Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
Grim reports are circulating in the Kremlin today detailing a shocking commando attack on the Tambov Air Base located in the Tambov Oblast that holds the most classified files in all of Russia that has killed at least 5 Russian Spetsnaz GRU Guards and left many of the Motherland’s most secret files destroyed, including those detailing the “true”… Continue
Everything is lining up for the implementation of the Gold Standard in the USA (as well as around the world!). As planned and implemented by Alan Greenspan and friends over the last 40 years we have come down to the final weeks/months for the Banking Cabal. By now you should all be prepared for the most frightening yet exhilarating ride of your lives. If you do not understand what I am talking about please review my Road to Roota series summarized… Continue
Added by jose v on September 15, 2009 at 12:48am —
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Red Ice Creations is a novel internet radio/ tv/ video talk producer from Sweden. At this time they have one year of free audio interviews archives + same amount of extended interviews for members.
Here is the latest:
Andrew D. Basiago - Project Pegasus, Time Travel, Teleportation & The Chronovisor Device
September 10, 2009
This is an opinion piece and little more written today in response to weekend developments.
The OBAMA Administration policies of "double down" to defend and save the existing Western Fiat Systems of "borrow and spend" finance are being doubled down yet again on a higher level by the Illuminati's 55 Central Banks led by the BIS. OBAMA is actually, IMO, a puppet player and a "talking head" for decisions made for him… Continue
Added by jose v on September 14, 2009 at 7:23pm —
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Kalki according to tradition is the tenth avatar or incarnation of Vishnu (Buddha was the ninth avatar of Vishnu).
The symbolic form of Kalki is on a white horse wielding a sword. The Name Kalki literally means "The Annihilator of Ignorance."
His Divine Mission is to close Kaliyuga, the Iron Age (one of 4 Yugas or time zones that mark the spiritual progression of mankind not the technical iron age), and usher in the Golden Age, a new period of peace prosperity and… Continue
casper 9-13-09
Another Saturday night at this keyboard. Honestly, I could just scream.
The exciting news hinted at in last nights update was that everything, and I do mean everything, was turned over to Glen Beck at Fox News mid day yesterday. WE hear his fax machines were burning up with documents arriving from all over the world including China. At one point WE hear a thousand pages arrived within a single… Continue
Added by jose v on September 14, 2009 at 1:57am —
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Folks, as you know, I told you I'd stay with it until it was finally over. I must tell you, while the news was great this week, certain things being done, as far as, we were concerned, I'm afraid something the dragon said last fall, is coming into full view and actualizing itself. 'It is most unfortunate that the only way to get the attention of the american mind is to devestate the us banking system. In order to save the country, and the world, the fed… Continue
Added by jose v on September 13, 2009 at 9:10pm —
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Obama Assassination Plot Fails As Full Terror Alert Hits North America
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
Russian Intelligence Analysts are reporting to Prime Minister Putin today that rogue US “intelligence” forces have failed in attempting to assassinate President Obama while his motorcade was in route to the White House from the Pentagon where he had joined… Continue
Added by jose v on September 13, 2009 at 4:38pm —
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The secret government of the West has been run according to astrology and astronomy. They, like the Mayans, believe the solar system rotates around the galaxy once every 26,000 years and that the current cycle ends on December 21st, 2012. Illuminati insiders say the world was run according to an ancient plan and that the script runs out on 2012. They know they will lose power after that date but they are scared and confused about what will happen next. My… Continue
September 30 is the end of the U.S. Government fiscal year. Beyond that point the government has no money. The Chinese Family Dynasty through the Communist Government of China gave Obama enough money to make military payroll and Social Security for September. Our government has been out of money since September 17, 2008 and Obama has made it this far by begging and stealing everything possible.
After September 30, the U.S. is on its own, as the Federal Reserve is totally rejected by… Continue
Added by jose v on September 13, 2009 at 1:37am —
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For those of you unfamiliar with Professor Griff, he's a member of the infamous rap group "Public Enemy". He goes through and explains how Snoop, Jay-Z, Kayne West and Beyounce are all members of the Illuminati.
Honestly, as a fan of Rap music, I'm kinda blown away. I knew their where circumstantial connections (symbolism in videos, etc) but never this… Continue
Added by jose v on September 13, 2009 at 12:08am —
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I tried to save but the home foundation is unrelenting, 4 months rent arrears, as the tax for months put my wage on attachment, I could not catch up the backlog. Why rent arrears? I would absolutely not be pitiful, but last year I took my oldest daughter in my home with her children. Then you lose your housing benefit and I was also reduced in my then existing allowance, Mama she said to me, I will RePay you all, do not worry she said, but no, she went back to her friend and the financial hole… Continue
Humanity is at a critical turning-point, the likes of which few could ever imagine. Dream guidance has been increasingly insistent in telling me that a very substantial defeat of the New World Order / negative elite / Neocon faction is imminent — much sooner than we may have thought, if we even… Continue
Grim reports circulating in the Kremlin today are stating that during a “shouting match” between President Medvedev and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [photo 2nd left], the leader of the Jewish Nation warned “We’ll bring the whole World down with us if we have to” after his, Netanyahu, being “told with all authority” by Medvedev that Russia would not… Continue
12-6-01 -Good afternoon, my scribe. It is I, Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, come in the One Light of Creator Source, who is The One Light. Be still and find peace in knowing that the Love of Creator fills you from within.
There are many new eyes scrutinizing the work you ones are doing, and some of these ones are quite hesitant to accept that Creator God would send Messengers in this manner to help those who call out (pray) for assistance. To you ones I would say… Continue
I find it hard to believe that the Coast Guard would conduct 'training exercises' at Memorial Bridge in DC, on 911 yet, especially when the President is crossing the Potomac where they are holding these exercises. Also the headline that CNN gives this article is hardly one that would catch your attention, given the meat of the article.