Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I ask myself this,

Does the reason for my discomfort in social life stem from a feeling of walking naked everywhere? Does this mean that my persona is weak? If so, isn't this nakedness something to cultivate? Perhaps I should relax in this "walking naked down the street feeling". I have never been able to decide what I am. This has caused me many times to feel exposed as a fraud. But what if it is one of my qualities, this facelessness?.....No idea what I am....Yay! Remaining suspended is difficult. There is always strong temptation to 'be' 'somebody'. I will be transitional, Spirit willing. Here and there, everything changes and that is ok. Isn't this living without a mask? I speak better for humanity when I speak from the "I" of experience and not from the "we" of assumption.

I've always felt naked, exposed, like my fig leaves aren't sewn on right. My uniform is weakness. My knowledge is ignorance. My words are silence. I can't decide on a face. I've looked in magazines, read the great novels, the mystics, the saints, the wanted face ever sticks. I shrug it off when the sun rises. Despite my worries, I am not concerned. Society spins and whirls and gags all around, but I can't care overmuch about society. What I see, what reaches out to me, is myself in all of these others; just like me, naked, needing a good laugh, exposed as a fraud, real as God. I see society's game. It's ok. But the sun rises, the wind blows, the birds sing. Every moment is a moment without a uniform, without a title, without any discernable face of my own. A naked moment, pristine and timeless.

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Comment by Zachary Lange on November 22, 2010 at 12:20pm
@paTricia T. Thanks for the comment that may help me to realize my angelic true self! ;) I greatly appreciate your feedback!
Comment by Zachary Lange on November 22, 2010 at 5:51am
Yes, I sort of had to realize that as long as I "wanna be" somebody, that in that longing, well, tomorrow never comes does it? Thats why accepting my nakedness, vulnerability, mortality, facelessness, that was when I started "being". Peace and light to you...I see the holy one in you as well.
Comment by Trudy on November 22, 2010 at 1:29am
While reading your words a deja vu came over me, how remarkable ...
I had this naked feeling a very very long time and this facelessness, but I came to the conclusion that during your presence here on Earth, you want to be accepted, you want to belong but how, how do I fit in ... but it gradually becomes clear to me, the only thing that is of importance is accepting yourself for who you are ... and then there isn't I wanna be, but there is a I Am
Namasté Zachary Lange

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