Americans also had made ready ground based high power lasers to shoot down the cosmospheres. The Russians had Psychoenergetic Range Finding, which detected the atomic signature of the target, so aimed accurately and a new anti-ballistic missile system. Russian physicists involved in magnetic and plasma physics were also said to have been able to develop a ground based proton beam weapon, between 1980 and 83.
By 1980/81 the Russians had built their 7 jumbo cosmospheres, using electromagentic propulsion and they used them to destroy the Columbia space shuttle, launched in April 1981. 5 Russian jumbos with special grappling equipment and 2 with neutron particle beam weapons, fired on the Columbia killing the crew. They intended making it land in Russia, but instead it blew up. US Bolsheviks sent a 3rd 'Columbia' up and this too was shot down by cosmospheres. It has been armed for battle in space. A special airplane with it was also shot down by a charged particle beam.
In 1981 the Russians shot down a US electronic warfare jet. In 1982 Russia started weather engineering and artificial earthquakes. Cosmospheres hovering high over USA created air booms along the coasts and numbers multiplied. They were unseen and invisible to radar, except at close range. However the Americans invented Computer Enhanced Infra Red. By Jan. 1982 a ground based high power laser finally shot down a cosmosphere.
The pilots were under orders to never let them fall into non Russian hands. It plunged into the sea near Atlantic city. The Pentagon was told it would pay dearly if repeated. The next day an Air Florida Boeing 737 jetliner crashed with laser warfare specialists onboard. More unexplained crashes followed.
On June 27 1982 space shuttle no. 4 took off and moments later a jumbo cosmosphere fired 2 quick blasts at the falling boosters, a warning. Next came the Aeroflot crash at Moscow and the Pan AM in LA on July 9 1982. On July 16 a United Airlines DC-10 took off from Boston with key members of the Bolshevik ruling group in USA. A blast from a cosmosphere made a huge shockwave, but it made it to LA. On July 22 a test flight of a Pershing missile was hit by a cosmosphere.
So the Reagan-Begin axis of Bolsheviks and Zionists prepared the nuclear first strike against Russia. In 1982 a US stealth aircraft invisible to radar was made, with surrounding magnets creating an invisibility field. This 'phantom' was encased in an electomagnetic bubble. Light and radar both passed around the plane, joining again at the other side. They were also immune to lasers, which were intense light.
But the Russians had developed anti invisible shield technology. The Americans found a way to avoid Russian neutron beams, but the pilot couldn't see outside, he was only guided by computer. They expected an operational fleet by summer 1982. The Bolsheviks planned to sacrifice USA, in this nuclear first strike against Russia. 4 out of 5 Americans would die. 40-50 million Americans may survive a nuclear blast, the rest dying of injuries or diseases. Russia would probably have 50 million deaths.
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