Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

can that be helpful for the love spreading? also... some scientist said its an "alien plant" because its characteristics.. and also we have no idea why the gov bans the use of it... any explanation or discussion? (sorry if its out of topic)

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Comment by R.L on December 19, 2008 at 4:13pm
Comment by RL on December 19, 2008 at 7:30am
cool, i didnt know about that. i've never had any of those magical leaves.

the closest thing that ive ingested that gave me bliss, calmness and heightened philosophical thinking would be........

organic rosebud tea.

Comment by KigreTheViking on December 19, 2008 at 5:20am
Its of the earth. You smoke it and you grasp some knowledge out of this world. You know this.
The Native Americans and other earth bound tribes uses this plant to contact their ancestors and to meditate with the earth. You dont see people smoking weed fighting in the streets? Why is alchol so legal and so right in our face and this isnt? Im not saying to go and smoke it because it is bad for you in the long run. But so is most things we consume in thus category... coffee, tea, vitamins etc. But it heals also many illnesses and disorders.
Thats why i think its illegal to this extent. If we grew this our selves the medical industry would make alot less money. It calms you down, relaxes you, centers yourself and you think out of the box when it comes to all things. Good and bad... but again im not saying for any to go and smoke it. But im not saying it will kill you or make you an addict, insane or otherwise different. You will change a bit yes, mainly the way you see things. But it wont change your personality drasticly. Unless you overuse it. Thats not good. Then you become lazy, selfish, get angry quickly and you almost think of nothing else then your next joint.
But if used carefully and occationally. Its rather harmless and funny for party, conversation, deep thinking situations. Weed = Peace. As it has allways been.

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