Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I have feel a strange shift in the energies lately...and felt a shock in my heart chakra last alerted me a great deal and I started meditating at WORK!!! I felt much concern for my friends and felt many were under attack...if anyone has felt any of these attacks please add your experiences here so we can share and start healing eachother...this sudden shift in the forces needs to be examined quickly for us to learn how and why these happen...and we need to see who is more susceptable to these forces...much Love and Light to you all!!!
<(-.-)> and Namaste...

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Comment by CrystalClear2313 on December 19, 2008 at 10:29pm
Exactly Dana I think what some people maybe feeling is the releasing of the old. I have had some of those lately and today I had one. What my higher self told me to do is to forgive my self and look at those feelings or situations that pop in my head or heart with love. Be very gentle with your selves my friends this journey requires a lot of love and forgiveness. At first I thought about other entities too (psychic attack) which is a possibility.
I believe that with this Ascension process there's a lot of shedding the negative aspects of the self which is a difficult task. The ego doesn't want to leave which in terms could be manifesting in negatives forms.
love and Light to you all....
Comment by Dana on December 19, 2008 at 2:14pm
There is separation happening. We need love... lots and lots of love... Maybe it could be an outside influence, there are plenty that have been hanging around in deception of awakening. But seriously, we need to look at this as a reflection of ourselves as well. Because this is certainly the law of attraction at work here. How strongly now are we feeling ourselves being drawn into the oneness... into the love? How strongly is our ego fighting to have us back? What now are we willing to release to remain as one? Great sacrifices are to be made here in this time. But we must all understand the illusion of what these sacrifices have meant to us and release them with ease. Because as we cling stronger, there will become more upheaval and struggling. So how important are our beliefs and why must they continue to be a part of our process of growth into a new realm of being. They are all of an old system of good and bad... right and wrong... it must all be released.
Comment by Woken2012 on December 19, 2008 at 2:06pm
Same here , I felt something bad had happened somewhere. Just like Shin Neo did, you feel it in your heart for a split second then its gone. It has been two days since that feeling hit me . All is fine with my family and friends, hope all is well with you and yours.

Much Love and Light ....
Comment by H.R. Pufnstuf on December 19, 2008 at 2:01pm
Do you think we're marked now? Do you think the dark ones are going to try to exterminate us? At least mentally I mean :/

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