A shocking Ministry of Foreign Affairs report delivered to Prime Minister Putin today is warning that the United States is now “standing on the brink” of “open warfare” as the divide among its already fractured citizens is being exploited by the New World Order Globalists seeking to destroy the US by totally collapsing its economy and forcing from power President Obama whom they have labeled as their most “ferocious enemy”.
So dire has the situation in the United States become that…
Added by jose v on October 10, 2009 at 3:50am —
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I was a little frazzled last night after obama's NPP win and the 'bombing' of the moon. My friends on Facebook were congratulating his win and saying that he deserved it 100%. I felt that they were completely hoodwinked even though I've spelt out the facts clearly.
Hence I went to the altar of Guan Yin (Kwan Yim/Quan Yin) in my house and lit up some joss sticks for prayer. I wished for the people of earth to finally see the truth behind those lies....
--- AND…
Added by RL on October 10, 2009 at 2:34am —
The USS America is sinking—and Japan is getting off while it can.
For over 50 years, one party ruled Japan virtually uninterrupted. During that time, Japan remained a loyal ally and supporter of U.S. policy. This month, a historic event took place.
Japan has new leadership. In a landslide victory, a new party has done the seemingly impossible. A new freshman class of leaders now governs the Land of the Rising Sun. The effects are already rippling across the Pacific toward…
Added by jose v on October 10, 2009 at 2:18am —
1 Comment
The Germans landed on the Moon as early as probably 1942, utilizing their top secret larger exoatmospheric rocket saucers of the Miethe and Schriever type. The Miethe rocket craft was built in diameters if 15 and 50 meters, and the Schriever Walter turbine powered craft was designed as an interplanetary exploration vehicle. It had a diameter of 60 meters, had 10 stories of crew compartments, and stood 45 meters high .
Welcome to Alice in Saucerland. In my extensive research of…
Added by jose v on October 10, 2009 at 1:18am —
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----- Original Message -----
From: bellringer@fourwinds10.com
To: benjaminoffice88@gmail.com
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 7:53 AM
Subject: FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
TO: Benjamin Fulford
DATE: Oct. 5, 2009
SUBJECT: Question
Dear Benjamin Fulford:
Can you help us understand the meaning behind your recent statement that Oct. 7 and Oct. 27 were very important dates?
Is it…
Added by jose v on October 10, 2009 at 12:24am —
----- Original Message -----
From: SM
Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2009 1:21 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
Casper is fooling you big time - have you not heard of backy-forthy?
The idea that the Queen would refer to Americans, who have been independent for 230+ years, as her "subjects" is so ludicrous as to be childish.
Does not his constant bashing of Obama ring alarm bells with…
Added by jose v on October 10, 2009 at 12:22am —
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Kabacy"
Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2009 12:36 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
Casper Indicates that the Queen is here in Washington Dc talking with Obama. But, checking on many news fronts, not one of them indicated they knew this to be true. They all indicated that this would be front page news if she did arrive, even if it were meant to be under cover.…
Added by jose v on October 10, 2009 at 12:17am —
1 Comment
I think it is a good learning experience this Friday (happy birthday John Lennon!).
With Barack Obama's controversial Nobel Peace Prize win and the bombing of the moon, the Netiverse has been abuzz with furious activity that swung from either extreme end of any thinkable viewpoints. We can only imagine the amount of negative energy that we have released into the atmosphere and perpetuated onto the Internet. Personally, I felt pissed off, disappointed, amused, mocking... My thoughts…
Added by RL on October 9, 2009 at 12:27pm —
1 Comment
Maybe someone can ask Richard Hoagland if he recalls the mention of an "operation against the moon," not just once but twice, by General Richard Myers, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, during a news briefing with Defense Secretary Rumsfeld on August 7, 2002. Was it a joke, or a slip of the tongue, or making a coded reference, or was Myers just using an interesting analogy?
Rumsfeld mentioned it a few times again during a news briefing on…
Added by jose v on October 9, 2009 at 12:15pm —
1 Comment
Added by Ravi Raju on October 9, 2009 at 11:54am —
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I had a reader email me wanting to know, for himself and his son, why we were really going to the moon. I personally heard a spokeswoman for NASA say that it will be great when the astronauts won’t have to carry water on their missions, to paraphrase. Oh please…..So I have given this great question some thought and just maybe have an explanation.
I am no expert on astrology nor astronomy. But, I would like to present this bit of information as a suggestion as to the reason for the…
Added by jose v on October 9, 2009 at 11:50am —
1 Comment
I woke up today with this thought in mind. We have been noticing lately that Earthquakes are occurring all over the ring of fire, it is as if the entire Earth is rocking waiting for that immanent quake to shake it all up, for a rock, rattle and roll battle. We must also realize that we have had a full moon which in some circles believes it actually exerts pressure in the gravitational pull of the Earth literally creating the symptoms that can cause quakes.
Now let's take this a bit…
Added by jose v on October 9, 2009 at 11:47am —
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Partial Patriot Act Extension Is Approved by Senate Panel
By Ellen Nakashima and Carrie Johnson
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, October 9, 2009
The Senate Judiciary Committee approved a bill Thursday that would renew portions of the USA Patriot Act in an effort to address administration concerns about protecting terrorism investigations.
But several Democrats and civil liberties advocates said the legislation would do little to strengthen privacy…
Added by jose v on October 9, 2009 at 11:44am —
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Added by Capt. Gomez on October 9, 2009 at 11:42am —
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Pandora's suitcase opened in front of Obama. Piles of incriminating documents displayed. Speaking in presence of multiple witnesses, US President issues personal death threats to legal authorities. $38 trillion (thirty eight trillion US Dollars) missing from US Treasury.
The criminal overclass within the constitutionally unlawful Washington DC private corporation is being cornered by due process of US and international law. More about Pandora's suitcase…
Added by jose v on October 9, 2009 at 2:02am —
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Fixing their global financial messes drives Illuminati frenetic. Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and Prince Charles of England travel to Ontario, Canada, for secret financial deals. Queen Beatrix’s eldest son and Prince Philip (Consort of Queen of England) go to Tokyo to verify a $2.13 trillion dollar bond issued by the Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi. And Queen Elizabeth II of England secretly goes to Washington DC to confront her subject and agent, Barack Obama, with his lies, embezzlements and…
Added by jose v on October 9, 2009 at 1:53am —
1 Comment
The Fourth Kind Universal Release: 11/06/2009
In 1972, a scale of measurement was established for alien encounters. When a UFO is sighted, it is called an encounter of the first kind. When evidence is collected, it is known as an…
Added by jose v on October 9, 2009 at 12:25am —
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They are calling these probes LCROSS: I was listrening to the Reverse speech from Ken Welch talking about how the Astronauts, Aldrin and Armstrong revealed about a group called LUMEN, or Lumenata that were stationed on the moon. It was stated that this could refer to LU MEN or LUNAR MEN. Welch discusses the possibility that we were at war back in the 60's with this group that was already on the moon, and evidently had superior power. Thus according to this Welch, we lost the war, and were…
Added by jose v on October 9, 2009 at 12:20am —
Is NASA bombing the moon to find water? Or are they bombing the moon to destroy the Moon Base.
What is this moon base, who put it there and why is NASA bombing it?
Tune in to Rayedio RMN tomorrow to find out.
Where to observe the impacts go to this page.
I'll be watching on NASA TV
Watch from the comfort of your living room. Live…
Added by jose v on October 9, 2009 at 12:17am —
Scientists at the Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease (GICD) have traced the evolution of the four-chambered human heart to a common genetic factor linked to the development of hearts in turtles and other reptiles.
The research, published in the September 3 issue of the journal Nature, shows how a specific protein that turns on genes is involved in heart formation in turtles, lizards and humans.
"This is the first genetic link to the evolution of two, rather than…
Added by jose v on October 9, 2009 at 12:11am —
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