I'm a very empathic and sensitive soul, My emotions can be a rollar coaster at times, but most of the time i'm very loving and caring I try so hard not to hurt anybody's feelings or upset anybody, I know that all of us are interconnected and whatever i do to you i do to my self. I can get very angry and frustrated at times but i've come along way for watching my Anger. I try so hard to not let any negative thing get to me at all. I'm learning more to love myself and being more aware of my self as much as possible. I work really hard at being more positive in my life and i love to Laugh alot. I'm also very HOnest with others but not totally 100% but i try to be. Usually it's 97%
Sometimes i can feel very Lazy and sometimes i feel like i want to do so much to get things done, I'm always totally unbalanced with that. As for my Enlightenment and Awakening process is coming, It's going very gradually and slowly. I just started awakening over the summer time last year. My Inner body has become very very light and getting lighter everyday. Some days i want to just float but not quite. I'am so excited about 2012 and Ascension and Awakening to my true self but I do get fearful of my true self when i begin to access it. So Fear is one of my biggest obstacles right now and so is worry that's in all areas of my life.
If your all interested do you all know we have the ability to heal others with touch, I'm sure alot of you already know that and practice that, but I've been learning
Quantum Touch which is very simple to learn, but takes some time to grow stronger at it. If you practice every day Usually you could start healing others in a few weeks. Now you will need a partner to practice with. I have the 2 books which you really only need to first book but the 2nd book takes you deeper. Did you know we have like 5 more chakras above the crown chakra? I believe that is right number. If i'm wrong i'll fix that.
For all of you that don't know i have a Blog called
timewave2012.blogspot.com It's similer to Brad's 2012evolution.com but i dive a little deeper and i've expanded with it. I have loads of information about 2012, Ascension, nwo, illuminati, 911, federation of light, Ufo's, Et's, Election, Politics, ways to save earth, documentories, movies, Solfeggio frequencies, crystal singing bowls, guided meditations, music, many resources and links.
I also have 8 full length movies on my blog, Well the list will be on my blog, the movies are on the bottom of the page. So I go a little beyond Brad's website. I still love what Brad has done, especially starting this Saviors of Earth to bring thousands of people together. Also he has his own podcast, and videos to. Now i have many ideas on what we can do as a collective to clean the planet. I've posted some of them up on my Blog

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I thought i would add some more:
I'm a very Compassionate, loving, sensitive, respectful and caring soul, I'm also an Indigo Child which i'm still trying to confirm that in my dreams, but i fit all the criteria. I'm an extremely sensitive person, and i have a very powerful Feminine side. I'm not perfect and i do have my ego, but my Higher self is which i usually call my God Self. I love animals i have 2 cats that i take care of and they really keep me going in tough times they always keep me smiling. I Have such a wonderful family, and i'm very close to my mother, i have one sister, one Sister in Law, a Neice and nephew and my Step father which he is the best father i'll ever have.
I love to do many things just not alone, I love to go swimming, Dancing, camping, Watching movies like the ones like the Secret, Watching football, working on my pc and the internet. I have a blog that i put alot of time and energy into as well as my Network i've been working on.
I love to service others, so i volunteer at the Hospital on an average 12 hours a week and i love doing that. I just wish i could do more, which i'm starting to find out ways i can do more.
If you ever need anything or just need a friend to talk to, i'm here for you.
As for Ascension and Enlightenment, I've been getting way more fully Conscious, sometimes it feels wonderful and other times i just can't handle the sounds they are so intense sometimes but i'm learning to accept the sounds.
I have some tips and ideas for you all if you would like to know about enlightenment and connecting to your true self. They will be on my network so you will have to sign up and get into the groups to learn more.
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Hello .
I am Mrs. Anna Grace Kokou, an aging widow suffering from long time illness (Esophageal Cancer). I have some important information (charity proposal) for you, May God continue to bless you, Please reply(annakokou33@gmail.com) for more details.
your sister in the Lord,
Mrs. Anna Grace Kokou.
I hope you're having a great day! Normally I send friend requests, but for some reason on this site my Add as Friend link is not working. On my page there are blog posts that explain how to evolve consciousness and achieve new psychic states - such as overcoming all emotional pain forever - a psychic state called Immunity.
Hi Aaron,
Haven't seen any posts from you in while but I haven't been on the site much.
Hope you are okay. I know you struggled from time to time.
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