The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Zachary Lange has not received any gifts yet
Posted on December 8, 2010 at 5:00pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Now, what if I don't get this mystic thing,
don't get that special, spiritual ring?
What if I don't see you where I go?
Where would be the sequence if it snows?
There are only if's and could it be's
Every breath is holy in the symphony
I could put your hand out, you could beg
We could be the puller of the sled
If we stand upon what we were once
We could tear tomorrow into chunks
But I would rather…
Posted on November 24, 2010 at 12:39pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
When I was young I took a swimming lesson. I was frightened of the water and wished for my mother to come take me out of the pool and hold me. There was a chain- linked fence between the parents and the pool. As long as I looked away from the water and to my mother, my anxiety grew stronger and my desire for safety grew closer to panic. Finaly, I climbed out of the pool and ran to the fence,…
ContinuePosted on November 23, 2010 at 9:02am 0 Comments 0 Likes
[...]why son hast though forced my hand and caused me to raise my hand against thee? Instead, thou should'st have kept thy peace and allowed my wrath to fall upon the disobedient ones. Stay thy tongue! I am merciful and shall forgive thy offence even now, recant and I shall give thee my Kingdom, my Power and my Glory! All that I have shall be…
ContinuePosted on November 22, 2010 at 7:04am 1 Comment 0 Likes
The Virtues of Unbelief (a partial list)
The unbeliever is alone in his experience, yet his heart is openness to what is all around.
The unbeliever has no ground to stand upon so he suspends his mind between all conclusions.
The unbeliever has no country, no religion, no ideal, no creed of living, so he lives each moment as it is.
The unbeliever sees that he does not know, so he is thankful to all that teach him.
The unbeliever…
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I hope you're having a great day! Normally I send friend requests, but for some reason on this site my Add as Friend link is not working. On my page there are blog posts that explain how to evolve consciousness and achieve new psychic states - such as overcoming all emotional pain forever - a psychic state called Immunity.

Hey Zachary :):):) Dear Brother.Welcome Home to Lightworkers. A beautiful placefor open-minded people of Love & Light. Namaste and Enjoy .
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