Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

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Every person in the world has a heart.

Every person in the world has a heart.

Every heart has a place within
that wants only to love and be loved.

Let us connect with that
place of love in our own heart
and in the hearts of all around us.

Let us take a moment now
to open to the heart connection
we share with all people through love.

My favorite Mantra is "My Heart is Gods Home" Works for me every time to center and Be Peace

Added by Peter H. Haller on January 23, 2010 at 1:37pm — 1 Comment

Hugo Chavez Mouthpiece Says U.S. Hit Haiti With 'Earthquake Weapon'

The United States apparently possesses an "earthquake weapon" that set off the catastrophic quake in Haiti and killed 200,000 innocents. Don't believe it's true? Just ask Hugo Chavez.

Citing an alleged report from Russia's Northern Fleet, the Venezuelan strongman's state mouthpiece ViVe TV shot out a press release saying the 7.0 magnitude Haiti quake was caused by a U.S. test of an experimental shockwave system that can also create "weather anomalies to cause floods, droughts and… Continue

Added by jose v on January 22, 2010 at 11:59pm — No Comments

World Trembles As US Prepares New Quake Test

A most grim report from Russian Space Forces (VKS) monitoring the United States High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is warning today that the Americans are preparing for another potentially devastating earthquake test on a scale comparable to the one that destroyed the Caribbean island Nation of Haiti, and which we had previously reported on in our January 14th report titled “US Quake Test Goes “Horribly Wrong”, Leaves 500,000 Dead In Haiti”…


Added by jose v on January 22, 2010 at 12:19pm — 2 Comments


The US Feds invasion of Haiti was aimed at taking over the Haitian central bank

The desperate and cornered Federal Reserve Board crime family attacked Haiti with an earthquake weapon and then invaded it in order to seize the Haitian central bank. By seizing the central bank the Feds got access to codes for the new financial system and tried to launder the fraudulently obtained dollars and drug money via the nearby Dominican Republic. This is why the announcement of a new financial… Continue

Added by jose v on January 22, 2010 at 1:02am — No Comments

H1N1 swine flu hoax falls apart at the seams

(NaturalNews) The great swine flu hoax of 2009 is now falling apart at the seams as one country after another unloads hundreds of millions of doses of unused swine flu vaccines. No informed person wants the injection anymore, and the entire fear-based campaign to promote the vaccines has now been exposed as outright quackery and propaganda.

Even doctors are now calling the pandemic a complete hoax. As reported on FoxNews, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a leading health authority in Europe,… Continue

Added by jose v on January 21, 2010 at 11:42am — 2 Comments


Seattle’s New City Attorney: We Will Not Prosecute Marijuana Posession

Written by Escape The Illusion No Comments

Last Updated: January 16, 2010

Source: Seattle Times

By Emily Heffter

Seattle’s new city attorney is dismissing all marijuana-possession cases, starting with those that were already under way under the old city attorney.

City Attorney Pete Holmes, who beat incumbent Tom Carr in November, said he dismissed two marijuana-related cases in his… Continue

Added by JIM4HOPE on January 21, 2010 at 5:56am — 3 Comments

Goldman Sachs Wants You to Pay-by-the-Mile to Drive on U.S. Roadways

As if we did not have enough to worry about. I found this on the American Free Press website.

Goldman Sachs Wants You to Pay-by-the-Mile to Drive on U.S. Roadways

By Mark Anderson

According to an independent British newspaper editor, in the not-so-distant future, English drivers will be charged based upon the number of miles they drive, as is being done step-by-step in America.

On January 12, AFP interviewed Mike Robinson, the editor of the UK Column,… Continue

Added by jose v on January 20, 2010 at 11:35pm — 1 Comment

How to Play the HAARP


Added by jose v on January 20, 2010 at 10:57pm — No Comments

Life with a Cosmos Clearance

On May 9, 2001, the Disclosure Project hosted a major event at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. This historic event had witness testimony from twenty to twenty-five military, intelligence, government and corporate individuals, involved with UFO projects over the last fifty years, who presented their information before a worldwide group of media correspondents.

Those of us who were military witnesses of UFO history showed

official government documentation with our… Continue

Added by jose v on January 20, 2010 at 7:30pm — No Comments

The Crow myth is basicly the same around the world by shamans and medicine men to witchcraft


Crow is the left-handed guardian. Crow knows the unknowable mysteries of creation and is the keeper of all sacred law. There are several species of crow. Raven is one of these and magpies are another. Crow medicine people are masters of illusion. Do not try to figure crow out. It is the power of the unknown at work, and something special is about to happen.

Crow is also the guardian of ceremonial magic and healing. In any healing… Continue

Added by JIM4HOPE on January 20, 2010 at 6:24pm — 5 Comments

Ring Of Fire Eclipse Gives Grave Warning To World

“The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life.”

John F. Kennedy (Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961)

Forty-nine years ago, on this very date, the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, stirred the World’s passion with his words of hope of what our human race had the potential to aspire to should we turn away… Continue

Added by jose v on January 20, 2010 at 5:00pm — No Comments

MMS often works in a few hours. It destroys the #1 killer of mankind, malaria, in 4 hours

I hope you do not think that The Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) is just another very interesting supplement that can help some people after taking it for several months. Not so. MMS often works in a few hours. It destroys the #1 killer of mankind, malaria, in 4 hours. The victim goes back to work the next day. If patients in the nearest hospital were treated with this Miracle Mineral, over 50% of them would be back home within a week.

Amazing as it might seem, when used correctly,… Continue

Added by jose v on January 20, 2010 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment

Are 'celestials' assisting Humanity in Relations with Extraterrestrial Life?

Vol 3:1 (January 2009). ISSN 1938-1719

Are ‘Celestials’ assisting Humanity in Relations with Extraterrestrial Life?

Michael E. Salla, M.A., Ph.D.


Numerous individual testimonies and historical records describing physical contact with extraterrestrial life refer to highly developed ethical beings often witnessed in association with extraterrestrials. In contrast to extraterrestrials, these beings do not appear to be dependent on technologies… Continue

Added by jose v on January 19, 2010 at 9:28pm — 1 Comment

Obamas two face aproach in reguards to his real agenda

President Obama Establishes "Council Of Governors"

by Chuck Baldwin

January 19, 2010

The White House Office of the Press Secretary released a report on the White House web site titled "President Obama Signs Executive Order Establishing Council of Governors." According to the press release, "The President today [January 11, 2009] signed an Executive Order establishing a Council of Governors to strengthen further the partnership between the… Continue

Added by JIM4HOPE on January 19, 2010 at 5:01pm — 1 Comment

SPRAYING AWAY THE SUNSHINE– Needy governments subject Michigan to their Geo-engineering joke

In yet more effort to let the truth be known to all, I've published another article about the global warming scam. Is it the truth? That would be a definitive yes!

Added by Lea Anna Cooper on January 19, 2010 at 12:34am — 1 Comment

Positive decisions become a destiny

I'm not talking about the destiny in the sense of where we are. "This is my destiny." thinking will trap you to the same thought pattern everyday of your life until you see destiny differently. There is always a future destiny that awaits us all if we could just see. Each positive decision to alter your destiny's past gets you one step closer to that destiny we all so fervently desire for our lives.

Take each decision that brought you to this present destiny and change the…

Added by Michele Lee on January 18, 2010 at 10:59pm — No Comments

US Surrenders Top Spies To Israel After “Doomsday” Bio-Bomb Discovered

Russian foreign military intelligence directorate (GRU) reports circulating in the Kremlin today state that the United States has been forced to release two Israeli spies after receiving threats from Jerusalem that unless they were freed, the Americans could expect an “immediate” catastrophic attack upon their Homeland.

Not just to the release of these Israelis spies by the Americans is this report alarming, but to what these reports say they discovered, a biological-based “Doomsday”… Continue

Added by jose v on January 18, 2010 at 8:05pm — 1 Comment


Here's Benjamin Fulford's blog entry for Jan 18:


There are murder contracts out on Ozawa, Bill Clinton and the Bushes

Reliable underworld sources report that murder contracts have been taken out on Japanese power broker Ichiro Ozawa. The people behind this contract are Americans but it is not clear if this is the Federal Reserve Board or a different group. The best way for the police to get to the bottom of this would be to start questioning Japanese… Continue

Added by jose v on January 18, 2010 at 7:06pm — No Comments


free form writing:stream of consciousness. Channeled - higher self and guardians above.

Blessed light ones traveling on the path of Truth, be you humbled in service to the One. Find you, safe passage through the weeds to righteous prairies of Love, Light and Wisdom. Merry be you who dwell in the Peace of the light and courage be yours this journey for you travel at a dear price. Valor and worth above measure awaits he who uses the will for those things that draw him closer to the… Continue

Added by brandy rox on January 18, 2010 at 6:20pm — No Comments

The Kingdom of God lies within you

There is an awakening of consciousness occurring within humanity. We are part of a small but rapidly growing segment of the population that is awakening. We are amongst the first to develop that inner knowing and who recognize the shift in consciousness that is occurring in the world. Yahweh is guiding you to read this. You have been called: to awaken from the dream and remember who you are and why you were born in order to fulfill the purpose of your existence. Those that are drawn to read… Continue

Added by Ahayah Elohim on January 18, 2010 at 2:35pm — 1 Comment

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