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Russia Reports Massive $18 Trillion Theft Of US Funds By Israeli Backed Network

July 9, 2009

Russia Reports Massive $18 Trillion Theft Of US Funds By Israeli Backed

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A stunning FSB report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the
largest theft in World history has been engineered by the Israel
Security Agency (ISA) under the direction of current Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Australian media oligarch Rupert Murdoch
and the US investment bank giant Goldman Sachs that has stolen from
American mutual and pension fund account holders over $18 Trillion
through a device known as “the Doomsday box”.

According to these reports, Israeli opposition leader, and former Mossad
agent, Tzipi Livni [photo 2nd left next to Netanyahu] has turned over to
the Obama administration the “complete dossier” of the ISA’s crimes
against the American government and people after having the leadership
of Israel “stolen” from her by Netanyahu, who through the ISA’s use of
intimidation and massive bribes forced upon the Israelis the most
right-wing government they have ever known.

These reports have come to light since last weeks arrest of a Mossad
agent named Sergey Aleynikov by the United States, who these reports say
stole from Goldman Sachs the most “complex and secretive stock
manipulating programme ever created” and turned it over to Livni, and
who in turn then gave copies of it to Russia, China and Germany.

Western news reports on the arrest of Aleynikov state that upon learning
of the theft of their “Doomsday Programme”, Goldman Sacks ordered the US
Government to arrest him, but as noted by the Bloomberg News Service,
“what was Goldman doing with this programme to begin with”?

“Never let it be said that the Justice Department can’t move quickly
when it gets a hot tip about an alleged crime at a Wall Street bank. It
does help, though, if the party doing the complaining is the bank
itself, and not merely an aggrieved customer.

Another plus is if the bank tells the feds the security of the U.S.
financial markets is at stake. This brings us to the strange tale of
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Sergey Aleynikov.

Aleynikov, 39, is the former Goldman computer programmer who was
arrested on theft charges July 3 as he stepped off a flight at Liberty
International Airport in Newark, New Jersey. That was two days after
Goldman told the government he had stolen its secret, rapid-fire, stock-
and commodities-trading software in early June during his last week as a
Goldman employee. Prosecutors say Aleynikov uploaded the program code to
an unidentified Web site server in Germany.

It wasn’t just Goldman that faced imminent harm if Aleynikov were to be
released, Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph Facciponti told a federal
magistrate judge at his July 4 bail hearing in New York. The 34-year-old
prosecutor also dropped this bombshell: “The bank has raised the
possibility that there is a danger that somebody who knew how to use
this program could use it to manipulate markets in unfair ways.”

How could somebody do this? The precise answer isn’t obvious -- we’re
talking about a black-box trading system here.”

To the power that the ISA led Goldman Sachs bank has had over the US in
allowing them to steal nearly the entire wealth of that Nation has been
devastatingly detailed by the Rolling Stone Magazine News Service in
their report titled “The Great American Bubble: How Goldman Sachs Has
Engineered Every Major Market Manipulation Since The Great Depression”.

Even worse for the witless American people is that their new President
Barak Obama has so filled his administration with former Goldman Sachs
executives and lobbyists that Russian economists are now calling Wall
Street the “Fourth Branch Of The US Government”, and which includes
their current Treasury Secretary, his Chief of Staff, the former
Treasury Secretary under President Bush (who engineered the $700 Billion
bailout of US banks), and the former Treasury Secretary under President
Clinton (who allowed the deregulation of US banks allowing them to loot
the American public of their wealth in the first place).

Most important to note in this report are the details describing how
Goldman Sachs “Doomsday Programme” was “created” by ISA programmers
working under the Chairman of the Israeli National Security Council, Dr.
Uzi Arad, his wife, Dr. Ruth Arad, Vice President and Chief Risk Officer
of Bank Leumi, and Jacob Ezra Merkin, who bought the Bank Leumi from the
Israeli government headed by then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and
finance minister Ehud Olmert, who became Israel’s Prime Minister after
Sharon but was forced to step down while under corruption charges
allowing Netanyahu to steal the Premiership from Livni.

Now, what is really interesting in these reports is that Jacob Ezra
Merkin allowed his longtime business partner Bernard Madoff the
“personal use” of the “Doomsday Programme” which he then used to enrich
himself, Dr. Arad and his wife, and Madoff to the tune of over $65
Billion they stole largely from the wealthiest Jewish Families in
America, and who they knew would not testify against ISA agents in any
US Court.

However, the outcry over the billions lost by America’s richest Jewish
families necessitated the scapegoating of Madoff, who received a
sentence of 150 years in exchange for the US not prosecuting Dr. Arad,
his wife or Merkin, all who remain free and uncharged for their crimes.
More astoundingly, Dr. Arad, who was banned from ever entering the
United States due to the massive Israeli spy network he headed in that
country, was granted a visa by Obama who sided with his Goldman Sachs
allies against his own intelligence services.

Also interesting to note in these reports is the role played in the vast
Israeli criminal network by the Australian media oligarch Rupert
Murdoch, who these reports say has used his vast media holdings in the
United States and Britain to collect personal data on “high government
officials” which was then used by Dr. Arad’s ISA network to blackmail
these officials against conducting any investigation into the crimes
they have committed.

Though the United Kingdom has announced an investigation into Murdoch’s
vast ISA spy network set up in their country, there remains no evidence
of the United States doing the same.

To the utterly stupefying theft of the American people of their wealth
by these criminals it is only eclipsed by the fact that those elements
and forces that robbed these people blind have, literally, come out from
the shadows and are now openly running the entire government of the
United States.

But to the most incomprehensible fact about these Americans is that as
these criminals now operate within their highest corridors of government
they could not care less, as instead of seeing the truth of these things
they have chosen to keep their attention upon the news reports about a
50-year-old self admitted pedophile rock singer who recently died of a
massive self inflicted drug overdose.

Though the word idiot’s comes readily to mind in attempting to describe
these Americans, there can be no other word than insane to describe what
they’ve really become.

© July 9, 2009 EU and US all rights reserved
Sorcha Faal

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