Greetings and Salutations;
Folks, the info I gave you last week, tho it was being repeated by many bankers in europe, actually started from right here in the us. They were just as 'questioning' about it as I was. On so many levels it made no sense. There were way too many things that were underway for it to have real substance behind it. Like, why go thru a whole song and dance semantic operation to show the public the fed was bankrupt and put us in a position, where we'd be behind the eightball, to help out? It's going to be bad enough already, but without a group of people getting busy before it get's plain the masses need help, my logic circuits were having a real problem with a long laid out plan, going sideways. I then proceeded to do a 'buddha', sit down, cross my arms, and wait for something that made sense to materialize.
If you think for a minute, they wouldn't know obama was mucking up the works, I would question their ability to have put all this together in the first place. They certainly knew when junior was doing things and didn't have a problem pointing it out, either. The russians are in lock step with china and with the recent 'bric' meeting, no way would they be involved in cutting off their own noses to spite their faces. They are a distribution country, as one of the new trade zones. Remember, this is all about shifting to the new banking system, which is about commodity backed currencies, and what have they been screaming about over there? Enough about everything being tied to the 'dollar'! What finally makes it to our media, which is called news, is so far from the facts, it'd be absolutely laughable, if it weren't so sad for the people lapping it up over here. The public is being used to create divisions and those divisions are seated in the greatest enemy of mankind, it's called 'fear'. 'False Evidence Appearing Real' Those generating it have no other power left. They are experiencing a massive crushing to the power they have held for over a hundred years and haven't the cajones to accept defeat before an overwhelming force. People need to think more like andy jackson when they sent an assassin after him, he beat that man half to death with his cane, and this country didn't have foreigners running our money system for many years after that, until they whacked lincoln.
I'm not getting into a whole discussion of history but I will only say, all that has happened in the past is being reversed, the screaming and hollaring going on out here is a result of the changes afoot, people feel at a gut level but, have no handle on. Most of these folks have no real understanding of what communism is, or facism, they are just striking out at the ghosts. I told you all many years ago, america was going to get the medicine it needed to return this country to what it was formed for, and it wasn't going to be pleasant for some. That time has come. The powers don't want the country destroyed just that evil thing called the fed res system, which has held a strangle hold on countries all over the planet. Check that word evil, in a mirror it reads 'live'. Hello!
I won't get into specifics, I will just tell you to be ready for whatever you intend to do, at the reception of your letter. People are happy on both sides of the ocean and in asia, as the end has finally arrived. The sky isn't going to all the sudden be blue, sharks will be in the water, looking to prey upon those who receive. They can get it to you but you will have to use the common sense God gave you, after you access. Don't be acting like someone who's won the lottery and is broke in a year!
Consultations are available if you still need one. Donations are needed and accepted at account
Love and Kisses,
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