Crazy week. Spent most of it in Oslo. I had quite a few activities there. I was everything from a cat to a count to a janitor while we were playing around in Oslo. Of course, as you know there was the Nobel Peace Award that was given to Abraham Obama (referring to the connection between Abraham Lincoln and Barrack Obama) earlier this week. And it’s very true. That was an interesting experience and it wasn’t just the ones who gathered there to be part of this; it wasn’t just the politicians and the elite.
There were humans there that, while they may not call themselves Shaumbra, they work on the same level as what you do of consciousness and of understanding. There were ones that were there that, let me say, that really weren’t there. In other words, beings who are Ascended Masters who are coming to Earth, who – some are already on Earth, just having been born recently – that were so passionate about this event that they manifested bodies for a short period of time. Other beings who came from the other realms to participate in this event and took on the appearance of humans.
It was a magnificent event, and it wasn’t just about handing out a peace prize. It was about truly marking a change for humanity right now. Marking a change for humanity – a result of work that you and others like you have been doing for some time now. You should have been the ones invited there. You should have been the ones sitting in those chairs saying that you helped to bring a new consciousness to Earth. You helped to bring a consciousness that allows a being such as Abraham Obama to come to Earth and to be elected president of a very great nation.
It’s, by the way, as you probably know, this is a fulfillment of the – I don’t like the term – but the Great White Brotherhood’s desire. It was an old Atlantean club that we had. It had nothing to do with white and it wasn’t all that great. (laughter) It was good, not great. But it was a desire to have America as the land of the new hope when we knew, hundreds of years ago – where we couldn’t get the energy unstuck in Europe, we couldn’t get the compassion or the acceptance between different countries, there’s still too many human issues of power of greed and religion – that this United States was designed as the new Atlantis or the new hope.
To see now, years later, from my perspective, of course, having been very involved in European politics, to see how a leader of this grand nation could be as spiritual as he is and as his wife is – they can’t flaunt it publicly, just as, well, you know from your own discussions with others; but there’ll come a time very soon where it’s going to be much more open – but to see a spiritual being, a compassionate being, a Black human – not that it should make a difference, but it has – and a young, fairly young, human, to be in this environment was most inspiring. Most inspiring. It gave me a renewed hope in humanity. I have the hope in you; humanity sometimes is questionable.
Humanity is 95 percent goodness. Ninety-five percent goodness. There’s that five percent, whether it’s five percent in an individual or five percent of the population does not have that goodness, it seems to overshadow the immense goodness in humans.
To see, at this gathering in Oslo, the culmination of the work we’ve all done – not to save the world, but to be ourselves, to bring Spirit to Earth. Not to have Spirit off somewhere else, but to bring spirit to Earth in a very real way, in a very honest way and a very feeling way – that’s what I saw.
I have to say I wasn’t quite ready for what I experienced in Oslo. I thought that there would be more conflict, more drama. I truly expected the dark forces, if you want to call them that, but the negativity to be there, brought in by the participants. Or often times the negativity – negative energies – they’re attracted when they see so much light gathering, as we’ve seen here over the years.
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