The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
The Soul Camera, which will be released at the end of next year, will provide the clearest exposition yet of the religion of the Illuminati (the religion of the True God), and it will provide greater insights than ever before into the Holy Grail: the sacred and mystical centrepiece of the religion of the Illuminati. Be aware, knowledge, not faith, is what guides the Illuminati. The religions of faith are the religions of delusion and deception.
In your "Conspiracy Theories" section on your website you seem to be debunking many conspiracy theories as a whole. This seems at odds with your apparent promotion of the Zeitgeist movie which, as you know, presents a number of conspiracy theories. Please resolve this apparent inconsistency. Which conspiracies do you endorse? Which don't you endorse?
Thank you.
If a uniquely powerful secret society intent on world domination has existed for thousands of years, it follows that the world we see today is the product of their handiwork. If the world we see around us is not their creation then clearly they do not have the power claimed for them, and hence there is no reason to fear them. Either a supremely potent organisation exists that makes the world dance to its tune, or it doesn't. If it does exist, this must be its world. Not a future world, this world.
The Illuminati state that the world of today is very close to the one envisioned by those - the enemies of the Illuminati - who seek to perpetually exploit and enslave humanity. The idea that enslavement necessarily consists of chains and concentration camps is risible. A sophisticated secret society attempts to control populations through psychology rather than primitive force. Slaves are much less efficient, and much more expensive and difficult to control, than dutiful workers who toil hard in the mistaken belief that they are helping themselves. In fact, the vast majority of people who go to work every day are doing little more than making their bosses (their masters in all but name) much richer. The super rich scarcely inhabit the same world as ordinary people now.
The British invented concentration camps in the Boer War in the 19th Century. If the masters of the world thought it was in their interest to deploy concentration camps you can be sure we would already be living in them. None of the people who warn of concentration camps ever have a convincing rationale for what purpose would be served by such camps, or why the world rulers have not already gone ahead and done it if they are so powerful. What is stopping them? The concentration camp scare story is infantile; a simplistic boogeyman vision of the world. There are boogeymen, but they are urbane, ruthless, Machiavellian puppetmasters in smart suits, not childish monsters in monochrome military uniforms.
There is only one main component missing from the Old World Order's jigsaw. It is a piece that they once possessed but which they lost thanks to the efforts of the Illuminati in past centuries. It is the concept of the hereditary transmission of wealth and power. Imagine America as a monarchy rather than a republic where a king replaces the president and passes on the crown to his offspring in perpetuity. The presidency has already come to resemble this state of affairs (just consider the twelve years of presidential rule by the Old World Order's Bush family - father and son). Just think of the absurdly high regard in which someone like "Princess" Diana was held by the American people. How long before royalty and politics are once again merged as they were for most of European history? What are celebrities if not a new form of royalty? The deluded masses have, as usual, failed to see through the Old World Order's machinations. That is entirely as the Old World Order intends.
Psychology 101. Lesson 1) create the illusion of a future hellish state. (War on Terror etc.) People then become preoccupied with an unrealised, hypothetical future state and do not look critically at the world they are actually living in. Cui bono? The Old World Order, of course. The more you look favourably on the current world and fear a future world, the less likely you are to challenge the existing world hegemony. All your thoughts will be, futilely, concentrated on the future rather than the present.
Don't you see? - we are not in physical concentration camps for the simple reason that we have walked into our own prison camps of the mind. Ordinary people are so brainwashed that they actually believe the Old World Order is acting in their interests and protecting them from future horrors. The horrors, if you wake up, you will see all around you right now.
Did the people enduring the nightmare of the Second World War spend all of their time fearing what a Third World War might be like, or were they entirely preoccupied with the war they were actually in? Those who point to a future New World Order of concentration camps are admitting that they do not find the current world situation sufficiently disturbing. They are thinking about a future war rather than fighting the war they are actually in. This is the war, here and now. Those who don't think so have already succumbed to the Old World Order's propaganda. How many times must it be emphasised: the Old World Order are not stupid and they are not unsubtle. If you are not horrified by this world, the one you inhabit right now, it is because you have already been successfully brainwashed, and you pose no threat to the masters of the world.
Yes, the Old World Order have introduced a concept of "New World Order" that makes people fear the future. They have spread their false definition far and wide to suit their purposes. Millions of people have fallen for it. We are fighting to reclaim the concept. It is up to intelligent people to consider what they are reading and draw the relevant conclusions. Certainly, the existence of rival definitions is a recipe for confusion, but if we introduced a brand new term, you can be sure it would soon be deliberately sabotaged by our enemies.
There is a famous TV programme that shows a one-world future government, a one-world military and a one-world economic system that has entirely dispensed with money. It is one of the most popular TV shows of all time. It is called Star Trek. How many people would rail against the world shown in Star Trek? - a benign meritocracy where greed and want have been eliminated by technology and by intelligent policies carried out by intelligent, skilled leaders. Who are the losers in Star Trek? - the super rich, the monarchs, the celebrities, the powerful dynastic families, those who bow to money. In other words, the Old World Order. Do you think the Old World Order are responsible for shows like Star Trek and online films such as Zeitgeist? Think again.
"NWO1" is an invention of the Old World Order and, sadly, many well-meaning people have been suckered into going along with it. "NWO2", a meritocracy operating in the interests of all humanity, is what is politically advocated by the Illuminati. NWO1 and NWO2 have no connection at all.
The Illuminati's "roadmap" is and always has been ferociously difficult to implement. The Illuminati are a small group fighting across the millennia against the vast power of the Old World Order. How can a resistance group, few in number, topple monarchies and dynasties? Exceptionally, when the circumstances have proved conducive, this has proved possible (the French Revolution, for example). But the Old World Order have continually refined their tactics to make challenges to their power less and less likely.
Obviously, we in the Illuminati have no intention of revealing our precise plans, but you can be sure they involve the transformation of the ways of thinking of ordinary people, breaking the brainwashing that keeps them the slaves of their masters. The two Zeitgeist movies, and futuristic visions such as Star Trek, show the sort of world humanity could be advancing towards. Why are we not? The roadblock is the same one it has always been - the Old World Order, the empire of greed, hate, war, selfishness, money, possessions, division, discord, manipulation, tyranny and oppression.
There is indeed a section on this site that debunks conspiracy theories. It is there for a very specific reason. The Illuminati are a meritocracy. Throughout our history, many of our most prominent members have begun their journey as skeptics, debunkers, cynics. We wish to show such people that their current attitudes and beliefs do not preclude them from working with us. Many conspiracy theories are absurd: that does not mean that they all are, but all the people with whom we would wish to work should not be credulous and willing to swallow anything. We have chosen a tactic that might be described as postmodern. It will certainly put some people off. That is precisely the intention. Intelligent people should always retain healthy doubts until such times as they are furnished with credible evidence.
The followers of the Old World Order, waving their flags and bowing to their masters, are sheep. We have no need of sheep.
Finally, consider this. The German philosopher Leibniz famously said that we live in the best of all possible worlds. His logic, if you believe in an all-powerful, benign creator of this world, was infallible. If it were possible for God to create a better world than this one then he would have done so because otherwise he would be perverse and malevolent - two things that God cannot be by definition. Therefore it must have been impossible for God to create a better world than this, hence this is the best of all possible worlds. Flawless. Therefore, if you believe in such a God, you must believe that this world could be no better than it is. So don't complain.
1) This argument is precisely the sort used by the Old World Order to justify their domination of the world.
2) The Illuminati reject it entirely.3) Leibniz was one of the greatest figures in the Illuminati's history.
5) Do you understand?
1) You say, on the one hand, that hereditary transmission of wealth and power has been lost, but on the other hand you say that the U.S presidency has come to resemble this state of affairs. So which is it - has it been lost or re-established?
2) You say that "the Old World Order have introduced a concept of 'New World Order' that makes people fear the future. They have spread their false definition far and wide to suit their purposes." Your answer is very confusing - are you suggesting that NWO-1 is NOT part of the power elite agenda? That would certainly contradict the Zeitgeist movie suggestion. I assume you mean something else so please clarify…For example, if you are suggesting that a one world gov't/army/financial system could actually be a good thing if handled properly are you also implying that you are ok with the global elite forming their NWO-1 as an intermediate to your NWO-2? Or are you suggesting that you must stop NWO-1 and implement NWO-2 yourselves without such an intermediate?
3) It seems that the "illuminati" have been defined in several ways depending on who is speaking. Is this because there are several different groups calling themselves (or being called) "illuminati", or has one group infiltrated another and inherited/co-opted their name? For example, you seem to be implying that your illuminati (i.e. illuminati-2) are good people looking out for others. On the other hand, the illuminati that many others speak about (i.e. illuminati-1) refer to the global elite which control the world and look to re-enforce this control via the NWO-1. Also, where do the illuminati depicted in Dan Brown's Angels and Demons fit in? In other words, please clarify the multiple definitions of illuminati and the chronology of the various groups if indeed one has infiltrated another?
4) You seem to be implying that your "good" illuminati (i.e. illuminati-2) was responsible for the French Revolution. This is interesting because others (e.g. some conspiracy theorists) have attributed the French Revolution to the "bad" illuminati (i.e. illuminati-1). This is obviously completely contradictory to what you are saying - so which is it? Please explain…
5) Are you also suggesting that your illuminati-2 was responsible not only for the French but also the American Revolution? As you know, many conspiracy theorists have attributed this event to the Freemasons. What is the relationship of your illuminati-2 to the Freemasons? What is the relationship of illuminati-1 to the Freemasons? Were the Freemasons initially comprised of illuminati-2 only to be infiltrated by illuminati-1?
6) What is your view of Albert Pike? Giuseppe Mazzini? Leo Taxil? In particular, was Albert Pike part of illuminati-1 or illuminati-2? What is your view of Adam Weishaupt? In particular, was Adam Weishaupt part of illuminati-1 or illuminati-2?
7) With respect to the current financial crisis, there seems to be a high level of urgency by many warning of the acceleration towards NWO-1. Does your illuminati-2, presumably opposed to these efforts, plan to accelerate its counter-efforts as well, or is this recent urgency unwarranted?
1) The Old World Order have always supported the principle of the hereditary transmission of power - the opposite of the Meritocratic Principle - and throughout history have largely succeeded in operating in this manner. The Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, a pivotal figure in the Old World Order, refers to the British people as "hers", as though they are her property. Most people, you would imagine, would not tolerate this. And yet the reverse is true. The vast majority of British people still support a monarchy in which they are defined as subjects rather than citizens. That demonstrates the sheer power of the propaganda of the Old World Order. They can make their tyranny be perceived as something noble and desirable. Through the heroic work of the Illuminati, manifesting itself in an assortment of revolutionary movements, the tyranny of the Old World Order has been checked to some degree, sometimes spectacularly in a few instances. The Old World Order's response consists of a two-pronged strategy: to operate a de facto hereditary principle, and to keep the people so befuddled on junk consumerism and entertainment that they won't notice what is happening. And they have succeeded admirably. There is no contradiction between losing something and trying to re-establish it. The question, as it has been posed, reflects a certain way of thinking that sets up false binary oppositions. The specific answer, as should be obvious, is yes to both: the Old World Order's formal hereditary principle has been largely lost, but they have established a de facto hereditary principle (i.e. largely re-established that which was lost), with the Bush Family providing the clearest example.
2) Your confusion arises from your misconceptions. NWO-1 is a fiction. As has been repeatedly stated, the Old World Order is the only power elite with which people should concern themselves. How would the alleged NWO-1 come into being if not through the efforts of the existing world power elite? - therefore NWO-1 can be viewed only as an extension of the existing ideology and policies of the Old World Order. Do people seriously imagine that there is massive conspiracy taking place right now regarding which none of the world's current power elite have any knowledge? How absurd. The NWO-1 propaganda has brilliantly led people astray, which was of course its function. Do not resist your current masters; instead waste your time and energy worrying about a fictional future state. How many have fallen into this trap?
A typical NWO-1 diatribe goes like this:
"A One World Government and one-unit monetary system, under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self-select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population. There will be no middle class, only rulers and the servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist. The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simply be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited."
(Dr John Coleman, Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 (1992))
We agree with a few of the points raised here but most of it is ridiculous. How many times must we repeat: a) this is infantile scare-mongering b) the Old World Order aren't morons and only morons would seriously imagine that the world is in any danger of heading in the direction described. Why do people waste their time with this transparent nonsense? c) Dr Coleman and his kind are rabid, right-wing, fundamentalist Christian, anarcho-capitalist libertarians who love guns and who, in truth, are actually more terrifying than the Old World Order themselves. If you want to understand Dr Coleman and his ilk, read Ayn Rand. It is almost impossible for people to be scarier than the Old World Order and yet Dr Coleman and his sort have managed it. (And bear in mind that Ayn Rand is greatly admired by the Old World Order.)
Regarding Zeitgeist, ask yourself this: is it possible to use a widely believed misconception to produce a positive outcome? Imagine the difficulty Zeitgeist would have if it were to attempt to argue that there is a global power elite, but that the Illuminati - the most infamous group of all thanks to the Old World Order's propaganda - isn't part of that elite and, indeed, is fighting against it. The message would instantly become diluted, confused and confusing - as your questions demonstrate. Much easier, don't you think, just to run with the existing misconceptions as long as the main point is conveyed. Why do you think we posed the question of whether the message of Zeitgeist was fully understood? Zeitgeist makes it vividly clear that, for millennia, the people of the world have been conspired against by a power elite. Does this not constitute an Old World Order? How can something that has been going on for millennia be referred to as "new". A second outlet, such as this website, can strive try to communicate what is really going on, but we do not pretend for a moment that we can easily undo popular misconceptions. "Old World Order" is, quite simply, less catchy than "New World Order". It sounds like an old story, whereas what people want is what is happening now, and what is coming tomorrow. They thus ignore what happened yesterday even though that controls today and tomorrow.
Yes, a one-world government/army/financial system could be a good thing if handled properly - though the difficulties are immense. There is nothing intrinsically "bad" about the concept, unless, like Dr Coleman, you despise most of your fellow human beings and want a big gun so that you can kill them. Do people fear the one world government envisaged by Star Trek? Does that resemble a horrific tyranny? What exactly do people fear so much when they automatically denounce a one-world government? If it were a one-world government that was fair to everyone, was based on merit and minimal state interference, and dispensed with the power elites, who would rise up against it? (Apart from Dr Coleman and his fellow travellers who no doubt regard Captains Kirk and Picard as one-world fascists.)
NWO-1 could never be a precursor of NWO-2. NWO-2 could only come into being if the relevant political system were shown to work in an existing advanced nation. Hence Meritocracy as a replacement for Democracy. Democracy is a creature of the Old World Order.
3) Yes, you have highlighted the difficulties. The Armageddon Conspiracy - freely downloadable from this website - says as much about the history of the true Illuminati as we wish to put in the public arena at this point. We have no interest in other versions/perversions of the Illuminati. It is impossible for us to control what others say about the Illuminati. Yes, the Illuminati have been infiltrated on several occasions, but never at the highest echelons. Yes, factions have been expelled that have then tried to reinvent the Illuminati in unapproved forms. And the Old World Order has always sought to malign, discredit and persecute the Illuminati. If we were to provide a precise chronology of the Illuminati, we would be aiding and abetting our enemies since they would invariably find valuable clues in any such information and be in a better position to infiltrate us. We are the Illuminati; we are not curious researchers or historians or sensationalist writers seeking to reveal the secrets of a hidden society. We are compelled to communicate in various coded ways, but there are those who understand the codes and who eventually find their way to us.
4) Indeed. Are you for or against the French Revolution? Are you a supporter of Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette and the rest of the French power elite who oppressed the French people? Do you think the British Queen is a supporter of the French Revolution? The French Revolution was one of the great moments in history when the power of the Old World Order was almost broken. Freedom, Equality, Fraternity - are you opposed to those? You have highlighted a key point. The Old World Order and their fellow travellers will say that the Illuminati's involvement in the French Revolution illustrates some sinister influence. The only sinister thing going on in France at that time was the obscene power and arrogance of the Old World Order. When someone condemns the French Revolution, he is revealing that he is a supporter of the Old World Order and automatically showing that he is on the side of those who attack the Illuminati. "Good" and "bad" are not objective terms - their use depends on what your attitude is. If you support the Old World Order, as you seem to, you will certainly be no ally of ours and you will refer to us in terms of NWO-1. Was the American War of Independence bad and evil? The Illuminati were of course involved in that too. Who were the losers that time? - the Old World Order of the British ruling class. The tragedy is that the Old World Order have again reasserted themselves and America is full of Old World Order dynasties once more. And they find support from the likes of Dr Coleman who would no doubt despise the French Revolution and regard it as a great evil.
5) Yes, the Illuminati were heavily involved with the American Revolution. The relationship between the Freemasons and the Illuminati is highly complex. It would be fair to say that the Freemasons were once highly influenced by the Illuminati-2, to use your definition, but were infiltrated and came to be dominated by forces hostile to the Illuminati. The Illuminati now have no connection with mainstream Freemasonry and indeed Freemasonry, at his highest levels, has become the plaything of the Old World Order.
6) We would view Albert Pike on a par with Dr Coleman. Giuseppe Mazzini tried to join the Illuminati but was rejected and created a fake Illuminati organisation. In one or two instances, the real Illuminati were not opposed to Mazzini's activities. Leo Taxil was not a member of the Illuminati but was used by the Illuminati to perform a particular task. Yes, Adam Weishaupt was an influential member of the Illuminati. The Illuminati's mission in his time, as now, was to resist the Old World Order, monarchical governments, oppressive political systems, deceitful, Satanic religions, and the worship of material objects over the realm of the spirit.
7) All crises are potential opportunities. The Old World Order will be using the financial crisis to bankrupt business opponents and consolidate their power in ever tighter monopolies and cartels. At the end of the crisis, their wealth and power may be massively enhanced, as indeed it was in the aftermath of the Wall Street Crash and the Depression. Equally, people who are in distress are far more receptive to the voice of change in times like these, so you can be sure that the Illuminati, in many guises, are busy promoting a radical change agenda to the ordinary people of the world.
The Illuminati is a revolutionary movement that seeks to eradicate the power elite that controls the world for its own selfish ends. We advocate radical change, not the sort of "change" that gets trumpeted by American presidential candidates working within the power elite structure of Washington DC, and from whom no genuine change could ever emanate. We sometimes form temporary alliances with other groups on the basis of "our enemy's enemy is our friend", but we have no formal links to any other organisation.
We consider that the person who sent us these questions is not an ally of the Illuminati and is likely to be on the side that opposes us, either as a fellow traveller of the Old World Order, or as a member of an extreme anarcho-capitalist organisation that would not be amenable to the message of meritocracy. We have responded to these questions to illustrate that we are prepared to engage with the propaganda of our enemies. We have given full answers and it is up to people to reach their own conclusions regarding what we have said. Are we tyrants? Satan worshippers? Are we the proponents of the terrifying New World Order that you have heard so much about? Or are we on your side? Are we your best hope for a just future? Think for yourselves. Don't let them brainwash you.
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