Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers



SEDIMENTATION gravitationally settles heavy suspended material.
BOILING WATER for 15 to 20 minutes kills 99.9% of all living things and vaporizes most chemicals. Minerals, metals, solids and the contamination from the cooking container become more concentrated.
DISTILLATION boils and recondenses the water, but many chemicals vaporize and recondense in concentration in the output water. It is also expensive to boil & cool water.
ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT is a good bactericide, but has no residual kill, and works only in clearly filtered water. Still in its infancy stage is a new technology involving super white light.
CHLORINE is common, cheap, but extremely toxic. It does not decrease physical or chemical contamination, it does increase colesterol formations, is a carcinogen, amd causes heart disease.
BROMINE, used in pools and spas, doesn't smell or taste as bad and doesn't kill bacteria very well.
IODINE is not practical, and is mostly used by campers.
HYDROGEN PEROXIDE kills bacteria with oxygen, is chemically made and is very toxic. It is used in emergencies.
SILVER is an effective bactericide but a cumulative poison which concentrates and doesn't evaporate.
NONTOXIC ORGANIC ACIDS should be used with caution in large water plants only.
LIME AND MILD ALKALINE AGENTS should also be used with caution only by large water plants, or only for laundry.
NEUTRALIZING CHEMICALS react with the unwanted chemicals and produce outgases and a sediment, but levels of need vary.
COAGULATION-FLOCCULATION adds chemicals which lump together suspended particles for filtration or separation.
ION EXCHANGE exchanges sodium from salt for calcium or magnesium, using either glauconite (greensand), precipitated synthetic organic resins, or gel zeolite, thus softening the water. Minerals, metals, chemicals or odors are not affected, and the water is salty to drink.

SLOW SAND of 1 cubic meter passes about 2 liters/min, and does a limited bacteria removal.
PRESSURE SAND of 1 cubic meter passes about 40gpm and must be backwashed daily.
DIATOMACEOUS EARTH removes small suspended particles at high flow rates, must be daily backwashed and is expensive.
POROUS STONE/CERAMIC filters are small but expensive, and do not effect chemicals, bacteria or odors.
PAPER or CLOTH filters are disposable and filter to one micron, but do not have much capacity.
-COMPRESSED CHARCOAL/CARBON BLOCK is the best type of charcoal filter, can remove chemicals and lead, but is easily clogged, so should be used with a sediment prefilter.
-GRANULAR CHARCOAL is cheaper, but water can flow around the granules without being treated.
-POWDERED CHARCOAL is a very fine dust useful for spot cleaning larger bodies of water, but is messy and can pass through some filters and be consumed.
REVERSE OSMOSIS uses a membrane with microscopic holes that require 4 to 8 times the volume of water processed to wash it in order to remove minerals and salt, but not necessarily chemicals and bacteria.
AERATION sprays water into the air to raise the oxygen content, to break down odors, and to balance the dissolved gases. However, it takes space, is expensive, and picks up contaminants from the air.
OZONE is a very good bactericide, using highly charged oxygen molecules to kill microorganisms on contact, and to flocculate iron and manganese for post filtration and backwashing.
ELECTRONIC PURIFICATION and DISSOLVED OXYGEN GENERATION creates super oxygenated water in a dissolved state that lowers the surface tension of the water and effectively treats all three types of contamination: physical, chemical and biological.

peace and light


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Comment by simpleman on July 11, 2009 at 1:37pm

1. Bottled water is a packaged food product - but it has no food value. It's acidic and carries pollutants from the plastic bottle and lid. No laws require it to be any better than tap water... and it isn't any better. The plastic bottles pollute our environment and cause terrific problems for waste disposal.

2. Hard water from wells in the Tobacco Valley area is most likely alkaline in pH, but the inorganic alkaline minerals are not usable by your body. The white calcium can't be absorbed and nobody likes to see the heavy white residue in the bottom of the tea pot or coffee machine. In our area of Lincoln County, we also have newly discovered contamination with arsenic, mercury, and iron.

3. City water is chlorinated, of course. It tests alkaline and it may be because the law requires alkaline chemicals like lye to be added to the water system to prevent the pipes from being rusted. By law all city water has to test alkaline.

4. Reverse Osmosis water is considered dead water because everything has been removed from it. There's nothing enlivening in reverse osmosis water at all. It's acidic and harmful. If you're drinking dead water, you're not eliminating free radicals - you're actually increasing the load on your body and mind.

5. Restructured water is like glacier water, high mountain water. It's hexagonal and micro-clustered. This ionized water is separated electrically H2O --> OH- + H+ . The ionization (separation) now allows the hydroxyl ions (OH-) to buffer your blood with bicarbonate buffers. Acidity is buffered in your blood! Now your body can neutralize the acids and remove these terrifically harmful toxins.

FACT: if you can buffer the acids, you can slow down your aging process. Disease thrives in acid. Acid waste causes hardening of organs and tissues. Over acidification is associated with disease and aging. One day in the hospital can cost more than $5,000!

Ionized restructured alkaline water is also rich in calcium and other bioavailable minerals which will significantly increase your bone density. Bioavailable minerals like calcium are extremely healthy for you. You'll never have to worry about hard water and inorganic calcium deposits again!
Drinking Kangen restructured water increases the amount of stable dissolved oxygen in your blood. FACT: stable oxygen makes you mentally alert, invigorated, and energetic.
Still another benefit from drinking ionized living water is the antioxidant quality. It's many times higher in antioxidant capabilities than any food or nutritional supplement. It neutralizes free radicals and allows them to release. Then toxins stored in fat cells, tissues, organs, and lymphatic fluids are released, resulting in fat loss. Weight loss is one of the first results of drinking Kangen water.
Micro clustering is a result of ionization and that's just like glacier water or high mountain water. Simply put, your restructured Kangen water is grouped into tiny clusters of molecules instead of the larger clusters found in tap or well or bottled water. Micro clustering increases hydration and is absorbed six times faster than tap or bottled. Smaller clusters are able to enter cells faster - quickly, efficiently, allowing you to cut down the quantity of supplements. Any time you can get more for less, it's a win-win situation!
Increased hydration = strength in the cells and strength for the body. Athletes thrive when hydrated.
Drinking restructured hexagonal water takes us in the direction of health. It moves quickly and easily within the cells - providing alkaline minerals and drawing out acidic wastes. It supports long life and freedom from disease.
A key to health is the amount of hexagonal structured water inside you.
Comment by simpleman on July 11, 2009 at 1:27pm
Ionized Water is Your Most Powerful Liquid Antioxidant
By Dianne Wandruff Hansen

"I believe water is the only drink for a wise man," said Henry David Thoreau. If you're hydrated, you're always healthier, less toxic, more energetic, more mentally alert, less prone to disease, and functioning more efficiently than the person who isn't hydrated.

Your health begins with water! It's your cornerstone of health. So IF it's so good for you, why do you have trouble drinking plain water? Maybe it doesn't taste refreshing or smooth. Maybe it's actually hard to swallow...

Granted, soft drinks taste sweet and some are addicting; tea adds taste and enjoyment to water; coffee stands alone as desirable to drink....but water - that most important drink of all - is sometimes hard to swallow.

Let me lead you through a progression of thought, showing you why crystal clear, cool, refreshing ionized alkaline water is an absolute must for your good health and then showing you how to make the switch from flavored drinks to this potent liquid antioxidant which tastes so good.

Ionized alkaline water, more than any other substance, will hydrate and alkalize your body and brain. That's very important because disease and disorders can't exist in an alkaline environment. Disease thrives in an acidic environment. Ask me, because acidosis almost killed me!

"Running tap water through a water ionizer creates a miracle that can help put your body into a position of health you never imagined you could achieve." from Bob McCauley (The Miraculous Properties of Ionized Water) Ionized water is electrically charged with lots of extra negative hydrogen ions. It's alive with electrons which our bodies crave. It's a liquid antioxidant, which is why we can call it the best substance that we can ever put into our bodies.

Negative ions (like those found in raw veggies and fruits and ancient glacier water) are one of the most basic building blocks of your health and the health of all your animals and plants. "The struggle for health is the effort to get enough negative ions into the body. This is accomplished by eating raw foods and drinking ionized water." -from The Miraculous Properties of Ionized Water

Putting your tap water through an ionizing machine takes it to a level of health way above that of conventional water. Ionization causes a radical change in the antioxidant qualities and it suddenly becomes highly medicinal. Ionized water detoxifies. It even removes radiation from your body!

How can you learn to enjoy clear water? Simple. Put your tap water through an ionization process. Drink it freshly dispensed from your counter top machine (or installed under your counter). You will be astonished at the transformation, whether your tap water's source is a city well, a municipal pond, a hard water well, or a gravity fed stream. 99% of all people who taste ionized alkaline water will testify that the taste won them over and then the consumption changed their lives.

Increased health and strength, as well as long-lasting daily energy is invaluable. After all, where will you be living if you can't live in your body? How will you function to your highest potential if you are not strong and well and mentally alert?

Discover how you can change your life! Change Your Water - AND Change Your Life!

For seven years Dianne has presented strong ways to reclaim your health, but the strongest has proven to be ionized alkaline water.

She is the spouse of a bonafide bipolar person who has run the gamut of horrendous bipolar-induced experiences in holding facilities; she is also a grammie par excellence!; a homemaker for two; a gardener of huge, healthy veggies and brilliant ever-blooming flowers; a hiker/walker; and an internet marketer.

Dianne lives with her husband, David, in a romantic valley tucked up under the Canadian border in northwest Montana. Together they educate the wide world about bipolar management and offer a wonderful easy-to-implement Bipolar Treatment Plan for men women and children.

406 882-4050 MST home office

Print out our FREE REPORT: What Is Ionized Water?

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