Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

“Negative” Energies

When we gather like this, particularly in the early days where your energies were not as stable – they were hopeful and they were high, but they were not as stable – the dark energies used to gather all around, kind of a feeding in a way; kind of trying to prove that your goodness isn’t really that good; trying to keep the energy stuck. They just don’t know any better. They really don’t. They don’t – these energies, whether they’re psychic or human – they just don’t know any better. They don’t wake up in the morning trying to be negative. It just is, and they fall into their own patterns and their own prisons.

But to be in Oslo and see, it gave me renewed hope to the point where we had a gathering with some of the – you call them Masters – these are just dead ones. We had a gathering afterwards to talk about how we have to readjust how we work with you, because it’s going so fast. We have to work at a different pace with you now and talk to you different. Talk to you different – more real than ever because you are more real than ever.

As a result of this recent gathering, we realized that this what you call negative, dark, whatever, but the ones who aren’t as nice as you, they’re going to be amping up their work, kind of a last hurrah. They know that the change is imminent. They know, and when I say “they” it’s – this is not an organized group – it is just negative consciousness. It is so stuck – consciousness so stuck. They’re calling out, in a way, how to get unstuck, but they’re like a rabid dog. If you try to help them, they’ll bite you.

But because it is changing so fast, we know that their response is going to escalate. It’s, as I said, a last hurrah before we enter an era on this Earth of absolute cooperation and a lot of acceptance, and an end to those who do not understand the illusion of power, and an end to severe imbalances in energy dynamics in things like finances and governments.

There’s a couple of more years of what you would call the beast trying to get its attention, the beast trying to negotiate, and that’s what you’re going to see a lot of here in the next few years and, yes, through the end of 2012. This beast, as I call it, is going to be negotiating for its position. It doesn’t want to be forgotten. It knows its war is no longer real. It knows that its place is quickly diminishing here on Earth. Humans aren’t going to tolerate it – good humans, humans who have compassion. This beast isn’t going to be tolerated anymore, so it’s going to change its tactics. Its tactics in the past have been things like war and crime and manipulation and using fear tactics. But just last week we realized that it realized it has lost. All the wars in the world are not going to do anything for it. So it’s going to start negotiating.

The negotiations will be to keep its place, to keep its identity. And, at least in the realms where I work and actually where you work, we’re not going to negotiate. There’s no negotiation. No negotiation, and it’s not about that we want to win. It has nothing to do with winning, but it has to do with what humans are choosing for themselves. Why negotiate when … are you negotiating with yourself about the balance of your light and dark? No. Not at all. It’s not that you’re trying to annihilate the dark. You’re trying to integrate or understand what you have called dark. There’s no negotiating.

So I want you to be aware of what’s going on and why it’s going on when you read the headlines. There are actually quite a few very enlightened beings now that are in government positions, and with the recent collapse of the financial system as it was – and it did collapse, by the way. There’s still the pretense that it’s there, but it fell apart. What fell apart, what caused it to collapse was the lack of trust that you and you and you (Adamus is tapping people with a pen in his hand) have in the financial system. The only thing that was holding it together was trust, and trust isn’t there anymore in the old system. And what’s being done right now is you’re developing a whole new system.

LINDA: People don’t want to be tapped with your pen.

ADAMUS: They love being tapped. (laughter) So we talk in the other realms in dream state and say, “Did you get tapped? I got tapped. Yes. Adamus really loves me!” (laughter)

So I want you to be aware of that because you’re going to see others trying to negotiate with you – your family, your friends, your people who employ you. Your clients are going to start negotiating. Old conflict that used to go like this (bumps fists together) is now going to be trying to go like this (moves fingers like talking). Oh, and they’re going to be intense and they’re going to be threatening in their negotiations, but don’t negotiate. Don’t negotiate, because you deprive them of going through the experience to understand the light within when you negotiate. You’re just giving them excuse to be stuck for a while.

And what’s there to negotiate? If you’re in the I Am That I Am presence of yourself, there’s nothing to negotiate. There’s nothing to give. There’s nothing to give up. So be aware of negotiations, okay? Excellent.

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Comment by Besimi on January 16, 2010 at 8:50pm

From: Al Gore, The Alliance for Climate Protection (

Dear besim,

The earthquake in Haiti has been catastrophic. More than three million people have been affected, and estimates are that over 50,000 have died. The human suffering is unimaginable. .... ....

That's why I'd like to pause from our usual conversation and ask for your helpThere are moments when we, as human beings, must come together as a global community and as stewards of each others' health and welfare. It is that sense of interconnectedness that brought each of us to the climate movement, and it is moments like this that bring out the best in us -- as individuals, as a nation, and as a movement...... ....

Al Gore
Alliance for Climate Protection.

---------------Whom they trying to deceive ???? After so many crimes they did and still doing it, THEY WANNA LOOK LIKE THEY ARE COMPASSIONATE AND HELPING. HUH !!!. ...TRYING TO USE DIRE SITUATION

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