Let’s do Armageddon
The secret government of the West has been run according to astrology and astronomy. They, like the Mayans, believe the solar system rotates around the galaxy once every 26,000 years and that the current cycle ends on December 21st, 2012. Illuminati insiders say the world was run according to an ancient plan and that the script runs out on 2012. They know they will lose power after that date but they are scared and confused about what will happen next. My suggestion is to carry out Armageddon in order to purge monotheism of its obsession with end times.
The New World Order thugs have actually been planning a fake end of world scenario known as Project Bluebeam. This Satanic plan of course was aimed at killing 4 billion people in order to “save the environment.”
Instead why not carry out the biggest inside job in history and fake Armageddon without actually killing everybody. I was hoping to invite David Rockefeller and other honchos of the secret government to a big party at the Tokyo Dome where we could all smoke a peace pipe before launching “Armageddon.” Then we would do our best to scare the bejesus out of everybody by making as many brainwashed “sheeple” as possible really believe the world was coming to an end. For example you could broadcast realistic computer animation of New York being nuked. After that you would cut off all communications with New York. People in New York for their part, would be made to believe they were the last city on earth. Then of course all those fake UFOs and holograms of Christ and Buddha etc. could be brought out too. We could also start auditions for an Antichrist who was good enough to fool people into thinking he (or she) actually was the devil. Nobody could portray the actual messiah so that part should be assigned to all humans collectively as the birth of the human collective consciousness that arises to save the world. At the end, hopefully, humanity would be so stunned and awed they would never again ever want to have war.
Before starting the Armageddon, though, we will need a new Marshall Plan to rid the world of poverty and environmental destruction so that humanity really did have something to celebrate in 2012.
After the Armageddon ends, humanity will need to set up a new pyramid of power. Now I know that sounds like New World Order propaganda at its best but the fact of the matter is there will always be some sort of pyramid of power. The trick is to make it a completely transparent and free pyramid so that any peasant from Nigeria, or Chinese schoolgirl, or whoever, could, if they were good enough, climb to the top. In other words set up a meritocracy.
The secret societies could then go to sleep but stand by to intervene if the world ever started to again decay into anarchy and war.
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