Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

{i thought this was interesting so i decide to post it. Don't know if it is true, but it would be pretty cool if this did happen}

It's Almost OVER.

The End of Criminal Slavery Is At Hand



I am here to merely as a spokesperson of the Nebadon Council at the Galaxy
Center, to inform you of consequences of your [NASA's] acts of violence namely:

* using space-based weapons and chemtrails to attack and destroy incoming ships
* bombs and aggressions against the populace of Mars, your own Moon, Saturn and
* using biologicals against your own Asians and Blacks on your own world;
* using depleted uranium armaments in staged and serial wars against your own
* using fluoride and chlorine against your own populations in human water
* using polluted and genetically altered seeds and grains to destroy this
planet's fertility;
* the methodical and premeditated pollution of oceans, skies, water tables and
human families.

NASA is the kernel where the "Colonel" operates, hidden; however, he no longer
matters. Enough is enough genocide, deceit, violence and slavery, for one small
planet to

This rebellion began when ONE Reptilian hybrid dared to undermine the Contract
between two Parties, a couple vested in uplifting human DNA, and their Grantor,
by the use of deceit and twisted words.

These final outcomes which to which we are witnesses are being done in the clear
light of day due to the fact that leadership speaks one set of words, while they
perform yet
another agenda of over-control and exploitation.

It is the same conflict, now 200,000 years on. And the price at this point, is
this planet's survival.

I will not burden you with how the people from other worlds--where there are no
oceans, no mountains, no vistas, no parade of seasons, no wildlife, no space to
move about--how they feel about Terra's leadership destroying this gorgeous
planet out from under its peoples.

At this time, an Armada of 144,000 fully armed light and heavy cruisers has
embarked on a course to this planet; and these will become visible north of the
system's ecliptic
around and about August 19th in the northern hemisphere.

That is the deadline for NASA's complete submission and confession of crimes
against this solar system.

What will follow on, that confession received or not, will be the physical
conquest of this planet by a number of Galactic races [infuriated by barbaric,
mercenary and ruthless behavior of this planet's leadership] until Peace is
restored -- one way or another. [Believe me, the Galaxy's methods are NOT your
methods. Ours work.]

Operating orders are to take out all Orion Constellation ships, Gray ships, and
US/CIA/NASA ships and bring order to Washington D.C., the City of London and the
City of Rome.
It is presumed that China, Indo-China, Africa and India will be vested in
negotiations also.

The English-speaking nations will be handled as a block, out of the recognition
that the New World Order is derived out of the Round Table of London England, as
such the
center of the Fascist empire. [English-speaking negotiators of the Quaker
ideology will be acceptable to the Galactic Council. No secular negotiators will
be given to serve.]

Location for the trials and disembarking point for emissaries and ambassadors
will be Tehran, Iran. Our hosts will be B'a'hais who are neutrals in such

A Regency will be administered until war crimes trials are concluded for: serial
wars profiteering by banking loan sharks; genocide against Blacks and Asians;
depleted uranium
recycling; oil-industry profiteering & pollution; destruction of the seas;
bio-weapons research and development; and prosecuting for the families of the
911 false-flag attack against New York City, using diverse peoples as

Analysis of the Suspected 9-11 Criminal Co-conspirators :: Of the 103 people
named on the list of Suspected 9-11 Criminal Coconspirators there are:

* 19 current or former members of George W. Bush's White House
* 4 current or former members of Congress
* 6 current or former FBI agents or officials
* 6 current or former CIA agents or officials
* 5 current or former officials of New York
* 10 current or former high-ranking USG military commanders
* 12 current or former USG officials (not included above)
* 11 current or former members of PNAC
* 12 consultants, lobbyists think tanks members (non-PNAC)
* 12 engineers
* 30 current or former corporate executives
* 3 senior "statesmen"
* 5 members of the Bush family
* 1 Canadian
* 1 Pakistani
* 2 Arabs ; 2 Brits;
* 4 known or suspected Mossad agents;
* 13 people who hold "dual citizenship" ); and
* 17 Israelis (including those with "dual citizenship" noted).

That case must be brought to trail, because it brings forward the extent of
this, the perfidy and infamy of Annunaki Fascist ideology.

NASA has brought matters to this point by their procedure of incompetent tools,
of utilizing inept cameras to view and film other worlds--cameras limited by
poor resolution, flat perspective, dirth of color, "pitch, "roll" and "yaw"
faults never corrected to make details clear and coherent.

NASA's insistence on the LIE that this planet is the ONLY inhabited planet in
this system springs forth from the dogma and doctrine of Orion Annunaki secrecy
and separatism,
spawned and cultivated in the Fascist caste systems of the Illuminati mindset by
the Project Paper Clip infusion of German Nazis into NASA and the CIA after WWII
left Fascism in charge of ET intelligence.

Such egregious erroneous and misstatements of fact by NASA down through sixty
years of space research leaves us the Galaxy aghast at the temerity of
scientists who repudiate
science en toto, in favor of dogma and lies.

NASA apparatus executives will be held accountable for the consequences and
costs of aggressions against innocent and helpless populations by NASA bombs and
including the Rover-caused avalanche at Victoria Crater which killed scores, the
subsequent military incursions into Mars [unauthorized] and aggressions against
Jupiter and Saturn, as if these are merely target points for NASA bombs.

The end of the scourge of Not-See Fascist Aggression is coming. By August 22
2009, it will all be over.

So be it.

Very sincerely.
Emily Cragg, temporary negotiator for Nebadon,

Indications of architecture and human figures from the planet Mercury.

[link to]

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Comment by DivineThoughts the Love Goddess on August 13, 2009 at 3:03pm
Well between this and the planet alignments there will be mass distruction if something isn't done soon and All dates line up to August 22. The natural disasters are already starting from the effects of the eclipses and they are on the same path as the eclipse traveled. Hence beginning in Asiah! Please meditate with me today for earth's balance and millions of people not to be killed by natural disasters.

Thanks for posting i'm going to forward it to all my lightworking groups and emails. It's about time someone took them and held them accountable!
Comment by Bishop on August 13, 2009 at 1:35pm
there's alot pointing to the second half of this month, i really hope something big is coming!
Thx for the post!

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