Haiti and the Chaotic Node
A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon
The recent seismic event in Haiti heralds the beginning of the Chaotic Node we referred to in our last communication.
We are, quite frankly, surprised that this event occurred slightly outside the timeline we had projected. This tells us that new levels of “novelty” (meaning an increase in unpredictability) are escalating faster than we anticipated.
Thus, it is, and will be,…
Added by CHRISTINA on January 18, 2010 at 2:00pm —
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The achievement of unity on a global level cannot happen until the supreme value of love is made known to the hearts of people everywhere. This cannot occur as an idea, but must happen as an experience of truth that speaks to the inner knowing, changing a person into one who cannot help but be loving because nothing else seems real, and therefore nothing else is possible. From the place in which we stand today, such a consciousness may seem far away, and yet it is but a slight movement of…
Added by Ahayah Elohim on January 18, 2010 at 1:54pm —
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Hi Everyone,
The link for today's show at 5Pm Est, 10Pm Gmt
I hope you can join us!
Love+ Hugs
Added by Jeanne Christie on January 18, 2010 at 12:16pm —
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Received via e-mail:
-------- Original Message --------
From: 2goforth@Safe-mail.net
To: 2goforth@Safe-mail.net
Subject: History Making Underway
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 20:07:03 -0500
Artist: Smokey Robinson
Song: Going To A Go Go
Translate: German | French | Spanish | Italian | Russian | Portuguese
Goin' to a go go
Goin' to a go go
Na-na-na-na, yeah-hey
Well there's a brand new place I…
Added by jose v on January 18, 2010 at 2:22am —
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Benjamin Fulford's latest Geo-Political News and Analysis Headline reads:
Bush/Clinton crime family members to be executed as a result of Haiti attack
The article is available to subscribers only:
Added by jose v on January 18, 2010 at 2:10am —
Added by Starfire on January 17, 2010 at 6:53am —
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Added by simpleman on January 16, 2010 at 11:41pm —
There is a revolution just beginning in astronomy/cosmology that will rival the one set off by Copernicus and Galileo. This revolution is based on the growing realization that the cosmos is highly electrical in nature. It is becoming clear that 99% of the universe is made up not of "invisible matter", but rather, of matter in the plasma state. Electrodynamic forces in electric…
Added by simpleman on January 16, 2010 at 11:30pm —
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There is freedom all around you. It blows through like a fresh breeze, cleansing the house in which your mind dwells, rippling the curtains as it moves. And a part of you yearns to follow it, to fly out the window, to catch that breeze of freedom and leave the worries and burdens of your life behind.
And this you can do. You can climb out of that dusty attic, full of the relics of your childhood, newspapers piled up to the rafters, old toys discarded on the floor, corners piled high…
Added by Ahayah Elohim on January 16, 2010 at 9:27pm —
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Crazy week. Spent most of it in Oslo. I had quite a few activities there. I was everything from a cat to a count to a janitor while we were playing around in Oslo. Of course, as you know there was the Nobel Peace Award that was given to Abraham Obama (referring to the connection between Abraham Lincoln and Barrack Obama) earlier this week. And it’s very true. That was an interesting experience and it wasn’t just the ones who gathered there to be part of this; it wasn’t just the…
Added by jose v on January 16, 2010 at 11:21am —
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“Negative” Energies
When we gather like this, particularly in the early days where your energies were not as stable – they were hopeful and they were high, but they were not as stable – the dark energies used to gather all around, kind of a feeding in a way; kind of trying to prove that your goodness isn’t really that good; trying to keep the energy stuck. They just don’t know any better. They really don’t. They don’t – these energies, whether they’re psychic or human – they just…
Added by jose v on January 16, 2010 at 2:46am —
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On local news today, a traditional Hindu harvest ceremony was practiced at a local Hindu temple. They brought in some cows and dressed and decorated them up. Halfway during the ceremony, one of the cows GAVE BIRTH right there and then.
Both mother and calf are fine. The news station got the footage of the calf standing and tottering about a few hours after its birth.
Added by RL on January 15, 2010 at 11:33am —
Last night was the opening ceremony of my photography exhibition at the Singapore Arts House. Five minutes before the speeches, I walked out the building to find my mother, who was a distance away.
I saw this clearer patch of triangular sky above me....above the towering skyscrapers of Singapore.
I mean...triangles in clouds dont occur very often, do they?
I laughed to the sky.
here's the pic with enhanced contrast for your viewing…
Added by RL on January 15, 2010 at 11:19am —
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The desperate, evil, Bush Nazis attack Haiti with a Tesla Earthquake machine
The recent earthquake in Haiti was caused by an earthquake machine using technology developed by Nicola Tesla, according to MI6. The earthquake machine is not HAARP as I have previously suggested but rather some sort of nuclear device, according to this source and a CIA source. The CIA source says an expedition sent to the epicenter of the Indonesian earthquake that triggered the tsunami found it to be…
Added by jose v on January 14, 2010 at 10:32pm —
Dear Souls
I ask for everyone to send the Violet Flame to Haiti — NOW!
Send the Violet Flame every day, as many times a day as you can.
The calls must be made from the earth plane.
Ask the Violet Flame to transmute all pain, suffering, fear, and
other negatives into HOPE, LOVE, MIRACLES and BLESSINGS for all of
Haiti. Please remember the animals, too.
Ask the…
Added by CHRISTINA on January 14, 2010 at 12:21pm —
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It has oft been said, "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom."
Added by Arcturian11 on January 14, 2010 at 11:31am —
A grim report prepared by the Russian Northern Fleet for Prime Minister Putin is stating today that the catastrophic earthquake that has devastated the Island of Haiti was the ‘clear result’ of a United States Navy test of one of its ‘earthquake weapons’ planned to be used by the Americans upon the Persian Nation of Iran but had gone ‘horribly wrong’.
The Northern Fleet has been monitoring US Naval movements and activities in the Caribbean since 2008 when the Americans announced…
Added by jose v on January 14, 2010 at 11:24am —
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Haiti earthquake staged by US BlackOps geovibration weapons to disrupt international financial wire transfers through Port-au-Prince internet cable hub. Chinese Lien Holders and London Crown Temple syndicate foreclose on US Treasury. Activities of Connecticut Trustee Paul W. Sigué (or Siegé?) of Wyndham, Connecticut, under close law-enforcement scrutiny.
European sources and US sources are disagreeing about the exact role of Queen Elizabeth II of England in the ongoing global financial…
Added by jose v on January 14, 2010 at 11:13am —
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It's called xphirience
using a rare coding, called the bliss code
I've just purchased these audio clips.
blissful rain
xphirience balance plus
and xphirience bliss code
I had my doubts about this and i changed my mind and went ahead and bought the audio clips, all i can say is your in for a huge shock just listening to 15 seconds of it let…
Added by Aaron on January 14, 2010 at 3:00am —
1 Comment
Not trying to be morbid here everyone, but have you ever been at the bedside of someone who was in the process of transitioning from this life? I'm curious about this as I was thinking of my dad today and reflecting on what I experienced when he passed away back in Feb. of '04 (it's hard for me to believe it's been almost 6 years ago now). Although the circumstances were tragic, our whole family (as well as some friends) were fortunate enough to be with him, surrounding his bed where he lay at…
Added by Maricel Piercey on January 13, 2010 at 5:21pm —
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