The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
There is a revolution just beginning in astronomy/cosmology that will rival the one set off by Copernicus and Galileo. This revolution is based on the growing realization that the cosmos is highly electrical in nature. It is becoming clear that 99% of the universe is made up not of "invisible matter", but rather, of matter in the plasma state. Electrodynamic forces in electric plasmas are much stronger than the gravitational force.
Mainstream astrophysicists are continually “surprised” by new data sent back by space probes and orbiting telescopes. That ought to be a clue that something is wrong. New information always sends theoretical astrophysicists "back to the drawing board". In light of this, it is curious that they have such "cock-sure" attitudes about the infallibility of their present models. Those models seem to require major "patching up" every time a new space probe sends back data.
Astrophysicists and astronomers do not study experimental plasma dynamics in graduate school. They rarely take any courses in electrodynamic field theory, and thus they try to explain every new discovery via gravity, magnetism, and fluid dynamics which is all they understand. It is no wonder they cannot understand that 99% of all cosmic phenomena are due to plasma dynamics and not to gravity alone.
When confronted by observations that cast doubt on the validity of their theories, astrophysicists have circled their wagons and conjured up pseudo-scientific invisible entities such as neutron stars, weakly interacting massive particles, strange energy, and black holes. When confronted by solid evidence such as Halton Arp's photographs that contradict the Big Bang Theory, their response is to refuse him access to any major telescope in the U.S.
Instead of wasting time in a futile battle trying to convince entrenched mainstream astronomers to seriously investigate the Electric/Plasma Universe ideas, a growing band of plasma scientists and engineers are simply bypassing them. A new electric plasma-based paradigm that does not find new discoveries to be “enigmatic and puzzling”, but rather to be predictable and consistent with an electrical point of view, is slowly but surely replacing the old paradigm wherein all electrical mechanisms are ignored.
The Holographic Model of Brain Function and the Orgone Energy Fields Theory © 1996
It has been regognized by scientists that the brain constantly stores and uses redundant information. Some of the higher brain functions such as memory, intelligence and consciousness do not have an specific anatomical site associated to their function, instead they are localized "every where" within the brain. Clinical proofs demonstrate that the excision of great portions of the cerebral cortex does not interrupt consciousness, and during convulsions unconsciousness only occurs when the convulsive activity has invaded most parts of the cortex. A holographic model has been proposed by some scientists to explain the "redundancy principle" of brain functioning (Gabor, 1969; Van Heerden, 1970; Longuet-Higgins, 1968, 1970; Pribam, 1971, Griffith, 1973; Cavanagh, 1975). This model has also been currently used to explain how the function of a particular area of the brain can be assumed by a different area when the original site has been injured, especially if the damage occurs during development.
Holography is a method for recording and then reproducing the entire image of a three- dimensional object. A simple way to understand holography is to compare it with another image generating technique: photography. In the latter the electromagnetic waves reflected or generated by the object are degraded by the lens of the camera and then are registered in a photographic emulsion that records a degraded image of the radiant object. In technical terms photographs only register the amplitude of waves (brightness). In holography, the use of a coherent light permits the waves from the object to be registered directly as an interferogram (the interference pattern between two beams of light) and there is no degradation in the process.
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