Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The name of the "UFO" - HAUNEBU has likely been passed on in this misleading form in error, it probably read completely HAUNEBURG.


In the spring 1935, the Vril firm "Antriebstechnische Werkstätten" (Technical Propulsion Workshops)" was looking for a cheap, inconspicuous trial area. They found it in a not well known place in the Haunetal, North-west Germany.

Probably there was at that time a place named "Hauneburg". Perhaps the area around the remainders of a castle’s ruins, a farm, that was so designated, possibly also in the mean time of a village.

At that location apparently ”UFO” - developments operated, which were named after the place HAUNEBURG.

The firm did not work there long. Soon it had the opportunity to lease a much more suitable area from of the airplane factory Arado in Brandenburg. This area was used till the end of the war.

The Hauneburg - plans were on papers, stamped with inscription tables with boxes for labels, as is still sometimes customary also nowadays. Because these inscription boxes were not very large, the name HAUNEBURG did not fully fit in, so that the abbreviation "Haunebu” emerged. In such a manner the unusual name Haunebu might have come into being.

Arado busied itself at that time already with drafts for Delta “Nurflügelflugzeuge” (wing only airplanes).Obviously Arado had sold the Haunebu(rg) plans. Later the trail of the "Haunebu" devices leads to Wiener Neustadt und Augsburg.

It may be noted that the name "Flugscheiben" (flying discs) in all likelyhood is an invention out of the postwar period. Until 1945 they were called "Rundflugzeuge" (round airplanes) and "Flugkreisel" (flying tops).

This may offer the possibility to distinguish real from fake.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- interesting thing is the name Haunebu, found on the (fake?) technical drawings. Haunebu or Hnbw is in Egypt hieroglyphics the word for "Solar Barque"! This name appear for example in the Sun-Hymn about Ra fighting against his enemies in his Hnbw. There are also "things that Ra uses" (Hnbw) mentioned and beings in the sky (Hnbj). The people from the North are called Haunebut (Hnbwt).

Look them up in the Hieroglyphic Archiv of the Berlin Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, previously known as Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften: . As this Academy was also very active in Egypt Research in the beginning of the century, this could be the source of "Haunebu".

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