Saviors Of Earth

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BenjaminFulford: About homosexuals and secret societies

About homosexuals and secret societies
As the Thule Society, Skull and Bones and Sayeed (Saudi) family secret societies teeter on the brink of collapse, multiple insiders are revealing one of their biggest secrets: institutionalized homosexuality. The secret initiation rituals at Skull and Bones turn out to be a homosexual orgy; ditto those at parallel secret societies.

These traditions probably have very ancient roots indeed. When harems are found in the animal kingdom, you often also get large groups of single males living together. These male groups practice fighting with each other and engage in homosexual sex in order to strengthen group bonds.

Anthropologists have found polygamy in almost every single human society they have ever surveyed. Young low-ranking males commonly form gangs throughout the world. When large groups of males live together, in isolation from females, homosexuality emerges as a common practice.

The Skull and Bones/Thule people claim their traditions go back to ancient Sparta. We know the Greeks believed that sex between men was “purer” than heterosexual sex. We also know that older, high-ranking males took in pubescent boys as lovers and pupils. Thus Socrates had sex with the young Plato; Plato later did the same with his disciple Aristotle and Aristotle with his student Alexander the Great. No doubt this practice created strong emotional bonds between “teacher” and “student.”

This tradition apparently continues to this day with George Bush senior, Henry Kissinger and the like buggering young men (eg. Bill Clinton, Barak Obama) they then nurture into positions of power.

This kind of homosexuality is not limited to Skull and Bones and the Thule society. For example, homosexuality was common among the Samurai and Japanese yakuza gangs. Monasteries are also well-known as centers of institutionalized homosexuality.

Then of course we have the naval traditions. Navies have learned that having women on board creates all sorts of trouble. That is why they usually became (until recently) all male organizations. Winston Churchill summed up the strength of the British navy quite well by boiling it all down to “rum, buggery and the lash.”

As we know from the various insider accounts of places like the Bohemian grove and various military and navy bases the military/homosexual tradition is alive and well in the U.S. secret establishment.

The question is what to do about this. In order to get a better insight into this culture I went to one of Japan’s largest homosexual saunas and observed the action. I think it would make a great thesis topic for an economist or game strategist to study the interactions between these males as they decide whether or not to engage in sex acts with each-other. It is a win/win system where pleasure is traded for pleasure. There is a hierarchy with better looking young men tending to couple with each other and older, less attractive mean with each other. In other words there is a tendency towards trading equal amounts of pleasure (eg good looking for good looking). Spontaneous orgies are also apparently common (I did not see enough action to get a statistically valid number).

Clearly when power structures are involved, there is also a dominance issue that comes into play with the dominant males “mounting” their subordinates in a display of power. Such activities would tend to reinforce the hierarchical power structure of the organization.

As a person who is over 95% hetero-sexual (I have tried it but basically found it an inferior substitute for women, sort of like having to drink non-alcoholic beer because the real stuff is not available), I am very much in favor of allowing homosexual institutions to “come out of the closet” and actively recruit members because it would mean that much less competition for the women.

The advantage of having openly homo-sexual military units, monasteries etc. is that members could no longer be blackmailed about the big “secret.” Having groups of bonded males with no families of their own acting in defense of the species also seems to be a good survival strategy.

So the problem facing the United States is what to do about these homo-sexually bonded secret society types who grabbed power under Fuhrer George Bush Senior. Part of the solution might be a big coming out party.

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Comment by Besimi on July 12, 2009 at 2:31pm
very interesting and very true da.
.....thanx Jose.

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