Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


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Subject: History Making Underway
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 20:07:03 -0500

Artist: Smokey Robinson
Song: Going To A Go Go
Translate: German | French | Spanish | Italian | Russian | Portuguese

Goin' to a go go
Goin' to a go go
Na-na-na-na, yeah-hey

Well there's a brand new place I found-a
Where people goin' from miles around-a
They come from everywhere
And if you'll drop in there
You might see anyone in town-a

(Goin' to a go go) everybody's
(Goin' to a go go) come on now
(Don't you wanna go?) yeah
A one more time, yeah

I'm (goin' to a go go) hoo-hoo-wee-eee
(Goin' to a go go) baby come on now
It doesn't matter where you are-a
A go go can be found
You'll see some people from your block
And don't be shocked
If you see your favorite star-a
(Goin' to a go go)

'Cause everybody
(Goin' to a go go)
Oh, come on now-ow
(Don't you wanna go?)
Yeah people! come on now


Na-na-na-na-na yeah-hey
Tell me - (don't you wanna go?)
Yeah! now it's alright-a

I-am (goin' to a go-go)
Yes I am now (goin' to a go-go)
Oh come on now-ow
It doesn't matter if-a you go stag-a
It doesn't matter if-a you go drag-a You're sure to have some fun
I'm tellin' everyone
Most every taxi a-that you flag is
(Goin' to a go-go)
Oh come on baby
(Goin' to a go-go)
Baby come on now-ow
(Don't you wanna go?)
A one more time, yeah

I'm (goin to a go-go)
(Goin' to a go-go)
Baby come on now-ow
(Goin' to a go-go)
Come on baby
(Goin' to a go-go)
Oh come on now
(Goin' to a go go)

Greetings and Salutations,

If it were up to me, all this business would have been over in 2000. Patience is not my strong suit, especially when the conclusion is inevitable. Records are clear about who owes who what. Americans have been been fed a line of crap by the rich and powerful to disguise that they really weren't as all powerful as they pretend to be. Those who really are, gave them time to 'make good' on the debts they owe, but they failed miserably because the greed got the best of them. Now, like little bad kids, they are throwing everything they can to avoid going to their rooms and taking the medicine that will clear their diseases. These self same individuals who got themselves upside down with those who loaned them gold but haven't the wherewithall to pay it back, are making stink so smelly, everyone in the public will know who did what over the last few hundred years. There are those who think it doesn't serve to tell the facts to the public, better to just not mention it and just move on. The problem is, if you use that approach, folks will just repeat it, like reinventing sliced bread or the wheel. Let's tell the truth, folks don't like change, they want things to remain the same, as long as, it works out for them.

This is the end of my meandering writings for 10 yrs. Why I started in the first place. The world will not be the same place we've known for 100+ plus years. More high muckty mucks than you could imagine are whining that their world is ending now. Complaining or dropping on some knees to tell those that have the power, to stop all this, to at least allow them to keep their reputations and family forms intact. From what I hear, they should of thought of that a long time ago. More historical mysteries than most can imagine are about to be given to the public and it's very disconcerting to people who've been publicaly running things, all these years. More money than you can imagine has been stored over the years, while the fed system has been operating the fiat system. I'm talking real gold and silver and other precious elements, things of worth to back up a new banking system, the planet desperately needs. The word that there's just not enough gold or there's not enough other things is worse than wrong, it's a flat out lie. I find something really funny out here, how come nobody is questioning or spinning why obama and his wife quit the bar. Fat boy in florida is running his mouth but it's only public excitement steering folks away from asking harder questions. I got to give beck some credit for even asking the question, 'what's with interpol being on steroids in this country now. Why is obama turning over our stuff over to the foreign nationals, it's this simple sir, what's going down is international and you have international criminals running thru your country and our job is to arrest them, sir.

Fortunately, all this business will be made clear to the public, as mad as, it will make them at first. This is scarier than poor folks getting money. The part that gets all these goons is, the public knowing what they've been doing and how they have worked the public to control them. It has nothing to do with political parties, it's really all just business. "If you use my money to make money, that's my money too". We're talking old business too and those documents have been haunting them for many years and much money has been spent to find those docs to no avail by those who owe. One day in 2004, the document they were looking for showed up in brussels, right in front of the ministers, wigs and all, and that crashed whatever hope that was left to hold power. Then a signature was applied, everyone had to do a diaper change right then and there. That signature took everyone out who have been running things for a few hundred years. Nothing but renters, hello. There are old trusts and foundations and those old structures are collapsing everything under them that have been working. The st germain trust is more real than you have any idea, there's the templar trust and it's got teeth, and the old families in china who loaned gold to this country back in the formation days, and the spanish....all old business is being cleaned up . Yes, I am aware of the windsor trust, and with the recent cleaning up of the us corporation between the english and the chinese, looks like america is about to get that 're-education' I was talking about. What shall happen with the windsor trust now?

I'm trying to say something here but I don't really think many will really get it until, the announcements start and even with that, so many brains are conditioned to the status quo, there will still be time going by before the public, all over the planet, understands what has happened..or accepts it. There was always more going on here than 'handing' the public some money. Yes, they have been cleaning the ground of the resistence, and you are being introduced to a new world. Stop yourself from thinking you know who's been guilty, you may find yourself surprised at who else has been involved. We have stuff running all the way back to king soloman involved here. Sorry that makes your heads' hurt but that's the way it is. Nothing disappears is just becomes unknown by the masses. The scary part is they who conspired to keep it all a secret, have been conspired against. and they don't know what they can do about it. Try to start another war, well you need money to start one don't you? The fed plates are melted, so how's that going to work out and nobody will accept your payola? Welcome to a new banking world that's how.

Confucious was quoted as saying, 'It is far wiser to keep mouth shut and let people think you're dumb, than open mouth and remove all doubt'. Americans do not like the idea that anything is not known to them and it's just not blowing everywhere, tough, and that's what's going down here, expect surprises you're are scarcely ready for. There's a lot of patriots ready to return here as their work is done and they have a lot to teach, and not your run of the mill type folks, congressmen of all types, who found out what is was like to be on the wrong side of the paradigm shift.

That's it, I'm done. It's not my job to call it, the moment when everyone's life changes. I can only say we are all smack up against the doorway and there's a black out from hell. There's not the confusion being broadcast out here and everyone needs to keep their heads. Ownership unconfuses everything and that information will be forthcoming with the start of the announcements. When 70% of drops have been done, they will start and folks will begin grappling with what they have been 'believing in' for a long time. Email me if you need a consultation about proceeding after the nice man/woman stops by your house. Donations needed and accepted at account I will not talk after this residence has been been hit with a drop. I know how to shut my mouth and I suggest some who've been emailing me understand what a blackout and a non discloser actually means, you can't offer me enough money to make to me blow up my own stuff. Freedom to me, is more important than any offers you can conceive of.

Love and KIsses,


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