Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

What I am NOT getting here... by Patricia Cori (

What I am NOT getting here...

Patricia Cori

Is it me, or has the world basically resigned itself to the idea that 5,000 barrels of crude oil are belching into the Gulf of Mexico for weeks now, and all we have coming forth for solutions is relatively feeble attempts on the part of BRITISH PETROLEUM to repair the damage to the pipeline within MONTHS?

What I am not getting here is this: where is the United Nations on this? Where are the governments, the environmental protection agencies, the global population? In our own circles, people tell me they “cant bear to hear about it on the news,” and so the solution is not watching the news. Uh....hello? This catastrophe, which clearly has NO END in sight, is one of our greatest environmental disasters, since Chernobyl perhaps. We are being told they simply don’t know how to repair the not one but two leaks in the pipeline, and that the most realistic ideas will take months to enact. Now I don’t know about you, but I’m doing my elementary mathematics here and thinking hundreds of days at 5,000 barrels a day (knowing that it is far more than that!) x 100_ days and asking myself and anyone who will listen what this means for the oceans of our planet.

While the media seems primarily interested in the effect this will have on tourism and the fishing industry – economics – wild life is dying once again at the greedy hands of man. Other than platitudes from Obama, the U.S. Government is relatively uninvolved in bringing the situation under control, while everyone points fingers as to whose fault this is. BP is responsible for the clean-up. That is not working. Plan B???????

OK. Here’s an idea: this is too immense and urgent a crisis to leave in the hands of a private corporation. Where are our best engineers – the geniuses? Where are our top scientists, biologists and technicians? Where are the think-tank guys who strategize other global considerations (besides war, of course)? Where are the governments... Where is the human race in general?

Somewhere between the six o’clock news and a bag of chips, the world sits watching and when it cannot bear any more, it turns off the news. Millions more gallons of crude oil pour into our dying ocean. Are we so anaesthetized that we do not even want to be galvanized into action?

For the love of Gaia, people. Protest in every way you can. Write to your governments, demanding answers. If you can, get to the beaches and help the animals, being burned alive in crude. And remember – there is no greater violence than knowing, and doing nothing.

Please write to the White House immediately, demanding intervention to assist BP in bringing this situation under control and reminding the government that the idea of DRILLING OFFSHORE, as was announced only days before this occurred, is OUT OF THE QUESTION. Please flood the White House or your government offices in protest! In the U.S.:

Views: 52


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Comment by nonya on May 16, 2010 at 10:13pm
Let me help you out CHRISTINA, this is not the only oil disaster in the just dont hear about the rest....have a look at all that you dont hear about....WE made them all

and people say WE are the ones we have been waiting for.....what a crock of shit.
Where are these off world people to help?
Disclosure not happening anytime soon and I was sure hoping we would get some help. WE will never be able to clean this up and WE are now up to 5 trash swirls in the oceans. One the size of 2 states of Texas.
UN? Environmental Protection Agencies? Engineers? geniuses? They are either not functioning (intentionally) or they have been thwarted or silenced. As for the global populace....hahaha sleeping behind the wheel.....cuz there is nothing any of us know what to do......WE are watching it all go to hell.
Comment by CHRISTINA on May 16, 2010 at 9:12am
Dear Simone, the water prayer can be labelled onto bottled water that we use for drinking. It supports good moods :-)

Comment by CHRISTINA on May 16, 2010 at 8:47am
Water has consciousness and memory (discovery by Dr. Masaru Emoto). It can be restructured/reprogrammed by our thoughts, emotions, feelings, words, intentions, music (such as Beethoven's and Mozart's having positive influence on H2o) and sounds of the sun (for the latter see David Sereda's work). Water has incredible properties, it may be able "to communicate virtually over any distance in the universe instantaneously and thereby ultimately giving us the possibility of communicating with other starsystems through "supersensors" that are sensitive to certain vibrations in water.."

Namaste all
Comment by Golden_Angel_K on May 15, 2010 at 10:24pm
you are so wonderful guys!, real intention from your hearts can do anything!, just focuse on repeating a specific thought with you voice and mind, make it frequently and you will see!, how reality amazinly changes!
Comment by simpleman on May 15, 2010 at 10:19pm
Absolutly wonderful idea, Christina is right, there is scientific proof that water changes it structure because of human emotions.

I agree with the post, it is urgent that the nations of the world would come , work as a team and stop the spill. The human race will be affected by this. I am sure there are people that can fix this wating for the call, but there is no call for help. Who ever is in command of this needs to ask for help, thats it.

Thank you, CHRISTINA
Comment by CHRISTINA on May 15, 2010 at 7:50pm
We dedicate our Sincere Prayer of Love and Gratitude
to the water of the Gulf of Mexico and the waters of the world

Water We Are Sorry
Water We Love You
Water We Thank You
Water We Respect You
Comment by CHRISTINA on May 15, 2010 at 7:35pm
Simone, coming together in consciousness with the water of our oceans in order to clean up, would be a good starting point.

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