Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

free form writing:stream of consciousness. Channeled - higher self and guardians above.

Blessed light ones traveling on the path of Truth, be you humbled in service to the One. Find you, safe passage through the weeds to righteous prairies of Love, Light and Wisdom. Merry be you who dwell in the Peace of the light and courage be yours this journey for you travel at a dear price. Valor and worth above measure awaits he who uses the will for those things that draw him closer to the light. Returning once again, magnificently drawing closer to the one true thing.

There are many of you who feel lost , or perhaps are in someways lost without the notice of it. This can be resolved for remember even when you suddenly find yourself surrounded by the cloak of night, simply shine that light that dwells inside the self to guide your way. If you have this guiding light in abundance then let it shine to light the way for others as well. You are always connected to that which you "think" you are in need of or deem without. Let every experience be a tool to sharpen your spiritual teeth on, for as keenly as you practice, the closer you will be to mastery.

Seek fervently, passionately and unbridled, for everything that stands before you is new and can be perceived with fresh eyes. Remember that everything is ever expanding from all directions, every angle, and each viewpoint is pregnant with new meaning, lessons and mystery.
Look upon seemingly redundant experience with a new found intensity, curiosity, focus and attention and you will undoubtedly be led where you need to be.

Consider the use of your thoughts and the will, for these two tools alone, embody powers of exceeding measure. When wielded in love for the service of other selves, or in concert with other selves, a great many things can be accomplished.

You are loved always, safe always, heard always, answered always, protected always, guided always for are you not all that is?

You will inevitably find anything you seek.

Love and Light

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