the early Greeks and Romans, or as Angelic beings, spirits or witchcraft/the occult, because of their ability to communicate and their early presence and interaction with Primitive Humanity, which they gradually refined into a "Hands Off" quarantine of observation and limited discussion… Continue

Added by Maitaki on December 17, 2008 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments

Magical Egypt !!!!!

Egypt, officially the Arab Republic of Egypt, country in northeastern Africa and southwestern Asia. Most of the country lies in Africa, but the easternmost portion of Egypt, the Sinai Peninsula, is usually considered part of Asia; it forms the only land bridge between the two continents. Most of Egypt�s terrain is desert, divided into two unequal parts by the Nile River. The valley and delta of the Nile are the main centers of habitation. The… Continue

Added by ..... (RaInBoW wArRiOr) ...... on December 17, 2008 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

Ascension, Illuminati and WW3

I am aware what ascension mean but then again I am wondering how that really happens. We become light bodies? That mean we have to die in this reality? If so I am not afraid of death because we live forever at least in spiritually.

I have always known that some day I will witness something unique and massive but cannot say what it is. This is just a feeling inside of me. Whatever it will be I am glad to be here in this moment. I was waken by GFOL despite are they imposters or… Continue

Added by Sebastian on December 17, 2008 at 10:12am — 10 Comments

NASA - A Giant Breach in Earth's Magnetic Field


Dec. 16, 2008: NASA's five THEMIS spacecraft have discovered a breach in Earth's magnetic field ten times larger than anything previously thought to exist. Solar wind can flow in through the opening to "load up" the magnetosphere for powerful geomagnetic storms. But the breach itself is not the biggest surprise. Researchers are even… Continue

Added by torz on December 17, 2008 at 3:04am — No Comments


Remeber when you were a kid? Did it ever matter to you the time or the season? When you made friends it was to have a friend and no other reason. Did you think of what they believed, or the colour of their skin, and anything was possible and you just dived in? When I was a little girl I'd read for hours, but by far my favorite, the best book written, Oh, The Places You'll Go! by Dr. Seuss. Take a moment to read it, you'll be quite smitten.

Admittedly... I'm no Dr. Seuss :) but… Continue

Added by Dana on December 16, 2008 at 10:30pm — 2 Comments

Is it real?

It could be anything. At the moment "it" is the Amero. I'm not saying it is real, but I'm curious to know what others think. Some may say I'm a sucker for even thinking it could be.... but what if it is? I like the mystery.

And crop circles... I mean.... I don't care who made them... they are real! The Amero is real. But what does it mean.... and who made it? I like just questioning "what is real?"

Are countries real? They are not real to me in many ways, yet I can say… Continue

Added by Corazon on December 16, 2008 at 7:30pm — 4 Comments

The Coming of Illness

I've been practicing my peripheral vision and I can clearly see people's etheric. Mine is usually fairly easy to see, and the easiest way to practice is by looking at my hands. What's strange is that I woke up today feeling unrested, having bouts of sneezing and being cold.

My mom came over to do some Christmas shopping with her, I found myself unable to keep up with her pace, I was irritable, I had cold sweats that would turn into hot flashes... very unpleasant. I had to cut my mom… Continue

Added by Nightfable on December 16, 2008 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Redesigning our Future with the Venus Project

The venus Project, I started a Petition For the Project so i ask all of you to sign it if you can

The video is up there on the… Continue

Added by Aaron on December 16, 2008 at 1:07am — No Comments

Need help with channeling

ive been trying to get into a meditative state and attempt channeling my higher self, but i just cant seem to get the visualization down. i read that you have to visualize energy flowing above your crown chakra throughout your body and to try to open up all chakras before doing so..... i try to visualize these things, but i feel im not doing it right, or not imagining the right colors, energy, etc. if anybody has some concrete advice as to try to channel for a beginner, it would be greatly… Continue

Added by Mechanick on December 15, 2008 at 10:13pm — 1 Comment


Devatas: “You were speaking a little earlier on this evening about the orbs and what you call your spaceships which you see in the skies over your planet at this time.

Indeed, it is interesting from the point of view of what is more or less happening to your consciousness. Your Consciousness as you know, is Opening - and in Opening, it implies does it not, that your awareness expands. So, is it not a normal perception under those circumstances, that you start to perceive things which… Continue

Added by Juan on December 15, 2008 at 6:52pm — 1 Comment

Banks and consumers brace for new credit card rules

FYI... Looks like things are starting to come together..

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. credit card industry, harshly criticized for imposing surprise fees and interest rate hikes on consumers, may face a day of reckoning on Thursday..

The Federal Reserve is to vote on credit card reforms that may bring some relief to customers who face a variety of ways for being hit with late fees, universal defaults, shorter payment periods and confusing payment allocations for… Continue

Added by Tina W on December 15, 2008 at 10:14am — No Comments

What Is the Light Body and why Is It so important. (Teachings by Djwhal Khul)

I do want to talk extensively about this so you have a very good understanding of it. Some of you have studied Tibetan Bardo, or the philosophies that have been given about reincarnation, and how the Holy Spirit is eternal, and so on. Simply put, it is the part of your consciousness that goes with you from lifetime to lifetime to lifetime. It has intellect, of course. All things in Creation are intellectual --- I could say numeric, I could say vibrational, or that they have intelligence. Even… Continue

Added by Maitaki on December 14, 2008 at 9:28am — No Comments

thanks particles of flowing into ONENESS

Hey I just want to take this opportunity while it is here to thank all of you, Brad for creating this site, and all of you who have contributed and do contribute, with your questioning, your sharing, your offerings and your creativity, not forgetting a laugh here and there. This has developed into a forum for awakening and discussion and light, perceiving many points of view, like a fractal flower, and how all these are part of the ONE. Embracing paradox, but carving a feeling for what is true,… Continue

Added by caro on December 14, 2008 at 7:44am — No Comments

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