Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

How to Develope Compassion ~ The KEY to Loving Kindness

Trust Believe~ Love and above All ~ Smile ~ No Matter What ~ Because You ARE ~ LOVE~
in Truth That is ~ALL~ YOU ARE


How to Develope Compassion ~ The KEY to Loving Kindness

What is compassion? It's part of living a good life. It's what truly connects us to others. It helps us understand their points of view, notice their suffering, and become sensitive to what they really need in moments of difficulty.

Yet to live a truly compassionate life, we must give ourselves the same gift of loving kindness. True love and compassion go hand in hand. "Compassion is inseparable from love,"
"Often, spirit guides say that one of the main goals of being human is to develop compassion and unconditional love."

Compassion is the ability to walk in another person's shoes. It is a true capacity to see others and their circumstances for what they are. "It is the understanding that if we look at another with a spiritual eye, we can embrace their best path without interference or judgment. We must have the strength to allow our loved ones to go through whatever is best for them and wishing and seeing the Highest OUTcome for ALL."

Compassion clearly is not attempting to "fix" someone, or taking their well-being on as some sort of project. We don't want to smother them with sympathy or petty kindnesses, or attempt to buy their happiness. Intrinsic to compassion is the understanding that we may feel the need to alleviate another person's suffering, but we cannot do for them what they must do for themselves. Instead, the best we may be able to do at times could be to simply listen, or be there with them - even if it's just as an ear at the other end of a phone line.

"Compassion, for most, is an acquired trait,". It often comes with age and life experience, but some never do learn the lessons of compassion that come through life's interactions.

The key to teaching compassion is to practice it yourself, - as an example and encouragement to others to be as open, loving and kind as possible.

Be merciful with yourself, as well. Many are way too hard on themselves, usually due to a habit of thinking too much. To turn this around, get out of your head and into the body - the heart and the solar plexus, in particular, or the third and fourth chakras. When one does this and then asks a questions that one is pondering on, one can answer and be very different: kinder and much more compassionate, toward themselves and toward others as well.

The wonderful thing about compassion, is that people pick up on it easily and gratefully. And doesn't one simple act of kindness and compassion make the world a better place?

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Comment by Alex of New Human New Earth on December 4, 2009 at 8:56pm
Excellent...well this...TY! ;)

Azlinn :)

Happy Holidays...Much Love and Many Blessings!
Azlinn ;)

SoE Visitors



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