This is an alert to all lightworkers of the the UNIVERSE!! We MUST all gather and meditate at noon and midnight August 13, 2009 Yes that's right it's already that time in some parts of the earth. We need to send harmony and balance energies to Mother earth and to those who are experiencing the after effects of the Eclipses. PLEASE GET THIS OUT TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW WHO CAN! WE MUST all meditate for one hour at each time to help balance out the disasters happening and will happen in the next few… Continue
Over 90% of the American public believe in UFO's. More importantly, 95% of the people who believe in UFOs *also* believe that our government is keeping this knowledge from the public. But why? Are they afraid that the public will panic if an "official" announcement were made? Hardly. Such an announcement would create tremendous interest and excitement, along with many questions, (particularly by the churches) but not panic. Why then the continued… Continue
{i thought this was interesting so i decide to post it. Don't know if it is true, but it would be pretty cool if this did happen}
It's Almost OVER.
The End of Criminal Slavery Is At Hand
I am here to merely as a spokesperson of the Nebadon Council at the Galaxy
Center, to inform you of consequences of your [NASA's] acts of violence namely:
I submit for consideration the writings of Robert Anthony, Ph.D., from the article "The Secret of Doing Without Doing" at
The one line that resonates the most for me is "It is not your action that makes things happen, it is your intent."
The word "Intent" seems to be THE keyword among the writing of those seeking ascension, enlightenment, etc. as of late. The word came into my mind earlier this year to describe part of my own focus on the… Continue
Greetings all, I hope that you are doing well in these chaotic but exciting times.
I feel compelled to write about some on the concerns that have been voiced recently, regarding the nature of the messages and discussions I have seen in internet groups.
There is much talk about messages, channel or otherwise, being based in Fear. I would offer that this is due to the fact they are only being viewed through the subjective and narrow filter of Love.
From monitoring several… Continue
I've always been bothered by the phrase "down to Earth". Since I was young, I have never used it in a positive way, and I have always taken it as an insult (usually quietly) when directly towards me. It is the perfect verbal summation of all the limitations and problems that I see on this planet and with Humanity. However, I feel there is a difference between being "earthbound" and "of the ground". It is not correct to blame the planet Earth for anything. Humanity, perhaps… Continue
Added by Mark Baker on August 12, 2009 at 5:30pm —
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An interesting video I found this morning before going to bed. Marshall Vian Summers addresses the converging upheavals which confront the human family and how we can face them.… Continue
Selamat Jarin! We come before you on this special day with a lot to discuss! Everywhere your world is going through a series of important changes. These changes to your reality are a precursor to a greatly transformed realm. These include the way your planetary grid is being realigned. The former fully conscious grid is starting to appear in your atmosphere as strangely timed patterns that seem at first to be tied to the energy streams originating from the Sun. In fact, these are vortexes that… Continue
Metron Calculus is the math of the 5th and 6th dimension; it explains the flaws in Einstein theory of Relativity and opens the doorway to the perfection of the Light body in Man, otherwise known as the KA or Christic body. Metron calculus is the key to the dimensional locks of the mental and spiritual planes, opening the way for ascending into hyper-dimensional space. Compassion is the key to get through zero-point.
Significant and future-oriented discoveries and findings of modern… Continue
One definition of an ascended master is an individual who has undergone the process of ascension. Throughout history, there have been stories of these individuals who have reached a higher state of spiritual awareness and placed themselves in service to humanity. One concept of an ascended master derives from the teachings of Theosophy.
In Theosophy, and various descendants and offshoots of theosophy, ascended masters are a group of spiritually enlightened beings, once mere mortals,… Continue
Added by jose v on August 12, 2009 at 1:13am —
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What you call UFOs include many craft of ours and the occasional visitor from outside your Solar System
"There are also other UFOs that come from Earth, such as from your own Military, the Greys and the Inner Earth Beings. There is so much evidence accumulated in your recent times, let alone over a period of thousands of years that record our visits. The most reliable sightings are from trained observers such as the Military and civilian airline pilots. You may wonder in that event why… Continue
Added by jose v on August 12, 2009 at 12:24am —
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NASA's alien anomalies caught on film - a compilation of explicit UFO footage from official NASA archives (YouTube video - 10 mins)
And a further video montage of officially filmed UFO sightings can be found here… Continue
Added by jose v on August 12, 2009 at 12:22am —
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For your consideration, I feel compelled to post a cautionary entry about what is called Geopathic Stress. By way of an extremely simple definition, this is the affect of energetic forces generated by the planet on the lifeforms that reside on it. While there are detectable physical effects this phenomenon can have on a person, it is also held that there are "mental/spiritual" effects that may occur. I firmly believe that the seeming increase in random mass acts of unprovoked violence by… Continue