Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

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Mysterious Hollywood ‘Star-Whackers’ Cult Kills Again, Mel Gibson Warned Is Next

Mysterious Hollywood ‘Star-Whackers’ Cult Kills Again, Mel Gibson Warned Is Next

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers…


Added by jose v on November 21, 2010 at 3:16am — 1 Comment


Inventor Claims Underwear Protects Privacy


Jeff Buske is an inventor and the owner of Rocky Flats Gear, the company that sells specialized underwear. The undergarments have metal inserts that are supposed to protect the wearer's health and privacy.

More (with pics) at link:…


Added by jose v on November 20, 2010 at 8:45pm — No Comments

God's Treasures - Where the Universe is Yours to Explore! ~

God is the truth we seek. He is the path that we should follow through life. He is the spirit inside us. He loves everything. The Universe is ours to explore. We must use our minds to seek the truth. Love is everything! Love is the gift He gives to us. Show love to everyone, for it will enhance your gifts. This we must all do for the greater good of the world. “

This was the second message I received…


Added by CHRISTINA on November 20, 2010 at 8:14pm — No Comments

What are the Rays? ~

What are the Rays?

The rays can be described as vibrational…


Added by CHRISTINA on November 20, 2010 at 6:55pm — 1 Comment

My Honest, Doubting Mind

I realized something which took me aback and shook me a bit, but now has filled me with warmth. I thought, for a great period of my life, that I was on a quest for truth because deep within me there was a strong faith. But I have discovered that the central quality of my mind is that it is an unbeliever. On good days this mind is an optimistic agnostic who says, "maybe....". On melancholy days it is a deconstructive mind, reducing all language, humanity and religion to robotic…


Added by Zachary Lange on November 20, 2010 at 2:42pm — 1 Comment

I LIVE to let YOU ... SHINE! :)

"Wake me" you said, "that I might arise in the forms that emerge at this journey's end,

and through them bestow my gifts upon this world .

Join me then in the matter fields, that together we might work to magnify the beauty and

the wonder of these physical domains."


( Thank you for taking your power)

After a storm

I want to be brave

And keep you warm

And not fade away

As we float from…

Added by joni lynn on November 20, 2010 at 12:13pm — No Comments

Archangel Michael and Ronna ADVICE PLEASE GUYS!!!

Has anyone ever paid to have Ronna send them a personal channel from AA Michael? I did, I bought her book and I got the personal message. She said she channels it just for me from AA Michael. I am going to attach the letter she sent me. Please number one..Explain it to me? What are the rays really? Anyway HAS anyone ever gotten a letter and if so was it like this? Do you think this is just a form letter or do you think AA Michael was talking to me. The part about crystals and healing would…


Added by Brenda Watts on November 20, 2010 at 3:08am — 7 Comments

Left or Right Brain?

Left Or Right Brain?

Lightspeed Learning's website has a fun test to take to see if you are predominately using your right brain or left brain. It really is fun and easy. Everyone I've shared it with are amazed and go back to it many, many times. Enjoy!

~ with thanks to Colleen (

Added by CHRISTINA on November 19, 2010 at 3:56am — No Comments


Added by simpleman on November 19, 2010 at 1:48am — No Comments

we recommend that you join The Movement.

This website is intended to provide interested parties with the equivalent of the information and training supplied to a sixth degree Illuminatus.…

Added by jose v on November 19, 2010 at 1:26am — 3 Comments

The Illuminati is an ancient secret society that seeks to bring about a New World Order based on the principle that everyone has it within them to literally become God

The Illuminati is an ancient secret society that seeks to bring about a New World Order based on the principle that everyone has it within them to literally become God. This website presents the Illuminati's radical vision for a new humanity and provides a full account of the inner divinity of the human race.

The ten most influential Grand Masters of the Illuminati are: King Solomon the…


Added by jose v on November 19, 2010 at 1:23am — 6 Comments

This movie contains fowl language, it's for the birds....... :)

Added by CHRISTINA on November 18, 2010 at 7:00pm — 1 Comment

  1. Participate in National Opt Out Day at any local airport.
  2. Stop flying.
  3. OPT OUT of the scanners. EVERY TIME!
  4. Take photos of TSA agents, the scanners and groping procedures.
  5. Educate yourself, your family, friends and neighbors.
  6. Organize an educational event at your local airport for National Opt Out…

Added by CHRISTINA on November 18, 2010 at 5:58pm — No Comments

A senior member of the Illuminati breaks his silence for the first time.

Can you tell us what position you hold in the Illuminati?

I'm part of the 12-man Ruling Council. There are five Americans, five western Europeans, one Russian and one Indian. We have members in every country of the world, but there are fewer than 6,000 of us in…


Added by jose v on November 18, 2010 at 4:58am — 13 Comments

Are you for, or against, the new world order? Why?

f someone is opposed to a "new world order", it implies that they are content with the current world order. Who, other than those controlling the world, would be happy with the current state of affairs? Do you believe that you are leading the sort of life to which your talents entitle you? Are you being held back because you do not have the right "name", the right "connections"? Do you see untalented people all around you who are doing far better than you? Do you feel dissatisfied at a profound… Continue

Added by jose v on November 18, 2010 at 4:52am — 6 Comments

The Puppetmasters

The Puppetmasters

If you have doubts about the existence of the Old World Order, they ought to vanish when you read Taibbi's article. You will see how an organisation makes itself so powerful (and is allowed to do so) that it effectively becomes…

Added by jose v on November 18, 2010 at 4:48am — No Comments

The Brotherhood of the Shadows

Is it possible for a human being to be possessed by Satan? The idea has been explored in a number of horror films, but there's a group working for the Old World Order that thinks it can be accomplished for real. They have identified twelve possible candidates, but, at the present time, the name of only one is known for sure: Supriem Rockefeller.…


Added by jose v on November 18, 2010 at 1:22am — No Comments

Adam Weishaupt, the most controversial Grand Master of the Illuminati

The Illuminati

Adam Weishaupt, the most controversial Grand Master of the Illuminati, is commonly regarded as a monster attempting to create a sinister New World Order.…


Added by jose v on November 18, 2010 at 12:58am — No Comments

The ten most influential Grand Masters of the Illuminati

The Illuminati is an ancient secret society that seeks to bring about a New World Order based on the principle that everyone has it within them to literally become God. This website presents the Illuminati's radical vision for a new humanity and provides a full account of the inner divinity of the human race.

The ten…


Added by jose v on November 18, 2010 at 12:52am — No Comments

600,000 km-long filament is snaking around the sun's southwestern horizon

A dark filament of magnetism is snaking around the sun's southwestern horizon, and it could be poised to erupt. The 600,000 km-long structure has shown considerable instability since it began lifting up from the stellar surface yesterday

Added by simpleman on November 17, 2010 at 2:22pm — 2 Comments

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