Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Jose v's Blog (1,989)

Astrology: A threshhold- November 2009 will be an exciting month!

November 2009 for Everybody: A Threshold

November 2009 will be an exciting month.

The November 2009 full moon chart interrupts a long series of challenging and sometimes discouraging charts. So many recent charts supported the tearing down of institutions or the break up of the existing order. Many others supported obstruction and delay and endless, confusing debate.

The November full moon chart points to progress and rebuilding, driven by vision, desire and… Continue

Added by jose v on November 1, 2009 at 3:13am — No Comments

"If you have lost your home to foreclosure since May 21, 2009, you were eligible under P.E.R.S for the discharge of the debt for the redemption and return of the property to you. NESARA


introduces P.E.R.S.


Economic Recovery & Stimulus Program

If you have recently lost your home to foreclosure or if you

are presently entangled in a foreclosure action, then

This is a must see!

"If you have lost your home to foreclosure since May 21, 2009, you… Continue

Added by jose v on October 31, 2009 at 4:08am — 1 Comment

I am the Custodian of the Plan of God. I am the New Direction. I am the Way for all men. I hold the Secrets of Old. I bestow Bliss. I create the desire for Truth.

I am the Custodian of the Plan of God. I am the New Direction. I am the Way for all men. I hold the Secrets of Old. I bestow Bliss. I create the desire for Truth.

"I make all men One. I come to realise My Truth through men. I am the Saviour of Old. I am the Teacher of the New. I am the Guide for the Future Time. I am the Law embodied. I am Truth Itself. I am your Friend and Brother. I am your Self. My purpose is to show man that he need fear no more, that all of Light and Truth rests… Continue

Added by jose v on October 30, 2009 at 2:26am — 3 Comments



The following information, referencing the 'Venus ECCM [Electronic Counter-Countermeasures] Murder Technique', is almost certainly 'out of date', but gives you an idea about how Satan in his manifestation evident in some cases of 'sudden death syndrome' by 'heart attack', operates. This assassination technique will give the victim a massive heart attack or stroke, or both, resulting in his death. Our sources elaborate, citing a semi-technical… Continue

Added by jose v on October 30, 2009 at 2:15am — No Comments

BenjaminFulford : More about the Queen

More about the Queen

It seems I have upset the Queen of England with some of my recent writings if the reactions of her bulldog Christopher Story are anything to judge by. Although Story has said in the past his phone number is listed and to please call him, he did not answer any of several calls made to him nor did he call me back.

So, let me explain why I wrote what I did about her. Basically, as a journalist, if I hear from reliable, authoritative sources information… Continue

Added by jose v on October 30, 2009 at 1:58am — No Comments

BenjaminFulford :The three legged crow awakens: a new secret society emerges from hiding

The three legged crow awakens: a new secret society emerges from hiding

One of Japan’s most ancient and secret societies has gone into active mode. It is known as Yatagarasu or the three-legged crow. According to legend this crow led the original inhabitants safely to Japan in ancient times. It’s members are never registered with any government body at birth so they are essentially off-the-grid “non-people.” They receive a very special education steeped in ancient Shinto, Tibetan and… Continue

Added by jose v on October 30, 2009 at 1:55am — No Comments

Methuselah Update Oct 27/09

Methuselah on Stillness

through Zilanthrah , 27th October, 2009

(add to previous articles on Stillness)

Dear Ones, we wish to provide a bit of clarity. We are on the cusp and all that you have gleaned from us leads to this point.

The pressure is great at this time and this pressure includes all of existence. Your planet is the key log, as we have stated before. The pressure of the key log leads to the next step. And in this next step, there will occur… Continue

Added by jose v on October 28, 2009 at 2:35am — No Comments



We are receiving reports from respected and usually reliable 'connected' sources of ARRESTS OF BANKING STAFF AND OTHERS, including HIGH-LEVEL bank officers, 'all over the place' in the United States. Our sources repeat that HIGH-LEVEL ARRESTS ARE AND HAVE BEEN TAKING PLACE TODAY and imply that they have been going on all day with devastating impact.

Certain other sources are currently unavailable to… Continue

Added by jose v on October 27, 2009 at 11:16pm — No Comments

PROJECT CAMELOT :alien visitors who are integrated into our society, possibly holding high positions in government

Following the publication of this interview, further information on this subject has come our way. We have also been told in no uncertain terms that this information is extremely dangerous to know or reveal.

We therefore invite you, the reader, to copy and distribute this information widely on the internet, as long as it remains unaltered.

We have named our source John Robie, after the charismatic character played by Cary Grant in the classic 1955 movie To Catch a Thief.… Continue

Added by jose v on October 27, 2009 at 3:15am — 2 Comments

Global Events Update Oct 26/09

By Bix Weir

I thought I'd write something headed into this weekend. I continue to believe that next week will be the week that shakes the financial world at its foundation… we may even witness the opening of Pandora's Box on the gold and silver manipulation for the entire world to see!

The following are some of the important converging events that, in retrospect, will have foretold the end of the Banking Cabal that controls EVERYTHING in our lives today.

1) The… Continue

Added by jose v on October 26, 2009 at 2:46pm — No Comments

BenjaminFulford:The BOJ, the BOE, the Queen, Obama, the Feds in desperate final gambit

The BOJ, the BOE, the Queen, Obama, the Feds in desperate final gambit

As the clock ticks towards the final deadline for the Federal Reserve Board Obama, Queen Elizabeth, her slave Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, the Feds and a Chinese faction are all struggling to preserve their power at all costs. The Queen has offered to turn over Japanese sovereignty to the Chinese by 2011 in exchange for their cooperation, according to a senior Japanese secret government source. Hatoyama… Continue

Added by jose v on October 26, 2009 at 2:33pm — 6 Comments

BenjaminFulfor: Queen Elizabeth is Hitler’s Niece says King Edward’s daughter

Queen Elizabeth is Hitler’s Niece says King Edward’s daughter

(corrected and expanded)

Queen Elizabeth’s father, King George V, was also Adolph Hitler’s half-brother (not father as initially reported) according to Emily Elizabeth Catherine Josephine Mary Windsor-Cragg, [illegitimate] daughter of Edward VIII Duke of Windsor.

“Hitler was born in 1889 five years before Edward VIII, when "Georgie" (Victoria's favorite) was 23, long before his marriage to May Teck.… Continue

Added by jose v on October 25, 2009 at 8:30pm — 2 Comments

POOF for OCT 25th - "ORGANIZED CHAOS?" So don't be surprised, when he drops a series of bombs...including the fact that this government and others have been dealing with et's

Greetings and Salutations,

Many years ago, I was told, in the event that the us continues to block the finality of the banking change over, extraordinary methods would be employed to break the backs of the resistors. Even tho many bankers are aware of and some have even gone, as far as, adopting the basel 2/3 protocols, still somehow in their minds they believe they can stay with the fed. One even saying, yea but I'm not going into this metal backed currency thing. No, then how do… Continue

Added by jose v on October 25, 2009 at 6:30pm — 1 Comment


Greetings! I'm Back, if not a bit worse for wear!

I apologize for my absence and for the condition of my web site. The site has been moved and is now being hosted on mirrored servers with unlimited bandwidth. The video is now available on YouTube. The site is undergoing a major re-design and should be up by mid week with lots of content as well as downloadable documents and a new video.

I have said before that deliveries will not take place into the old system. We will not… Continue

Added by jose v on October 25, 2009 at 2:46pm — 2 Comments











"Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer… Continue

Added by jose v on October 25, 2009 at 2:30pm — 2 Comments

UFO alert: police officer sees aliens at crop circle

A police officer contacted British UFO experts after seeing three aliens examining a freshly made crop circle near Avebury, Wiltshire.

The sergeant, who has not been named, was off-duty when he saw the figures standing in a field near Silbury Hill, and stopped his car to investigate.

However, as he approached the 'men' – all over 6ft tall with blond hair – he heard "the sound of static electricity" and the trio ran… Continue

Added by jose v on October 25, 2009 at 3:02am — 2 Comments

Even the Fed Doesn't Want to Hold U.S. Dollars

This is the scariest image in finance:

The above chart shows the dollar’s performance since the Fed announced its Quantitative Easing program in March. This chart tells us two things:

1. Americans just got 15% poorer on the world stage thanks to Ben Bernanke

2. A currency crisis is in the works (and perhaps already starting)

Regarding #1: When the financial crisis hit, the Fed realized it would need to keep interest rates low while it attempted to bail out… Continue

Added by jose v on October 24, 2009 at 9:09pm — No Comments

:The Secret Covenant : We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air.

An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception.

Those who will see it will be thought of as insane.

We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us.

We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive. Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur.

We will… Continue

Added by jose v on October 24, 2009 at 8:26pm — 3 Comments

Gary Null Medical Report Must Listen!! Oct 24/09

Honourable Man speaking out about the dangers presented by the medical and pharmaceutical industries aiming at children women and vets! Parents must listen to this report given the the government assembly in New York! People do not listen to the constant BS drones from our misguided Media!…


Added by jose v on October 24, 2009 at 7:28pm — No Comments

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