So this week has been beyond interesting for me. Mostly because I found Wendy Kennedy. Before I move too far ahead I would like to point how interesting it is to me the timing involved when we meet certain spiritual teachers. Before channeling personally, I was already familiar with The Law of One (Ra Material), the Bible, Abraham Hicks, Bashar, but really that was about it.…Continue
Added by brandy rox on May 16, 2010 at 1:00pm —
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This is a call to action for people of every faith, creed, tribe, nation and origin to focus the power of group intention to restore this area.
You can contribute by actively and consciously holding a focused intention. Together we create a powerful group synergy, the Unity Wave.
On Friday, May 21, 2010, at 11:00 PM (UTC +0), join the Wave to Restore the Gulf. This fifteen minute segment features the words God and Love sung in many… Continue
The video below features a weatherman talking about the military using aircraft to spray "chaff". The video has been getting cheers from those of us who look up and notice the spraying of our skies, but it is less likely a rogue weatherman uncovering the big chemtrail mystery and is more likely a script to pacify the…
List of Bankster Senators who voted to protect big, criminal financial institutes. Please make sure to spread this around and if they are your Senator, please contact their office and tell them what you think.
Is it me, or has the world basically resigned itself to the idea that 5,000 barrels of crude oil are belching into the Gulf of Mexico for weeks now, and all we have coming forth for solutions is relatively feeble attempts on the part of BRITISH PETROLEUM to repair the damage to the pipeline within MONTHS?
What I am not getting here is this: where is the United Nations on this? Where are the… Continue
Chatter on 15/05/2010 happening about the honourable Credo Mutwa's innability to attend a January 2010 scheduled public appearence. This was apparently linked to an imminent global catastrophe as a result of an oil leak ?. He has said that up to half the earth's human population might not live to see the end of 2011,"its no asteroid, comet, plague, just… Continue
Added by patrick on May 15, 2010 at 4:00am —
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This is better understood by reading the whole 2 volumes. Things like how Drunvalo came to know what he knows. 457 pages of text and many illustrations, 2-3 evenings reading, I highly recommend them.
Excerpt - Volume 2, Chapter 18. - The Dimensional Shift
The Great Change
Most of the prophets and the indigenous people of the world see a "great change" coming to Earth and to mankind. We… Continue
Added by Pat on May 15, 2010 at 1:41am —
1 Comment
Intention of the Week: the Gulf of Mexico oil leak Sunday, May 16, 2010 5 pm GMT
Help to contain the spill from the Deepwater Horizon site
As the spill is carrying on, I've had numerous special requests to carry on with our intention to stave the flow of oil into the Gulf of Mexico from the April 20 oil rig explosion. As Sandy Fox wrote me from H2Om Water, the spill is like"a vein that is hemorrhaging in the Earth."
For the past two years, The Orion Project has worked to raise funds to build a facility where we can bring scientists and inventors together in a peaceful type of Manhattan Project for energy - to develop new sources of energy that will get us off the fossil fuel economy. We have also worked to identify scientists and inventors capable of this work. For the past hundred years, scientists such as Nicola Tesla have worked on such… Continue
Date: Thursday, 13-May-2010 14:30:58 Interesting... {SNIP} Pasadena - NASA's Voyager 2, which is touring the outer reaches of our galaxy, suddenly began to send back messages to Earth that scientists cannot interpret. A German researcher believes those sounds may…
Thousand Faces Co-Creation Artistic Adventures --- at 1000faces(at) ---
Let us discover each other and delve into one another's creativity with the results of manifesting a loving community, and a beautiful reality together. Through Artistic Co-Creation, we will maintain the highest frequency possible, to always have in my thoughts feelings and yearnings for & towards creativity on the soul/mind/body level! We will co-create creativity, unconditional love, all forms of… Continue
Added by J'Tariah EnRa El on May 13, 2010 at 4:30pm —
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Warning By Christ Michael Thru Hazel May 11, 2010 - 8:38:58 AM
Channelled message -CM -Warning Christ Michael Aton
16:20 09/05/10
This message comes as a warning to all who read this, that great changes are afoot this coming week in your planetary calendar. I would like to specifically address a sudden change in the tide of winds to… Continue
Added by Lumiq on May 13, 2010 at 2:15am —
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