Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

NASA's alien anomalies caught on film - a compilation of explicit UFO footage from official NASA archives (YouTube video - 10 mins)

NASA's alien anomalies caught on film - a compilation of explicit UFO footage from official NASA archives (YouTube video - 10 mins) And a further video montage of officially filmed UFO sightings can be found here (YouTube - 10 mins). These two videos collate officially sourced evidence of scores of separate UFO sightings caught on film in the last forty years. More background about UFOs and The Higher Evolution is compiled on this page here.
UFOs - ETs - Angels - The Higher Evolution

The term "Higher Evolution" as used in this blog means those positive and highly evolved people who live most or all of their lives at a higher vibrational level than humans like you and me who are currently in physical incarnation here on Earth. Members of The Higher Evolution inhabit the higher dimensions.

Unless we are clairvoyant, we cannot usually, as adults in full waking consciousness, see the individuals of the Higher Evolution with our physical eyes. Young children can often see them, however, and sometimes refer to them as invisible friends.

Traditional Earth-based human mythologies refer to the Higher Evolution as angels, fairies, saviours, scripture-givers, saints, elves, helpers, God, gods, goddesses, medicine animals, wizards, spiritual guides, spirit, Holy Spirit etc. Different cultures have employed different nomenclatures and different metaphors in referring to our invisible, transdimensional friends upstairs.

The Higher Evolution is made up of a number of different sizes and types of people. Most of them, if they wish, can slow down their vibrations to a level where our physical eyes can register their presence as visible entities. We can see them. They can also take any physical form they wish when they present to our visual consciousness.

Some of the Higher Evolution are ascended humans or off-planet humans. We might call them spiritual masters or Ascended Masters. Examples are Maitreya ('The World Teacher' or 'The Imam Mahdi' or 'The Christ' or 'The Teacher of Righteousness'), Sananda ('Jesus of Nazareth' or 'The Pierced Messiah') and Violinio Germain ('St Germain' or 'The Comte de Saint Germain' or 'The Master Rakoczi' or 'The Father of the American Republic'). More about Ascended Masters can be found here and here. More about the Maitreya revelations from Share International Magazine can be found here. And more about Violinio Germain can be found here.

A human is an ensouled being with free will who occupies an Adam Kadmon type of body when on the physical plane (one head, two arms, torso, two legs). Most ensouled beings (most people), are not human. According to the Andromedans who have been speaking to Alex Collier and others, there are over 135 billion human beings in the eight galaxies closest to ours.

Some of the Higher Evolution are smaller than sub-atomic particles, but have an experience and knowledge millions of times beyond the combined experience and knowledge of all humans who have ever lived anywhere. Others are larger than the size of the universe as we currently understand that to be.

Some UFOs are alive; they are people. Some UFOs are not only bigger than any Earth city yet built, they are bigger than the Earth itself. Indeed one or two UFOs currently active in our local solar system are as much as 4.2 times bigger than the Earth. Images of these large motherships have traditionally been airbrushed out of photographs by covert security agencies. However some are beginning to come to light. For example, a cigar-shaped mothership can be seen here in a Hubble telescope image, and three can be seen here in some French reportage on the Hubble imagery. These motherships are associated with the rings of Saturn. Another large hexagonal mothership forms a cloud city above the north pole of Saturn (pictures here and here). These images were obtained from the Cassini spacecraft. The north polar Saturn entity is not the normal sinuous cloud structure seen on other planets. It is a long-lasting precise hexagon with six nearly equal straight sides and six corners. The honeycomb-like feature has been seen before. NASA's Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft imaged it more than two decades ago. The hexagon is nearly 15,000 miles (25,000 kilometers) across. Thermal imagery shows that it extends about 60 miles (100 kilometers) down into the clouds. Other UFOs look like planets or moons. Some have mountain ranges, forests and oceans inside them. Some have mountain ranges, forests and oceans as part of a self-renewing biological skin on their outer surfaces.

Many of the Higher Evolution live physical lives among us here on Earth. We just don't notice them. They are invisible to us, or we think of them as animals. In fact, they are animal people. Who knows? You may have one sitting on your lap now. He may look like a cat to you, but he is thought of as a Paschat Warrior up in the starfleet. (For Cat the ET see also here, here, here, here and here.) And, in a moment, you may be eating the flesh of another kind of ET animal person, sliced and cooked in the microwave. Other members of The Higher Evolution we do not notice because we deem them to be below our notice. Tramps, gypsies and vagrants may be more than they appear. Some of the most highly evolved humans yet to incarnate physically on Earth, we regard as being mentally retarded. Some of these are labelled as Down's Syndrome people.

Some extraterrestrials are human; most are not. Some intraterrestrials are human; most are not. There are vast caverns, tunnels and chamber systems deep within the crust of the Earth which are not aquifer chambers, and which are inhabitable, inhabited, or contain developed cities of a most advanced kind. Or they have contained such cities in the past. Most planets are like this. On Earth, the entrances to such underground systems are usually in remote forests, mountains, lakes or oceans, and the entrances are spiritually protected; you can't see them unless they want you to see them. Portals are people, too. Other entrances lie within the boundaries of secure military bases and gunnery ranges.

In this corner of our local universe, The Higher Evolution have an organisation called The Galactic Federation of Light. This was founded about four and a half million years ago to prevent interdimensional darkside forces from dominating and exploiting the Milky Way. At present, active membership of The Galactic Federation of Light numbers just over two hundred thousand different star nations, confederations or unions. Of these, about 40% are humanoid races. More information about some of the members of The Galactic Federation of Light can be found at Sheldan Nidle's site here. Planet Earth is not currently a member of The Galactic Federation of Light, but this is expected to change after NESARA, 2012 and First Contact.

Most members of the Higher Evolution currently assisting in the Earth's ascension process in the run-up to 2012 are either angels, ascended human masters, or advanced ETs from places with a special evolutionary connection with Earth such as Venus, Mars, The Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus and Andromeda. The angels, ascended humans and advanced ETs work very closely together. Any individual among them can manifest physically in many different places simultaneously and can speak any Earth language necessary for protection, guidance or teaching purposes.

Another way of thinking of the Higher Evolution is to regard them as transdimensional beings, or beings who live in a parallel reality. But the truth is that we are all transdimensional beings. We know this when we are asleep; we forget it when we are awake.

Much spiritual teaching by the Higher Evolution is given to us when we are asleep, that is when our physical bodies are asleep in bed or in the armchair. Our spiritual bodies then leave the physical body behind and travel elsewhere. The teaching we receive on these occasions takes place on the spiritual planes and may be given in an Earth location, or on an interdimensional lightship of some sort, or on another planet or star system.

This sleep-time spiritual teaching is a very common human experience these days, but most people do not recall it when they wake up. Our spiritual bodies are sometimes referred to as resurrection bodies or ascension bodies.

There are a very few types of technologically advanced extraterrestrials who are negative and who think of human beings as some human beings think of pigs and chickens. They see us as food animals. But at this special late stage of our planetary evolution, we are spiritually protected from these transdimensional negatives.

It is sad to record, however, that when recent Earth governments have made covert treaties with ET races, in almost every case the ET race chosen has been negative. This is because of the militaristic, power and security obsessions of the humans who are allowed to deal with ETs as part of their military work. In recent times, since Sumeria and ancient Egypt, human governments have had substantive contacts on the physical plane with between fifty and sixty different ET races, almost all of them humanoid.

It is because of this unfortunate history that many of the positive and advanced ETs among the Higher Evolution have stopped trying to communicate explicitly with government military operatives and have chosen, instead, to channel their communications in a very full manner through humans of positive spiritual awareness who hold no official senior position in terrestrial governments. Examples of such people are Benjamin Creme, Robert Schapiro, Wistancia Stone, Madrona Woods (Spirit Eagle), Sheldan Nidle, Michael Ellegion, Patrick Bellringer, Billy Meier, Lavar, Nancy Lieder, Alex Collier, Norma Milanovich, Thelma Terrell (Tuella) and Mike Quinsey. But there are tens of thousands of others, many of them children. People of this kind know far more than the sum total of extraterrestrial knowledge currently held covertly by Earth governments.

On the 21st April 2008, a benevolent ET with long-standing Earth-connections, the Sirian Ag-agria, spoke on behalf of The Galactic Federation: "Your thoughts and prayers are being heard by us loud and clear, and now more than any other time you call us to come to your aid. You have grown immensely over the last few years in your perception of us, and no longer are we seen as a threat to your existence. It is rather the opposite, as you are becoming aware of our desire to help you rise up out of your present predicament. Many of your frustrations are the result of the time factor concerned with our coming, but we have to abide by greater Beings who have planned these end times. As you are fond of saying, there is a time and place for everything, and as your reality continues to change so we look for the ideal situation to openly meet you. With the threat of war always hanging over your heads you wonder why we do not step in and take action. The truth is that we have to approach you through your elected representatives, as without their approval any action on our part will be seen as interference in your freewill to decide your own future. What few of you will realise is that over a long period of time, we have often met your government heads to propose a peaceful pact. However, where we were concerned it had to be an exchange for our help and advanced technologies, with your agreement to broker permanent peace. That condition has been repeatedly rejected, as your governments preferred to gain such technologies for reasons of world power and domination. It should be clarified that you have powerful people behind your elected representatives, who dictate the course for mankind. You have come to know these as the Illuminati comprising of some of the richest people in the world. Now you can understand why it is imperative that your present leaders are not only removed, but replaced with dear ones who are enlightened and spiritual aware. Within the authority that we exercise, we work with those who are bringing about the political changes that can kick-start our program of First Contact. Everything that is essential to our coming is forging ahead, and your military are aware that their weaponry cannot be successfully used against us to stop our arrival. You may know that some spacecraft have been destroyed, but that is between your government and the Greys who were allowed to have bases on and within your Earth, in exchange for advanced technologies. Their agreement had no inclusion for creating peace, or the cessation of all wars. You may wonder why we have not stopped in and removed the Greys, but their presence was by invitation and not through the use of force. Freewill extends to all Beings, and if the dark forces come together by mutual consent it is not our place to prevent it. What we will do is monitor their intentions, and guard the people of Earth against unprovoked attacks. This also applies off planet, and no visitors to Earth are allowed unless we authorise it. We are here to fulfil the plan for Man as decreed by the higher forces of Light, and we shall ensure its completion in a peaceful manner. We are not simply policing the Universe, but caring for you as parents do for their children. We say this not to belittle you, but you need guidance and protection against those forces of darkness that hover around you. Our role is to ensure that you complete this cycle as intended, and that you and Mother Earth are allowed to express and fulfil your upliftment into the higher dimensions. The dark would hold you back if possible, but with us on your side it is a futile dream. Already it is crumbling away, and there is no way that they can avoid the failure and self-destruction that inevitably ends such rule. They have served their purpose by bringing you the reality that you allowed to manifest and gave life to, but it now tries unsuccessfully to hold onto its power. The Light is now permeating all parts of Earth, as the grid slowly moves into place that will allow your new Earth to coalesce. Meantime, we work to limit any further damage to your environment, and make good pollution both on and off Earth. For example for a long time we have reduced levels of harmful radiation caused by your insistence upon using nuclear based devices, whether for domestic use or war. The people of Earth are well aware that extensive changes are necessary if you are to overcome the present problems. To this end we stand ready to move into action, and we will bring about the peaceful world that you seek. It will be the start of a peaceful revolution that will totally re-organise and re-design your world. It will become the proverbial Garden of Eden, in readiness for your Ascension. Happy times are just around the corner, and what you see or experience now will be the last throes of a dark giant that is being cut down to size, and will eventually disappear. It is one of your own making, and it gives us much happiness to see you disempowering it. The negative vibrations have long brought you nothing but difficulties, and that is the Karmic outworking of energies that have been set in motion. Your sojourn upon Earth is one of a spiritual experience that leaves you stronger than ever, and through the lessons learnt you have lifted yourselves up. These will serve you well wherever you find yourselves in the future, and that will be in the higher realms. Life is ongoing and never stops providing even greater opportunities to expand your consciousness. You may turn this way and that, but always you will ultimately come back to the Light. We are here to guide you on to the path of Ascension, and leave the old behind. Do not concern yourself as to how that is achieved, as you will be fully informed before that upliftment takes place. We will tell you that it will be a most wonderful experience, and that there is absolutely nothing to fear. I am Ag-agria from Sirius, and based on a Mothership close to Earth as are thousands more waiting the order to commence First Contact. In reality there are millions of ships attached to the Galactic Federation, and many lie deep in space. This knowledge should assure you that you have nothing to fear from your last cabal, as you will remain in our care until this cycle is completed. We may be far away by your reckoning, but our awareness of what is happening is complete minute by minute and nothing will escape our notice. You are safe in our hands, and we constantly send immense love and healing energies to you. Call upon us as we are but a thought away from you, and pleased to serve in Love and Light." The full text of the Sirian Ag-agria's 21.04.08 comments can be found on Mike Quinsey's site

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