Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

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NSC power increases in effort to regain control of X-Files

Obama’s national security advisor, General James Jones (U.S. Marines, ret.), announced in an interview with the Washington Post yesterday that the power of the National Security Council (NSC) would be dramatically increased under the Obama administration. Jones said: "The world that we live in has changed so dramatically in this decade that organizations that were created to meet a certain set of criteria no longer are terribly useful." General Jones made clear that he would take charge of NSC… Continue

Added by jose v on February 14, 2009 at 3:50am — No Comments

Senate confirmation of Panetta opens door to CIA X-Files

The U.S. Senate on Thursday night confirmed Leon Panetta as the new Director of the Central Intelligence Agency on a voice vote. A day earlier, on Wednesday, the Senate Intelligence Committee approved him without dissent. The new Committee Chair, Senator Dianne Feinstein, who initially expressed reservations about Panetta as the chief of the largest U.S. spy agency, said: "He has the integrity, the drive and the judgment to ensure that the CIA fulfills its mission of producing information… Continue

Added by jose v on February 14, 2009 at 3:48am — No Comments

Proposed Truth Commission and 9/11

During a February 9 speech at Georgetown University, Senate Judiciary Chairman, Senator Patrick Leahy proposed the creation of a Truth Commission to explore wrongdoing during the recent Bush administration. The Truth Commission would focus on getting to the truth on a number of areas where Bush administration figures broke the law. A Truth Commission has the potential to reveal much about the secret workings of the Bush administration. Significantly, it will encourage many former officials, in… Continue

Added by jose v on February 14, 2009 at 3:46am — No Comments

Question: Global Festivals & Collective consciousness

Since global festivals like Valentine's Day today affect many people all over the world to be happier and joyful on the 14th of Feb,

Wouldn't that increase the happy vibes of the collective world consciousness like a spike in blood glucose after a cola?

Just a little question that popped in my head, as i saw the numerous spraying of contrails on Friday the 13th yesterday evening......

Its been really hazy these few days

Added by RL on February 14, 2009 at 1:33am — No Comments

American black ops in Japan are starting to be exposed

American black ops in Japan are starting to be exposed

Recently something interesting has been happening in Japan. All sorts of unsolved crimes and incidents are now being blamed on the US government. The weekly Shincho Magazine has been running a series of confessions by a man who claims (and provides convincing evidence) that he killed reporters working for the Asahi Newspaper on behalf of a US embassy employee connected to the CIA.

In what appears to be a related… Continue

Added by jose v on February 13, 2009 at 9:00pm — 1 Comment

An Eschatological Laundry List by Sheldon B. Kopp

From 'If you Meet the Buddha on the Road, Kill Him" by Sheldon B. Kopp, Bantam Books.

1. This is it.

2. There are no hidden meanings.

3. You can't get there from here, and besides there is no place to go.

4. We are already dying, and we'll be dead a long time.

5. Nothing lasts!

6. There is no way of getting all you want.

7. You can't have anything unless you let go of it.

8. You only get to keep what you… Continue

Added by iDom on February 13, 2009 at 7:34pm — 8 Comments

Civilisasion on venus(verry interesting)

Added by Martin on February 13, 2009 at 6:14pm — No Comments

Stimulus” Will Not Save Economy!

Riva Froymovich


Feburary 7, 2008

The Discover U.S. Spending Monitor fell to its lowest mark ever in January due to deteriorating perceptions of the U.S. economy.

The monthly index, compiled by Discover Financial Services, dropped 4.4 points to 86.1. In the survey of 13,500 U.S. adults, almost 71% of respondents agreed that the U.S. economy is getting worse and 48% believe that drop will affect their personal finances.

The index decline… Continue

Added by Martin on February 13, 2009 at 5:50pm — 1 Comment

Eyewitnesses - The ship near Saturn

I have no idea how I found this but I do know that this information has profoundly affected me.

There is this guy named Riley Martin that was contacted and taken onto a ship, transported to a "mother ship" near Saturn. He tells his story in a handwritten letter:…


Added by Blisseon on February 13, 2009 at 4:00pm — No Comments

NESARA worldwide stimulus packages?

NESARA worldwide stimulus packages?

Posted on On February - 9 - 2009


First off, there is a media gag order (for over a decade) on information relating to NESARA.

Secondly, we all know that the US is planning a stimulus package.

Thirdly, some people believe some of the things they hear but would like to see some sort of media proof to back up what people who are in-the-know are… Continue

Added by Blisseon on February 13, 2009 at 2:51pm — 3 Comments

The Shift Has Hit the Fan: Welcome to the Sane Asylum

I love this One!

Want to read a delightful, yet very insightful State of the

Universe by Swami Beyondananda?

Here, it is:

Swami's 2009 State of the Universe

The Shift Has Hit the Fan: Welcome to the Sane Asylum

By Swami Beyondananda

The shift has hit the fan!

Humanity has shifted its karma into surpassing gear, and political climate change has come to America . Thanks to a grassroots up-wising, we the people… Continue

Added by Blisseon on February 13, 2009 at 12:30pm — 2 Comments

Prayer of the Wonderful Spirit

Prayer of the Wonderful Spirit

Wonderful Spirit We Pray for you!

Thank you Wonderful Spirit for blessing us so greatly!!

We are loved and know your compassion!!

When we thought you were so far away from us,

we did not realize that You,

our Great Spirit Father and Great Spirit Mother

have always been here right beside us!!

This realization of true love!

To know… Continue

Added by white buffalo calf woman (twin deer mother) on February 13, 2009 at 9:27am — No Comments

No one would want to work after NESARA.

Question: In my mind, no one would want to work after NESARA. I know I will quit my job. There will be no one working. Who would manufacture the clothes, who would transport the food to the grocery stores, who would stock the shelves, etc.? We aren't in 5-D yet.

Answer: The question of what happens when everyone in the four countries cited [i.e., United States, Canada, Great Britain, and Australia] suddenly has enough money to not work looks one way when you only look at 'what has… Continue

Added by jose v on February 13, 2009 at 5:23am — 3 Comments

The positive extraterrestrials from Sirius speak again (Tuesday 10th February 2009)

The positive extraterrestrials from Sirius speak again (Tuesday 10th February 2009) "At present, you are moving into a most curious phase of your history. Heavenly forces are at work to transform your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual selves back into galactic humans. This operation has its counterpart in what is happening to Mother Earth. These momentums have conjoined to make this time unique in your history, with millions of you now… Continue

Added by jose v on February 13, 2009 at 4:00am — No Comments

Ascended Master Saint Germain

Saint Germain Message Nov 22/08

Thursday, Nov. 20, 2008

I Am That I Am Adamus Saint-Germain. (audience applause) Tough times call for tough angels (laughter) and that is why I am here today.

I took time from my extremely busy schedule having just come from a series of meetings in Paris, indeed very difficult meetings, Shaumbra, meetings that will continue to last for days and weeks and months, literal meetings that I have been in, early in your day during the daytime… Continue

Added by jose v on February 13, 2009 at 4:00am — 1 Comment

NWO Silver Currency on Ebay

You won't feckin believe this one!!!!…


Added by torz on February 12, 2009 at 6:02pm — 2 Comments

Ashtar Teleconference note - February 9 2009

Unedited Notes of the February 10, 2009 Ashtar On The Road Teleconference:

ASHTAR: Well good evening everyone – it’s party time on planet Earth and we are all invited!

There was a little bit of confusion we understand that and yes this is just a sign of the times – this is the storm before the calm. And you know what they say about March, and what we shall say about March is the lions shall lie down with the lambs. Now picture that and get a vision. And for the upcoming… Continue

Added by Kihanyaking on February 12, 2009 at 6:50am — No Comments

How come you can't move objects without touching them much like I do?

You are the messengers, not the ones in flying saucers, not some leader who you think is going to rise up from the ranks, come to save this planet Earth. You are the messengers. I want you to breathe that in.

I want you to remember who you are, why you were in the temples in Atlantis, why you were back in old Egypt, why you were back in the time of Yeshua, why, by no coincidence at all, you have shown up time and time again at the most dramatic and poignant and important moments in… Continue

Added by jose v on February 12, 2009 at 2:00am — 6 Comments

You're going to see riots in the streets, burnings of cities. You're going to see people getting diseases, sicknesses,

As you were standing behind the short wall watching the poison of power make its way across the Earth; as you see the assassination of European leaders in the very near future; as you see major Earth shifts, the earthquakes that have been predicted for a long time – they are going to happen, Shaumbra, before your eyes – understand it is the loss of power.

This isn't because people have been evil. Humans – humans are good. Humans have hearts. Humans are filled with love and hope, but… Continue

Added by jose v on February 11, 2009 at 5:00pm — 7 Comments

Aren't You Stubborn?

Hey guys,

I've got inspired by the vid of Hari:, and wrote this little poem.

Hope you like. =))


Well, I will show give you a number.

Seventy sextillions:

This is the number of visible stars in the Universe.

It's about 10 times as many stars as grains of sand on all the world's beaches and deserts.

But you still DONT BELIEVE… Continue

Added by Ique on February 11, 2009 at 1:02pm — No Comments

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