The world in a coin. This is our vision, our hope. It is a necessity and a challenge. What seems an impossible dream becomes an inevitable historic, economic and social process. It is an event which is intertwined with the fate of human evolution.
A single currency becomes the premise for an increasingly global planet. A virtual currency capable of speaking a single, comprehensible language to foster humankind's innate desire to go farther, to surpass boundaries,… Continue
Added by jose v on July 13, 2009 at 1:20am —
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[Quoting: Chapter 7, pp. 46-47]
I am come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly. Does it strike you as so strange that I, too, relished the things of the physical life and lived abundantly even two thousand years ago?… Continue
Added by jose v on July 12, 2009 at 6:06pm —
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Deep in my sleep lastnight I began to see things unfold in my dream...It began with a new investigation into the 9-11 murders and the President was blaming peace groups as terroritsts...He began to push on random people as part of the supposed "9-11 Inside Job" He also said that it WAS an iniside job because his own citizens were the ones who commited it...before I woke I saw my NAME and my SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER flash on TV as an attempt to bring me in for "ONLY QUESTIONING" along with a…Continue
I often see things drifting or flying by my house and I am never sure whether they are a childs balloon in the distance or something else. But the other day I filmed (on my mobile phone) a red dot going straight up towards the sky. I have managed to capture something on the 1st few seconds of the footage, but it now looks like a white dot swirling around before… Continue
About homosexuals and secret societies
As the Thule Society, Skull and Bones and Sayeed (Saudi) family secret societies teeter on the brink of collapse, multiple insiders are revealing one of their biggest secrets: institutionalized homosexuality. The secret initiation rituals at Skull and Bones turn out to be a homosexual orgy; ditto those at parallel secret societies.
These traditions probably have very ancient roots indeed. When harems are found in the animal kingdom, you… Continue
OBAMA stopped deliveries again today, Saturday, the 11th.
This Intel is from multiple OBAMA administration officials plus our own sources in D.C.. News from the G-8 was that ALL countries present told OBAMA deliveries must occur today and no further delays would be tolerated.
When asked if they had told the "countries" the response was that they would continue to tell them it had been released but it would not be released as OBAMA must have the money, OUR MONEY, stolen… Continue
Added by jose v on July 12, 2009 at 12:44am —
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Is Your government Practicing “Black Magic” on You?
Article By Prometheus
The real question here may very well be: Would any one of us ‘know for certain’ if our government really was using voodoo to bamboozle us?
Very generally speaking, magicians study ‘occult’ or ‘hidden’ sciences’ in order to discover and utilize techniques that will enable them to influence the world around them. Simply: white magicians seek to positively influence the world, while black magicians… Continue
Added by jose v on July 11, 2009 at 6:15pm —
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SEDIMENTATION gravitationally settles heavy suspended material.
BOILING WATER for 15 to 20 minutes kills 99.9% of all living things and vaporizes most chemicals. Minerals, metals, solids and the contamination from the cooking container become more concentrated.
DISTILLATION boils and recondenses the water, but many chemicals vaporize and recondense in concentration in the output water. It is also… Continue
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn
Beloved Lightworkers, the month of July will be one filled with the energies of Change and Transformation. The Diamond Light continues to bring illumination and awakening to the Planet, and at the same time, there are new Light Codes for the evolution of the Planet that will be activated in the Collective Consciousness at the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on the 7th of July,… Continue
Added by jose v on July 11, 2009 at 3:59am —
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Russia Reports Massive $18 Trillion Theft Of US Funds By Israeli Backed
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A stunning FSB report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the
largest theft in World history has been engineered by the Israel
Security Agency (ISA) under the direction of current Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Australian media oligarch Rupert Murdoch
and the US… Continue
Added by jose v on July 10, 2009 at 4:52am —
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The Japanese arrested with $134.5 billion had papers signed by Bernanke, Greenspan
The two “Japanese” (one is Philippino and the other Chinese) arrested in Italy recently with $134.5 billion worth of US Treasury certificates were also carried a series of documents signed by the likes of Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke. They themselves are innocent and were released immediately because they were carrying genuine diplomatic passports. They Pictures of the documents they carried are… Continue
Reports from the Kremlin today are stating that President Medvedev has given to President Obama Russia’s assurance of “non-interference” over US plans to invade the Israeli blockaded Palestinian territory of Gaza, and which news reports from the region, though denied by Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hossam Zaki, are stating that “thousands” of American Special Forces are massing on the Israeli-Egypt border and are ready to be activated should Israel’s war leaders fail to heed Obama’s… Continue
Astonishing to me is the fact that no one seems to understand the ultimate result of the current policies and practices of Washington D.C. and the Federal Reserve Bank, the Fed. I have studied our economic situation for about 3 hours per day for the last 8 months and conclude we are bankrupt. Think about the facts.
Certainly most of the automobile industry, the airlines, 37 out of 50 states, are bankrupt. The lending industry, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac are bankrupt.… Continue
A lot of people are losing their minds. I don’t need to provide links at Visible Origami. You read about it. You hear about it. People in powerful positions, people with wealth and name recognition are exhibiting odd behavior or… are we just seeing it more now? Politicians are getting themselves caught in financially and sexually compromising situations. Religious figures and even entire priest classes are being exposed for similar behaviors. Big business operatives are being caught out at… Continue
Added by jose v on July 10, 2009 at 12:25am —
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The standard cliche regarding evidence is the so-called "smoking gun"; that one crucial piece which, by itself, clearly "proves the case."
Well, in terms of NASA -- and what they've been hiding on the Moon for over 40 years -- we finally seem to have that piece--
Our long-awaited Smoking Gun.
To understand the true dimensions of this startling and very recent development, we have to begin "at the beginning"; we have to start with the launch of NASA's first… Continue