Merkaba Video some content I do not agree with but this is the type of educational material I would like to develop if I had more support enjoy! Blessings Tami…
Added by jose v on September 21, 2009 at 12:33am —
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Humanity is at a critical turning-point, the likes of which few could ever imagine. Dream guidance has been increasingly insistent in telling me that a very substantial defeat of the New World Order / negative elite / Neocon faction is imminent — much sooner than we may have thought, if we even dared believe it at all.
If the Federal Reserve is dismantled or dramatically reduced in its corruption, the positive effects on all of us could be far beyond…
Added by jose v on September 21, 2009 at 12:00am —
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Added by Lanie on September 20, 2009 at 6:36pm —
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Politics, coast to coast, with the L.A. Times
7 ex-CIA chiefs ask Obama to abort Holder's probe
Warning that the new Justice Dept. probe into past CIA activities will "create an atmosphere of continuous jeopardy," seven men who've run the intelligence agency under presidents of both parties over the past 35 years called today for President Obama to abort the investigation.
The Democrat has said he wants to look to the future. But he's not…
Added by jose v on September 20, 2009 at 4:49pm —
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Obama Warned By CIA, “Surrender Or Join Kennedy”
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
Russian Intelligence Analysts are reporting to Prime Minister Putin today that President Obama has been given an ultimatum by his own Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to “surrender immediately or join Kennedy” over the American leaders plan to destroy that agencies power over his country “once and for all”.
Added by jose v on September 20, 2009 at 4:47pm —
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See this link.
The site is in portuguese but there is the image of the document that registered the date of the vacine patent by Baxter International.
If anyone still has any doubt about the vacination history and death camps...there is no more doubt,because H1N1 first case was in Mexico in March 2009.
the link for pdf:
and this is the link for entire…
Added by Rainbow Warrior on September 20, 2009 at 2:30pm —
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Tomorrow I get a cardiac catheterization and today I get a lot of mails from friends to wish me strenght.
I like this one very much:
Don’t worry, be happy…..
Don’t worry don’t do it, be happy
Put a smile on your face
Don’t bring everybody down like this
Don’t worry, it will soon past
Whatever it is
Don’t worry, be happy…
Added by Vonnie on September 20, 2009 at 11:19am —
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THE 9/11 ABOMINATION IS GOING TO BE EXPOSED Given this explosive state of affairs, the pressure which will cause this abomination to ‘blow’ continues to accumulate, and sooner or later will result in the ‘take-down’ of all the perpetrators and those media whores, such as Rupert Murdoch and his like, who are parties to the cover-up. We know of one US broadcasting organisation which accepted a ‘funny money’…
Added by jose v on September 20, 2009 at 4:52am —
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[Message from Lord Arcturus] Inserted from
The Crystalline Body
In the human body model of 3D there is a brain and heart, energy centers called chakras, organs, muscles, bone, infrastructure, and this is all connected by a tube system, arteries, veins, lymph and nervous system. In the old system, energy was filtered through the chakra system. It was easy for the chakras to be influenced by exterior stimuli and they would need frequent realignments,…
Added by jose v on September 20, 2009 at 3:07am —
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This webpage appeared on the internet a few days ago.
I have included a Youtube about this at the bottom of this post... but I have my own thoughts about WHY Chicaco could be destroyed on Tuesday that I would like you to read before you watch the video. I think the video will make more sense once you have this background.
David Hawkins and Field McConnell have been exposing the worldwide criminal cabal that operates out of a Chicago law…
Added by jose v on September 20, 2009 at 2:14am —
1 Comment
Barack Obama means Satan in ancient Hebrew
The Reverend Anthony Pike, descendant of the infamous Satanist Ted Pike, has sent me convincing evidence that Barack Obama means Satan in the Aramaic, the ancient form of Hebrew that the bible was originally written in.
Also, if you play Obama saying “yes we can” backwards you can clearly hear him saying “thank you Satan.”
Now we know that Obama is a servant of George Bush Senior and his dark Cabal. George Bush Senior’s…
Added by jose v on September 20, 2009 at 1:24am —
The packs had been positioned for delivery yesterday then delayed until today due to ongoing blockage by OBAMA. The Military again had responsibility for delivering the trigger packs but returned them to D.C. today on OBAMA'S orders.
CHINA had notified the Military AND Obama of pending action, drastic action, if deliveries did not occur by tonight.
When the packs were returned to D.C. CHINA didn't wait until the scheduled midnight deadline but proceeded to immediately…
Added by jose v on September 20, 2009 at 12:15am —
1 Comment
Added by Aaron on September 19, 2009 at 6:54pm —
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BREAKING NEWS! Release: No. H1N1-15 Date Mailed: September 15, 2009
For Immediate Release
WARNING: Rockefeller/Rothschild Drug Cartel Exposed Creating, Releasing, Injecting, Infecting and Depopulating Planet with Pandemic H1N1/H5N1 Viruses and Vaccines.
Los Angeles, CA--World leading drug-industry investigators have uncovered stunning documents proving an international drug ring, operating from New York City, is behind the H1N1 swine flu fright and vaccination…
Added by jose v on September 19, 2009 at 4:00pm —
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A link to the site of Dr. Mercola and Dr. Russel Blaylock to make suggestions about what to do if you're forced to take the Flu Shot
Added by Lea Anna Cooper on September 19, 2009 at 12:26pm —
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Saturday, 3rd October 2009 at 12 Noon - Houses of Parliament, Parliament Square Garden, Westminster, London, till about 2pm
Here are the details of our protest against mandatory vaccination (for more details on this issue see further down this page):
The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) have taken over the control of the UK vaccination…
Added by jose v on September 18, 2009 at 9:00pm —
1 Comment
The discovery of a strange creature in Cerro Azul, Panama, sparked controversy among the people, for what some say might be a creature from another planet, others simply believe that it si just an animal.
Two young men were having fun on the hill when they saw at the entrance of a cave a creature that was approaching them. They were frightened and stoned it to death.
Panama’s Channel 13 showed images of a strange creature that appeared…
Added by jose v on September 18, 2009 at 12:13pm —
Added by Rainbow Warrior on September 18, 2009 at 11:02am —
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Hello friends, this is my first Blog. I wanted to share some memories of my recently departed best friend. A dog of short stature but big heart. He was such a happy guy, he loved to chase the shadow of bugs that would fly by, of course he never caught them but he never gave up trying and would just wag his tail back and forth in the shear joy of the act, and he would do this for hours on end. He also loved to swim. I had to buy him a life jacket because he would swim around for hours if I let…
Added by Rainah Goldfeather on September 18, 2009 at 9:30am —
David Rockefeller’s Biotechnology Trust, Rupert Murdoch, Morton Zuckerman, Thomas Glocer, Jerry Speyer and Larry Silverstein named in Leonard G. Horowitz's affidavit on Swine Flu bioterrorism
An international drug cartel is deliberately killing more than one million Americans a year with specially constructed bioweapons such as Swine Flu, AIDS, and Morgellons Disease. The leaders of a private global biotechnology trust are behind everything you ever heard about pandemic flu, including its…
Added by jose v on September 18, 2009 at 1:33am —
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