Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers Obama trial starts tomorrow. This video was recorded earlier today.

The Obama trial starts tomorrow. This video was recorded earlier today. Please help make this go viral.

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Comment by patrick on May 15, 2010 at 7:21pm
Hey kids! Did you know that President Barack Obama is on trial today? It's true! See, apparently, Columbia University sold Obama his college degree, and he is also not an American citizen, so he must be tried in a Harlem Church -- for "sedition."

Here's a fun place you can go to learn about the "MASSIVE MEDIA BLACKOUT" that is underway, to prevent people from learning about how "THE LONG LEGGED MAC DADDY, HIS ENTIRE CABINET, AND ALL INVOLVED ARE GOING DOWN!!!!"

"Dr. James David Manning, founder and pastor of ATLAH World Ministries in Harlem and outspoken Obama critic, contends that Columbia University "sold" Obama a degree in Political Science, and that these allegations will be proven in a court of law in New York State!. He also believes he can prove Obama is ineligible to hold the office of President of the United States due to his failure to meet the "natural born citizen" requirement set forth in the U.S. Constitution!" Basically, Obama is a MASSIVE liar.

Everything is in place! The Judge, facts, proof, witnesses, subpoenas, jury, reporters from around the globe!! The Trial is on the calendar for May 14-19, 2010, in NYC! Many in Harlem NY are unified and will be marching!

There is a healthy separation of church and state in America so presumably this has no legal legs at all, it's a circus. This is not to say that the evidence from Columbia university is not real, and the lack of coverage in the media is strange, I thought they liked a scandal.
Comment by Saiguest on May 15, 2010 at 3:02pm
Another prophecy that didn't come true..we do you keep posting these when they never come true?
Comment by tranceman on May 14, 2010 at 4:27am
amen brother.

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